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30 Days For Changing Your Life

A Journey of Growth

By LianaAbryPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Exactly one year ago today, a brilliant idea struck me—to embark on a year-long journey of self-development through twelve 30-day experiments. This adventure would be filled with practices I had neglected, put off, or hadn't even considered before. My goal was not to stick with all these habits for an entire year, but rather to explore new possibilities and push myself beyond my comfort zone. Let me tell you, this journey taught me a lot. I stumbled and fell many times, but I also experienced immense growth. So, I quit sugar, took cold showers, woke up at 5:00 AM every day, meditated for an hour, journaled, and attempted to build three habits simultaneously. Through these trials, I discovered a sense of well-being I hadn't felt in years. I even quit caffeine, which I had contemplated for a while, and it felt liberating.

However, I must clarify that one experiment mentioned was just a humorous anecdote. I never tried meth; it was a joke shared by Captain Sinbad, a content creator I admire.

Although my experiments were primarily driven by self-improvement, it was heartwarming to witness thousands of you engaging in similar experiments, sharing your progress, and collectively learning how to face new challenges, build habits, and push yourselves to achieve seemingly insurmountable feats.

As the year winds down and I approach the end of my last 30-day experiment, I reflect on all I've learned—the good, the bad, and the lessons from my own mistakes. My vision for the upcoming year is to channel these experiences into an actionable course that can potentially help others change their lives. If you're interested, sign up for my newsletter to stay informed.

Looking back, I distinctly remember contemplating whether I was overcommitting myself with twelve consecutive 30-day experiments. Eventually, I decided to dive in, embracing the unknown challenges that lay ahead. My advice to anyone considering a similar journey is not to overthink things. Take that initial spark of motivation and inspiration, and just get started. You will figure out the challenges as you encounter them. Trust the process.

One significant lesson I learned was about habit change. In the beginning, I naively thought I could adopt twelve new habits throughout the year, but that proved unrealistic. Instead, focusing on one habit at a time proved more effective. For me, exercise, healthy eating, and working on my business were the most transformative habits. They triggered a ripple effect, positively impacting other areas of my life.

Interestingly, the three habits most recommended by you were waking up at 5:00 AM, intermittent fasting, and daily journaling. While these worked wonders for some, I realized that they didn't have the same impact on me. This experience emphasized that success is not a one-size-fits-all formula; it depends on individual preferences, circumstances, and personalities.

Undoubtedly, some experiments were more challenging than others. For instance, waking up at 5:00 AM didn't work for me I struggled with maintaining consistency and felt it disrupted my sleep schedule and overall productivity. This experiment taught me the importance of prioritizing my well-being and embracing flexibility when needed.

One valuable aspect of some experiments, like cold showers and quitting caffeine, was deprivation. By voluntarily removing certain elements from my life, I gained a greater appreciation for them and built resilience. This experience highlighted that strength is born from embracing weaknesses and persevering through discomfort.

Throughout the year, I faced moments of failure and pressure to maintain perfection. This pressure was often self-imposed, driven by a desire to make impressive videos and to follow the "right" path. Learning to manage my high expectations and not being too hard on myself when things didn't go as planned was a significant challenge. Embracing failure and self-compassion were essential lessons in this journey.

Though my initial goal was to complete twelve experiments, I fell one short, ending with eleven. But this is not a failure; it's an opportunity to explore what truly resonates with me. Some habits stuck with me beyond the 30-day period, like quitting sugar, meditating, and meticulously scheduling my day. These are the habits that genuinely impacted my life positively.

As I move forward, I'll likely continue experimenting with a few 30-day challenges. However, I won't be as ambitious as I was this past year. It was an exhausting experience, and I've learned that life isn't about constantly pushing myself to extremes. It's about finding a balance that works for me.

I want to express my gratitude to all of you who have been part of this journey, supporting and engaging with my content. Your positive feedback and encouragement have been truly overwhelming. I hope my experiences have been helpful to you in your own journey of self-discovery and growth.

In closing, if you have any ideas for experiments or insights about habit change, please share them in the comments. I cherish the opportunity to learn from you as well. Take care!

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Welcome to my world of words, where imagination knows no bounds and stories come to life with every stroke of the pen. My purpose is to ignite a passion for reading, learning, and exploring new perspectives.

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