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The Truth About Hip Dips: Is Training Them Necessary?

Dispelling Myths and Understanding the Controversy Surrounding Hip Dips

By Ramona FernandezPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Hip dips, also known as violin hips, are a natural feature that have become a source of controversy in recent years. Many people feel self-conscious about the appearance of hip dips and may turn to social media, fitness influencers, or cosmetic procedures in an effort to "fix" them.

In this article, we will explore the truth about hip dips, including what they are, why they have become controversial, and whether training them is necessary or even advisable. I have also included some surprising facts about Hip Dips that may change how you view them.

What are Hip Dips?

Hip dips are a natural indentation or inward curve on the outer hips that occurs below the hip bone and above the upper thigh. They are often described as a "violin" or "saddlebag" shape and can be more pronounced in some individuals than others. While hip dips have become a source of concern for some people, it's important to remember that they are a completely normal and natural aspect of the body's anatomy.

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint that connects the thigh bone to the pelvis. It is composed of several bones, including the femur (thigh bone), pelvis, and hip socket. The hip also contains several muscles, including the glutes, hip flexors, and adductors, which are responsible for movement and stability. In addition, the hip area also contains fat and connective tissue that help to cushion and protect the bones and muscles. By understanding the complex anatomy of the hip area, we can appreciate the role it plays in our overall health and mobility.

Factors that Influence the Appearance of Hip Dips

Genetics: Genetics plays a significant role in determining the shape and size of various body parts, including the hips. Some people may have wider hip bones or a more prominent pelvic bone, which can contribute to the appearance of hip dips. Additionally, the distribution of fat in the body can also be influenced by genetics, with some individuals naturally carrying more fat in the hip area.

Body weight: Changes in body weight can also impact the appearance of hip dips. This is important... When an individual gains weight, the fat cells in the hip area can expand, potentially smoothing out the appearance of hip dips. Conversely, weight loss may result in a more pronounced appearance of hip dips. However, it is important to note that attempting to alter the natural shape of the body through drastic changes in body weight can be harmful to physical and mental health.

Muscle tone: The level of muscle tone in the hip and glute area can also influence the appearance of hip dips. When the muscles in this area are weak or underdeveloped, the skin and fat overlying the muscle may appear more concave, resulting in a more pronounced appearance of hip dips. Conversely, engaging in exercises that target these muscles can help to build muscle tone and potentially reduce the appearance of hip dips.



1. It is possible for women who lift weights to have MORE accentuated hip dips. Hip dips are caused by the shape of the pelvis and the distribution of body fat around the hips and thighs, and they can be more or less noticeable depending on a person's body structure and composition. Female bodybuilders, who typically have low body fat and high muscle mass, may have more prominent hip dips because of the contrast between their well-defined muscles and their naturally occurring hip dips.

2. Fitness influencers and social media personalities are known for promoting a certain ideal body type, which often includes a smooth and rounded hip area without visible hip dips. To achieve this look, they may use techniques such as the use of high-waisted pants or shorts, which can cover the hip area and create a more seamless appearance. Another technique is the use of certain camera angles or poses that strategically hide the hip dips from view. Some fitness influencers may also rely on photo editing tools to enhance the appearance of their body shape, including smoothing out hip dips.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with using these techniques (except photo editing), it is important to recognize that they contribute to a narrow and unrealistic standard of beauty. These techniques can also promote the idea that hip dips are a flaw or imperfection that need to be hidden or fixed, rather than a natural feature of the body.

Keep reading to learn the best way to reduce the appearance of Hip dips if you lift weights!

The controversy surrounding hip dips

Hip dips have become a controversial topic in recent years, with many individuals feeling self-conscious about their appearance. Let's explore the various factors contributing to this controversy.

Historically, society has tended to favor certain body types, often characterized by an hourglass figure with pronounced curves. This has led to a negative perception of hip dips, which are seen as detracting from this ideal body shape. This negative perception has been perpetuated through media and advertising, which often emphasize the need to "fix" or "tone" the hip area.

The beauty industry has capitalized on this negative perception, promoting products and services that claim to "fix" hip dips. These may include cosmetic procedures, shapewear, or specific workouts targeting the hip area. This marketing can contribute to a sense of inadequacy and self-consciousness among those with hip dips.

Social media has become a pervasive force in modern culture, and its impact on body image cannot be overstated. Social media platforms are often saturated with images of "perfect" bodies, which can create unrealistic expectations and contribute to feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem. This is particularly true for younger individuals who are more susceptible to the influence of social media.

Is training hip dips necessary (or even advisable)?

As mentioned earlier, hip dips are a natural feature of the body's anatomy, influenced by factors such as genetics, body weight, and muscle tone. Hip Dips serve a functional purpose in allowing for movement and flexibility in the hip area. Attempting to "fix" or train hip dips is therefore unnecessary from a physiological standpoint.

Accepting and embracing one's body shape, including hip dips, can have numerous benefits for mental and emotional well-being. It can lead to increased self-esteem, reduced anxiety and depression, and improved overall quality of life. Embracing one's natural body shape also promotes a more diverse and inclusive standard of beauty, challenging narrow and unrealistic beauty standards.

While some may choose to train their hip dips in an effort to alter their appearance, it is important to consider the potential risks associated with such efforts. Targeted workouts aimed at building muscle in the hip area may lead to injury or overuse, particularly if done incorrectly or excessively. Moreover, attempting to alter the natural shape of the body can lead to dissatisfaction and negative body image, perpetuating a cycle of self-consciousness and insecurity.

Reducing the appearance of Hip dips

Certain exercises can help to strengthen and tone the muscles in the hip and glute area, potentially leading to a more defined appearance. These exercises may include squats, lunges, hip thrusts, and lateral band walks, among others. Engaging in these exercises regularly can help to build muscle and improve overall strength and flexibility in the hip area.

As discussed above though, bodybuilders who are genetically predisposed to hip dips can actually 'accentuate' its appearance when they drop body fat.

To counter this, I have personally found that a 'combination of healthy body fat levels AND Hip/Glute Exercises' work best to create a 'rounder hip area'.

While targeted exercises may help to build muscle in the hip area, it is also important to note that they cannot fundamentally alter the natural shape of the body. The effectiveness of these exercises in reducing the appearance of hip dips may vary from person to person, depending on factors such as genetics and body weight.

Before beginning a new workout routine aimed at training hip dips, it is important to approach the exercise with a healthy and balanced mindset, recognizing that changes to the appearance of the body may not happen overnight and that natural body shape should be celebrated and embraced.

In conclusion, hip dips are a natural feature of the body's anatomy, influenced by genetics, body weight, and muscle tone. The controversy surrounding hip dips arises from societal perceptions of beauty and the promotion of "fixing" or training hip dips through targeted workouts.

While targeted exercises can help to strengthen and tone the muscles in the hip and glute area, it is important to approach them with a healthy and balanced mindset and recognize that changes may not happen overnight.

The BEST approach to reducing the appearance of Hip Dips is to have 'healthy body fat levels' AND include Glute/Hip targeted workouts.

My FREE Guide teaches you exactly how to create a natural, hourglass shape through Eating correctly and targeted Strength training.


Overall, accepting and embracing one's natural body shape promotes a more diverse and inclusive standard of beauty and can lead to improved overall well-being.

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About the Creator

Ramona Fernandez

Hello! I'm a Mom addicted to Fitness! Welcome to my World!

Find me on Fitnizfury on Social Media:

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