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Have You Ever Thought to Yourself Before Going to Sleep?

The Desire for Change

By Amit KumarPublished 11 months ago 4 min read


Every night, as we lie in bed, a surge of motivation often fills our minds. We envision a better version of ourselves, promising to make positive changes and embrace new habits. However, transforming into the best version of ourselves requires more than just wishful thinking. In this article, we will explore the process of personal transformation, the formation of habits, and the popular notion that change can occur within a mere 21 days. Let's dive in and understand how we can truly become the best version of ourselves.

1. The Desire for Change

1.1 The Urge for Personal Growth

As we reflect on our lives, there comes a point when we yearn for personal growth and improvement. We aspire to be healthier, more successful, and happier. This desire for change often emerges before we drift off to sleep, as we envision a brighter future and set intentions for the next day.

1.2 Embracing New Habits

To achieve the best version of ourselves, we must adopt new habits that align with our goals. These habits should replace old, unproductive ones that hinder our progress. While change doesn't come easily, it is essential to incorporate certain practices into our lives that gradually lead us towards our desired transformation.

2. The Myth of the 21-Day Habit Formation

The notion that it takes exactly 21 days to form a new habit or eliminate an old one is widely popular. However, this concept is a myth that has been perpetuated for years. Let's explore its origins and debunk its validity.

2.1 Dr. Maxwell Maltz and the 21-Day Theory

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon in the 1950s, observed that his patients took approximately 21 days to adapt to physical changes resulting from surgeries. He published his observations in a book that gained immense popularity, leading people to believe that the same principle applied to habit formation.

2.2 The Appeal of the Number 21

The number 21 holds a certain appeal due to its association with a short yet challenging timeframe. It is long enough to be believable as a transformative period but not so long as to discourage individuals from attempting change. The allure of quick and effortless transformation made the 21-day theory widely accepted.

3. The Reality of Habit Formation

While the 21-day theory may sound appealing, forming new habits or discarding old ones is a more intricate process that varies for each individual. Let's explore the factors that influence habit formation and understand the realistic timeline for change.

3.1 Complexity of Goals

The complexity of a goal plays a significant role in the time required to form a new habit. Simple habits, such as incorporating daily fruit consumption, may take less time to establish compared to acquiring complex skills like mastering a tennis serve. The intricacy of the desired habit impacts the duration of habit formation.

3.2 Behavior Consistency

The consistency of behavior affects the speed at which a habit is acquired. The duration and frequency of engaging in a particular behavior determine how quickly it becomes ingrained. Consistency, coupled with repetition, reinforces the habit-forming process.

3.3 The Study by Philippa Lally

Psychologist Philippa Lally conducted a notable study titled "How Are Habits Formed?" The study tracked 96 individuals over 12 weeks as they worked on developing new habits. The results showed that the time required to form a habit ranged

3.4 Commitment and Persistence

The key to successfully forming new habits lies in commitment and persistence. Regardless of the time frame, it is essential to begin taking action today. Once you embark on the journey of change, maintaining the new habit becomes crucial. Incorporate it into your daily schedule, set reminders, and create an environment that supports your goals. Remember, perfection is not necessary, and making occasional mistakes does not undo your progress. Embrace the process and focus on making gradual improvements.

4. The Path to Personal Transformation

While the duration of habit formation may vary, what truly matters is your determination and dedication to personal growth. Change is not always easy or straightforward, but with consistent effort and the right mindset, any habit can be reshaped.

4.1 Embrace the Journey

To become the best version of yourself, commit to the journey of self-improvement. Embrace the fact that change takes time and effort. Instead of rushing into radical transformations, focus on making small, sustainable improvements in various aspects of your life.

4.2 Stay Committed to the Process

Maintaining a new habit requires discipline and perseverance. Incorporate the habit into your daily routine, even when motivation wanes. By consistently practicing the desired behavior, you allow it to become second nature.

4.3 Emphasize Tiny Improvements

Instead of pressuring yourself to achieve instant and drastic changes, focus on making incremental progress. Celebrate small victories along the way, as they contribute to long-term transformation. By embracing tiny improvements, you build momentum and create lasting change.


In conclusion, the popular belief that habits can be formed or changed within a fixed 21-day period is a myth. Habit formation depends on various factors, including goal complexity, behavior consistency, and individual circumstances. Research suggests that habit formation can take anywhere from two to eight months, with an average of 66 days. The key lies in commitment, persistence, and embracing the process of personal transformation. Remember, change is a journey, and by starting today and making consistent efforts, you can become the best version of yourself.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How long does it take to form a new habit? Habit formation varies for each person but typically ranges from two to eight months.

2. Is the 21-day habit formation theory accurate? No, the 21-day theory is a popular misconception. Habit formation is a more complex process that requires time and consistency.

3. What factors affect habit formation? The complexity of the goal and the consistency of behavior are key factors that influence the speed of habit formation.

4. How can I stay committed to forming new habits? Maintain a dedicated mindset, incorporate the habit into your daily routine, and create a supportive environment.

5. Is it necessary to be perfect when forming new habits? No, making occasional mistakes does not derail your progress. Focus on consistent effort and gradual improvement rather than perfection.

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About the Creator

Amit Kumar

I am a writer who explores the intricacies of human emotions and the wonders of life through captivating narratives. Join me on a journey of imagination, reflection, and inspiration. Let's create magic with words.

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