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An Unexpected Phone Call

When people just know you, and the joy that brings

By Rachel DeemingPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - November 2023
An Unexpected Phone Call
Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

There is nothing more joyous than starting your day in the right way. I don't have work today but I do have a mammogram later, which I don't think anyone will ever say is something to look forward to. However, I am not the sort of person to let the prospect of an uncomfortable boob squashing set the tone of her day as this appointment is just a part of it.

But I'm not writing to share that nugget.

I am sitting here in my kitchen looking out while I type this. It is bright here in Britain today, crisp and cooler as Autumn continues to strip Nature of its cosy coatings. My garden has lost its sheltered status, previously provided by the canopy and instead is exposed. The ground is a mess - leaves strewn and discarded and blurring the edges of borders with their random spread.

One good thing about the trees being bare is that I can see the little birds more, flitting to the feeders, like small pocket rockets and I can see the sky easily. I can see other houses too, which is not as gratifying but as with everything, there is good and bad.

It is a beautiful morning, made more so because of the lack of rain and grey but more than that, it has been made good by an unexpected phone call.

I was pottering about the house, having just seen my eldest off to catch his school bus with the usual cries of "Have you got...?" and "Do you have...?", listing off the usual items that get forgotten: homework, lunch, lanyard to get on campus, bus pass.

And then the door closed and my thoughts turned to the stuff I have to do before the school run for my other son.

It had not been long before my phone began to rumble: the vibration before the shrill ring tone kicks in. My immediate thought was "Oh no! What has he forgotten?" A mother's curse.

But it was nothing like that:


"Yes. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Um, you need to get your shoes on quickly."

"Why? What's up?"

"Nothing. Just get your shoes on and come out of the house."

"Why? Is it the hedgehog?"

{Recent sightings of the hedgehog had caused much excitement especially as photographic evidence of previous sightings was provided}

"Just get your shoes on, come out and look back. You'll see."

"Do I need to stay on the line?"

"No. Just be quick."

And so, I did as I was asked.

I was rewarded.

A beautiful virgin dawn. Lean clouds breaking pink and streaked across a pale blue sky, highlighted by the light enough to give them a presence but not lose their shadow.


I stood and drank it up and the warmth I felt not only from the sight but also the thoughtfulness that led me here to view it imbued me with a gladness to be there, in that moment; to be alive and with the people who share that life with me. This has to be contentment.

On my way back into the house, I called my son:

"Hey, Mumma."

"Hey. Thanks."

"You're welcome.'

"Have a good day."

"See you later."


Nothing special there and yet, it was an exchange built on love: the knowledge that we had shared something together which was beautiful and I would remember this; and the thanks to him which acknowledged the act, that he followed the impulse to make sure that I had seen it because he knew that it would make me happy.

It's in the small stuff always where love can be found. But the love itself is never small.


I wrote a poem about the small stuff and I am utterly convinced about how much the gestures, the kind words, the compliments and courtesies matter, and like The Butterfly Effect, they can build a momentum of their own and become a swirling mass of collected loveliness.

If you would like to read it, the link is here:

Thanks for stopping by! If you read this, please leave a comment as I do love to interact with my readers.


About the Creator

Rachel Deeming

Storyteller. Poet. Reviewer. Traveller.

I love to write. Check me out in the many places where I pop up:


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Comments (31)

  • Julygwynet8 months ago

    This is a great story. I enjoyed this story. If you want to read my story then visit this link

  • Julygwynet8 months ago

    This is a great story. I enjoyed this story. If you want to read my story then visit this link

  • Mackenzie Davis8 months ago

    Wow, this is so not what I was expecting to read, Rachel, but it was beautiful, just lovely. My heart feels simultaneously full with your son's obvious down-to-earth love for you, and empty, for I do not have that and want it. What a gorgeous window into a small fraction of your life. Thank you for this. 💗

  • Andrei Z.8 months ago

    Yes, this small stuff, these seemingly insignificant moments are the best ones!

  • Dana Crandell8 months ago

    A wonderful story, Rachel. It really is the little things that matter.

  • Jay Kantor8 months ago

    Dear RD; aka the best ‘Mum’ ever — I wish you ‘Nugget’- Less — JB

  • Absolutely love this reminder. Keeping our eyes on the simplicity life delivers. ❤️❤️

  • Gerald Holmes8 months ago

    Just beautiful. You are so right, love is in the little things not the grand gestures, Congrats on the Top Story

  • Global shows8 months ago

    These are all good ideas I hope they are followed

  • Syeda Umama8 months ago

    Artful expression

  • Phil Flannery8 months ago

    That was a lovely moment you had with your son. I'm very glad you shared it with us.

  • D. J. Reddall8 months ago

    This is quite a remarkable narrative, in terms of form as well as content. After all, you were under no obligation to include a festival of alliteration in the second paragraph: it comes across as modest, natural and utterly without guile or pretense, which is perfectly consistent with the character (the tastes and predilections, the ideas of what constitutes virtue--filial piety, selflessness and aesthetic sensitivity rank highly) of the narrator. This isn't mere autobiography or a touching rumination on the magnanimity of a son who knows his parent will be fortified and nourished by an unexpected eruption of beauty. You have made literature of life, if you will forgive me for a slightly precious turn of phrase.

  • Tiffany Gordon 8 months ago

    Beautiful work!

  • NS 8 months ago

    congratulations on your top story

  • Babs Iverson8 months ago

    Awesome!!! Love this!!!1❤️❤️💕

  • Awww, your son is the sweetest, most thoughtful boy ever! I loved reading this! Congratulations on your Top Story!

  • J. S. Wade8 months ago

    What a beautiful moment! And the sky was a bonus! Well written and wonderfullly expressed Rachel. Congratulations on Top Sory.

  • Grz Colm8 months ago

    Whoop Whoop! Hahaha. Back to say well done and congrats on another top story! 😁 Have a good one!! 😊

  • So deserving of Top Story… Wonderful combination of: a ‘necessary evil’ (mammogram), chaotic start to school/work day and the delightful blessing of a loved one sharing a gorgeous sunrise. Thanks.

  • Cathy holmes8 months ago

    Beautiful words, and what a thoughtful thing congrats on the TS

  • Novel Allen8 months ago

    What a lovely thoughtful child, I have a nature lover too who finds joy in the trees, sky and nature. Cherish them. Congrts on TS

  • The Dani Writer8 months ago

    Such a pivotal point in time! Those are the magic moments that make life go "YESSSS!" Glad you experienced this and thought to share it. Congratulations on the top story!

  • Donna Fox (HKB)8 months ago

    This was such a wholesome moment for you to document/ share with us!! I love it and the whole thing left me feeling gratitude for those special little moments you got to share with your son! Just breath taking! Also congrats on Top Story!

  • Donna Renee8 months ago

    Well that made me smile and tear up too 🥰🥰🥰

Rachel DeemingWritten by Rachel Deeming

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