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Dear Me In The Future

Mini ramblings about drinking water, jobs, and the uncertain mindset

By Kayanerse Published about a year ago 3 min read
Dear Me In The Future
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Dear me in the future,

How is it coming along? Are you constantly drinking water from your large flask that's always following you wherever you go because you're concerned for your health (a.k.a hydration levels LOL). If you're not drinking enough water (as I've convinced myself at one point), then you're losing out on a lot of health benefits that could possibly increase your chances of becoming the ultimate perfect human being that could pursue the things that you set out to do with full energy because healthy hydration -> more healthy -> more energy levels -> ability to pursue the things that I set out do! right?

Tbh, this is a ramble written out of the need to talk about the uncertainty of my limited career options (given the tech lay offs, hiring freezes, and me having not as much professional real world experience to land an entry level job which by the way has around some x years of experience requirements such as the 3+ years of experience. WHICH LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE CUZ I'M A GRAD STUDENT, RIGHT?). Think about it, how can you get the job if you don't have experience? So now you're thinking "okay, well...go get the experience lmao". So you go get experience to get the job but then how on earth do you get the experience if you need prior job experience for this experience???. It's a whole thought loop which I don't intend to go down forever! Do you not see where this is going? It sounds pretty ridiculous. I know, *sigh* I know. But you know what, It's okay to feel this way. It's okay to see that even life has its own natural obstacles. And its perfectly fine to feel this way. I'm pretty sure you're confused right now to see me type this stuff out like this, but again and like I said "I'm writing to you a.k.a my future self".

I'm doing this in hopes of looking back one day to see why I ever thought this way. Why I ever felt insecure about being unemployed. Why I had to ever write a whole rambling in an online article about my doubts to achieve a goal I set out to achieve such as getting a job in my line of work in tech but never achieved it till date (and probably its because I never had a way of tracking it so I don't really know whether I achieved it or not but I don't have a tech job so that means I haven't achieved the goal, right? right??!!. Because by the time my future self reads this again. He will have achieved his fitness goals so that he would be strong enough to protect his loved ones. He would have become strongly financially independent so that he and his big family can retire early on in life and not have to worry about being uncertain again or about his own finances. And lastly, he and his family will get the chance to give back to their community, the impoverished people in need, and eventually, the world through education (seeking of knowledge), and an introduction to a strong hearted mindset: the uncertain mindset.

Since this is my first article, I realized that I have to meet the minimum 600 word count so here's something more to add *giggles* okay that was so cringe tbh. I'm never saying giggles again omg.

*moves away from computer*

*sips some water from flask*

*thinks about the next article to write to my future self or something along those lines haha*

*proceeds to go take a scheduled interview*


Stay lovely, stay awesome, and 'Til next time ;)

- Kayanerse

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