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Manipulate Energy To Achieve Your Desires

You are the creator of your reality and the decider of your life's purpose.

By Susie PinonPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

I try to live each day with the realization that I am the creator of my reality. I am not one to believe that destiny has been planned for us before we are even conceived. I feel that we decide our life's path, for better or for worse through our journey of self-exploration. With each choice we make, whether a large one or insignificant, we are paving the way for our future selves.

And I firmly believe that we are constantly attracting experiences, people, and circumstances into our life. Based on the vibrations we put out into the world and the choices our logic and emotions lead us to make, we are creators.

By acknowledging full responsibility for whether I succeed or fail, I maintain momentum and motivation in my day-to-day endeavors. I tirelessly remind myself to utilize intuitive messages of guidance toward my heart's desires. I trust my gut feelings about any circumstance or person above anything else. My intuition is never wrong.

I want you to know that the choice is always yours. You are a co-creator of your reality. We must keep a clear head to give complete focus to our heart's wants and needs.

Learn to utilize the power of intentional thinking (no matter who it's intended for) and inner work. And by exercising practices like visualizations, affirmations and mantras, and deep breathing, perhaps you can finally have the life you have always desired. It can't hurt to try, right?

Listen to The Power of Prayer in the author's voice:

The Power Of Prayer

When we pray to a higher power, we have faith stirring viciously inside of us with an eternal passion. We believe the almighty creator(s) we honor will grant us with an abundance of everything we could ever dream of. We believe that with loyalty, honor, and respect of this higher power, the creator of all(depending on your beliefs), that anything is possible with prayer.

We have seen prayer grant miracles. This perpetuates the ideology of divine intervention. We rely on prayer as if it is a magic tool (which it is when done properly.) We have evolved into a society where the majority takes prayer so seriously and so profoundly, that we believe that with enough prayer, anything is possible.

Is it possible that most of us could be praying the wrong way?

I am not religious. I am spiritual. My type of prayer is a bit different from say a Christian, for example. This is because when I pray, it isn't directed to Jesus or another entity by name. I pray to the Universe and cosmos as one because that is what I believe in. I practice the law of attraction, which is based on the idea that strong intentions can be met with timely responses and gifts from our Universe.

Emotional prayer filled with gratitude should focus on all you have received, are receiving, and will be receiving. This is especially true when focusing on something that hasn't happened yet.

When you pray, refrain from phrasing your words through the lens of desperation. This will only attract more of what you're sending out - lack. Exude confidence and faith in what you wish for. Be frank and specific as possible. Hold your thoughts in your mind's eye with genuine trust that it will happen, and then release your thoughts to your entity of choice. Try your best to leave your request in God's hands.


When utilizing tactics like a visualization of what you want, your mind can't recall if it's a memory of something that happened or something you are perhaps trying to think into existence. By visualizing a future version of yourself, you are telling your mind that it must be so.

When we visualize it's important to be calm and preferably in an uplifted mood. Close your eyes and daydream in detail, as if it is a memory you are recalling. If you are working towards a long-term goal, visualizations each night will help you greatly.

And if you feel called to, perhaps you can create a vision board with specific pictures and affirmations that you see and read each day. Maybe you put a certain phrase on your bathroom mirror so it's one of the first things you see in the morning and the last things you see at night. You could even try changing the background on your phone to the thing you want since most people tend to view their phones often.

Using Affirmations & Sending Requests

After practicing visualizations, you should have a clearly defined picture of your want in your mind. Now you can work on tailoring the perfect affirmations. Be sure to use clear and concise I am present-tense statements. Accept that what you want is already present and that you already have it. Avoid overthinking. Don't dwell on it. You cannot trick the Universe. You must leave all resistance behind.

When you decide what you desire, come up with a specifically worded request to send out to the cosmos, regardless of how unrealistic or grandeur it may seem to you. Prepare your affirmation, and FEEL it. Evoke the feelings from deep within you that you have it already. Bring out the excitement or relief you anticipate having when you get this thing. Avoid using words like "don't" and "not." The Universe is not biased and can only recognize the frequency you send out.

