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Top 10 Common Weightlifting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Avoid these 10 mistakes to avoid stalling your progress

By SunanosPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Top 10 Common Weightlifting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash


When it comes to weightlifting, navigating through the process can be quite an adventure filled with both successes and setbacks. Whether you’re new to the gym or a seasoned regular, there are some common mistakes that you should be aware of in order to ensure progress and avoid potential injuries. Let’s take a deep dive into the ten most frequently made errors in weightlifting and discuss ways in which you can successfully avoid them for a productive and safe workout.

1. Insufficient Warm up

Mistake; Jumping straight into heavy weights without properly warming up is like attempting to run a marathon without stretching.

Solution; Always dedicate at least 10 minutes to warm up your body. Incorporate dynamic stretches that mimic the movements you’ll be doing during your workout, gradually preparing your muscles and joints for the upcoming task.

2. Compromised Form for More Weight

Mistake; Getting lured by the temptation of lifting heavier weights at the expense of maintaining proper form can lead to ineffective workouts and potential injuries.

Solution; Begin with lighter weights and focus on executing exercises with correct form. Gradually increase the weight only when you can perform each exercise flawlessly.

3. Underestimating Rest Days

Mistake; Many weightlifters, especially beginners, believe that more is better and tend to neglect taking scheduled rest days.

Solution; Remember, muscles grow during periods of rest.

Make sure to prioritize rest days in your workout routine and aim for 7 9 hours of sleep each night to optimize your recovery.

4. Not Eating Properly

The Error; Insufficient or excessive calorie intake, as well as inadequate nutrition, can hinder your progress in weightlifting.

The Solution; Maintain a well balanced diet that includes ample protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. If needed, seek guidance from a nutritionist to create a personalized meal plan aligned with your specific goals.

5. Neglecting Your Breathing

The Error; Holding your breath while lifting weights can elevate blood pressure and reduce oxygen supply to the brain.

The Solution; Practice rhythmic breathing during your workouts. Exhale during the exertion phase (when lifting the weight) and inhale during the release phase (when lowering the weight).

6. Overlooking Strength Training Progression

The Error; Sticking to the same weights and exercises for an extended period can result in reaching a plateau without further progress.

The Solution; Introduce progressive overload techniques into your training routine by gradually increasing weight, repetitions or sets over time.

7. Neglecting Certain Muscle Groups

The Error; Focusing solely on “mirror muscles” such as biceps and abs may lead to muscle imbalances that affect both appearance and increase injury risk.Here’s a revised version of the text;

The Solution; It’s important to create a well rounded workout plan that targets all major muscle groups equally.

8. Inadequate Hydration

The Mistake; Failing to drink enough water before, during and after workouts can negatively impact performance and recovery.

The Solution; Stay properly hydrated throughout the day, especially around your workout sessions. While the ideal amount may vary person to person, a good starting point is about 2 3 liters per day.

9. Lifting Too Quickly

The Mistake; Rushing through weightlifting exercises can rely more on momentum rather than engaging the muscles fully, which reduces effectiveness and increases injury risk.

The Solution; Follow a 2 2 tempo when lifting weights — take 2 seconds to lift (concentric phase) and another 2 seconds to lower (eccentric phase).

10. Not Seeking Assistance

The Mistake; Trying to figure out everything on your own, especially if you’re new to weightlifting, can lead to errors and potential injuries.

The Solution; Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from a trainer or more experienced lifter. They can provide valuable feedback on your form and offer advice based on their own experiences.


In summary, by avoiding these common mistakes in weightlifting, you’ll ensure that your journey towards strength and fitness is both safe and enjoyable. Happy lifting!


About the Creator


Unleashing the Power of Lifting and Nutrition for a Healthier You


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