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A Mission In Life Is Not Merely To Survive.

What Is Your mission

By umer aliPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A Mission In Life Is Not Merely To Survive.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

A Mission In Life Is Not Merely To Survive, But To Thrive ~ Hans J. Meinertzhagen Posted on January 2, 2014 by kahefleisch We've all been born of parents that had a mission in life.

It may have been to survive, but it also may have been to stand up against the oppression of one's day, or to fight for a better life for everyone.

Whatever it is you need to do, be a great witness of Christ's love, and one day people will know who you are.

But when they do, you will have fulfilled your mission, because your life will be richly fulfilled.

Those are the stories we would all like to hear about - not the ones where they came back after the war or worked in the mines for the rest of their lives.

I would love to hear the great successes, not the small ones where they had to struggle with their health or their finances or health and the finances.

I would like to hear about people like that the most.

But in the real world of the world, survival is not enough.

All our lives, there are lessons to be learned.

It doesn't matter if we live in a developing country or a wealthy nation, because learning lessons is part of our missions, whether we call it an assignment or a goal, or a life path.

The one thing that all our lives have in common, whether rich or poor, is that we must all learn lessons in some form or another, and without learning lessons, our lives will be shallow, not life - ful.

We need to be pushed to grow and expand, to stretch our abilities, to see what we are made of.

We need to make mistakes, because that is how we learn.

We need to fight for what we believe in, and even if we lose, at least we were willing to fight, even if we lost.

We need to face our fears, and overcome them, because they are there for a reason.

If we cannot go through them, then we cannot accomplish anything great.

We must make mistakes, and admit them, and admit that we are human and that we aren't perfect and we need God to help us and to forgive us when we hurt someone.

We all have a mission, which is different for every person.

Some people want to teach.

Some want to get married and raise a family.

Some want to provide for their families, or to help others.

Some people, when they are ready, want to reach for the stars.

We all have a job to do, and most of the time we only realize that it's a mission when we are in the middle of it, when it's over.

"Give me the child until he is seven years old, and I'll show you the man," said the old Magi to the Wise Men, and they had no other question to ask but, "And where is he?"

With that, they were off again, their long trip bringing them to the place in the road where they were now told they would find the child.

Then turn me loose, for I have one more mission to do before I am through.

And if it is a failure, then at least I will have tried."

- Nathan (Little Lord Fauntleroy)

We're in the midst of a busy year, but I have finally gotten my calendar set up for the coming year.

I do this usually by going through and choosing the most important "missions," and then I use the grid to write the events on the days when they are most likely to happen.


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umer ali

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