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Understanding the Impact of Stress on Your Health

You'll need to, sooner or later.

By Maxeleus NumastoPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Understanding the Impact of Stress on Your Health
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash


Stress causes a natural reaction in most people when confronted with challenges or overwhelming circumstances. This initiates a multi-layered chemical response that permeates our entire body. Though beneficial in the short term, prolonged or frequent activation of the stress response can yield harmful effects on our health and well-being. In our modern society, there is a strong need to understand the various impacts of stress on bodily organs and systems, while comprehending stress management strategies to alleviate such instances.

The Role of Stress Hormones

Upon perceiving stress, the body's adrenal glands release a cocktail of stress hormones. Examples include cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline), and norepinephrine. These chemical messengers travel through the bloodstream, exerting influence on the heart and blood vessels. Adrenaline and norepinephrine heighten heart rate and blood pressure, potentially leading to hypertension in the long run. On the other hand, cortisol can disrupt the normal functioning of the endothelium (the inner lining of blood vessels) and thereby increasing the risk of atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the artery walls). These will inevitably lead to a higher chance of a stroke or heart attack.

By Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

The Brain-Gut Connection

The brain communicates stress to the gastrointestinal system through the autonomic nervous system (part of the nervous system that controls involuntary processes like heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestion). This can lead to disturbances in the rhythmic contractions that move food through the stomach, causing irritable bowel syndrome and increased sensitivity to stomach acid, and may result in acid reflux. Stress can also alter the composition and effectiveness of the beneficial gut bacteria, affecting digestion and overall health.

Stress and Your Physique

Chronic stress also can exert an impact on dietary behaviors and weight. Cortisol can increase your appetite, causing cravings for energy-dense foods and carbohydrates in snacks and desserts. These are well-known as comfort foods during times of stress. Elevated cortisol levels can contribute to the accumulation of visceral or deep abdominal fat, which is linked to an increased susceptibility to chronic ailments such as heart disease and insulin resistance.

By Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Stress and Immune Function

Stress hormones have a pivotal role in regulating immune cell activity. Initially aiding in priming the body to combat intruders and facilitate post-injury healing, chronic stress can render certain immune cells feeble, heightening susceptibility to infections and slowing down the healing process.

The Implications on Longevity

Chronic stress has been closely linked to accelerated aging, evidenced by the association with shortened telomeres – protective caps residing at the ends of chromosomes that diminish with each cell division. When telomeres become too short, cells lose their capacity to divide and this leads to cellular damage and aging.

By Sangharsh Lohakare on Unsplash

Other Health Effects of Stress

Beyond the aforementioned impacts, chronic stress manifests in diverse ways, affecting different facets of our well-being. Among these effects are: exacerbating skin conditions such as acne, hair loss, sexual dysfunction, migraines, muscular tension, impaired concentration, and increased fatigue and irritability.

Managing Stress for a healthy life ahead

While eradicating all stress from our lives remains an almost impossible feat, how we perceive and navigate stress significantly impacts our well-being. By regarding stress as surmountable challenges rather than threats, we can enhance short-term performance and foster good health in the long run. Introducing stress-reducing practices like regular exercise, mindfulness techniques, and immersing oneself in nature can be immensely beneficial in managing stress.

By Freddy Mishiki on Unsplash


About the Creator

Maxeleus Numasto

Loves children stories and reading them aloud to the audience with the excited twinkle in their eyes~

"One of the greatest things you'll ever learn, is that love is the foundation of humankind" - L

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