If you claim with passion aloud or silently, "I don't want to be sick anymore," you are unintentionally focusing on sickness and therefore attracting more of that to you. You could try phrasing the same idea like, "I am so grateful for my wonderful health. I feel the best I have ever felt physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you _______.(God, Jesus, Universe, Source, whatever resonates with you.)"


The hardest part is feeling that we have something we want before we get it.

When you phrase a request like this and choose to release it into the vibrational field of the Universe with no strings attached, your demand must be granted, just as you asked for it. It is a universal law - just like gravity. It is based on the quantum law of attraction or the law of energy.

It's vital that after making a request, you hold no resistance to it. This is the hardest part because when we want something, we want it, and it may feel impossible to turn off our passion behind it. But when we do this, we send out feelings of lack with our request.

We often crave the wants and needs we are lacking to the point of obsession. This is especially true if it should be in regards to something monumental like health or finances. It is tremendously challenging to hold no resistance and release it into the Universe as a neutral request. But you must.

This is why we practice simple visualizations and affirmations by first sending simple requests out with no resistance. An example of this will be, "I will be offered a lollipop in the next few days." You should imagine what the lollipop looks like, feels like, smells like, and of course, tastes like - just for a moment. Imagine this lollipop in as much detail as possible.

And then send it off. You needn't think about it again. I know, it sounds stupid. But it will teach you the feeling you must associate with requests that have proven to grant your wishes. And when that random lollipop you asked for comes out of nowhere, you will be reminded of your request. Perhaps you will become less skeptical of the whole idea and move on to bigger requests.

When sending out a request, you must either assume it already to be true, or faithfully trust it is already in the works. If you want, you can play with a combination of these two patterns of thought. You must let it go and release feelings of want. If you forget about your request, you can be sure you have no resistance to it.

Tie visualization into this as a regular practice, as often as you want. It will help your subconscious mind to believe your request is a reality.

It's important to have clear intentions. I cannot stress this enough. Without them, you will receive unclear results. Want a job? What kind, how much money will you earn, where is it located, and what kind of boss do you have? Include things as small as what you will wear to this new job, to future promotions you will receive. This practice not only makes the request clearer but helps you to subconsciously believe it's true. It moves the entire process along to happen faster.

You must maintain a positive state about your intentions. You must match the positive vibration of your desires. Focus on the feeling of getting what you want. Match this vibration in your day-to-day living. Become more aware of mood shifts you may experience during the day. Gently move back to positivity whenever you feel yourself drifting into sour habits. Be the vibration you desire to attract. You are always manipulating energy. Remember that.

Deep Breathing

Rest and breathe deep, diaphragmatic breaths for at least five minutes each day. This will help clear your mind and potentially lift your spirits. In turn, this will help you be more receptive to energy. Ideally, you can practice this first thing in the morning and again in the evening before you hit the pillow. I prefer to close my eyes to diminish all possible distractions. When I first began this practice, I would fall asleep often. For this reason, sitting up helps me remain alert while I'm relaxing. Find what works for you.

Inhale and hold for five seconds, and then exhale and empty your stomach for five seconds once more. It is something seemingly trivial that truly makes a difference when managing conflicts, small annoyances, or even big decision-making in life. Most importantly, it helps dissipate past emotional baggage to make way for new requests. It's like a magic pill that lacks side effects and costs nothing. It's simply the power of your breath.

With that, I hope you found value in a few extraordinary yet simple tactics that may help you achieve all that you desire in life.

Xo, Susie


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About the Creator

Susie Pinon

Italian chick with a New Yorker attitude. Free-spirited, eclectic by nature, vegan. I'm fueled by my passion for the art of words. I'm addicted to chocolate + love to heal through the sun's rays. Let's talk words

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