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The Future of Humanity: Part 1

Humanity is evolving, make sure you stay ahead of the pack.

By Daniel MillingtonPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
The Future of Humanity: Part 1
Photo by Haley Truong on Unsplash

The Future of Humanity: Part 1

I have written many different drafts trying to find the best opening to start this new series off and I have concluded that the best way is to just be direct.

It turns out that I, along with what seems to be most of humanity, have absolutely no idea what is happening in the world and what the future looks like for the human species.

I know that is a bold statement, however, before you close this article and forget it ever existed, I want to present a discovery that will hopefully change your view on life as it currently is. I am delving beyond the veil as it where and every two weeks, I will release a new article with a new revelation that will highlight drastic current/ future changes that will impact your life.

Did you know that we could potentially live forever?

At the beginning of this year, there was a discovery that will change every aspect of human life.

A Biologist at Harvard University has not only isolated what causes people to age but has successfully trialled a treatment that has overcome ageing. The team stopped the effects of ageing and actively reversed it, fully curing age-related diseases such as blindness, organ failure and brain deterioration. Dr David Sinclair, the head of the Biological Mechanisms of Aging at Harvard Medical School, mentions in his book that eventually when someone dies at the age of 120, people can say they lived a good life, not necessarily a long one, but a good one.

Let that sink in a second. A cure for ageing where 120 years old is not a long life. On top of that, a cure for severe age-related diseases that plague almost everyone when they get old. The impact on human life from this singular discovery is beyond comprehension and this will change the lives of everyone across the globe. The question is, considering that this will directly impact your life and that of your children, did you know about it?

Below is a picture of Dr David Sinclair. The reason for this is that he is also being studied. For the past ten years, his body has been somehow de-ageing due to his specific diet and supplement intake that boosts certain aspects of his bodily functions. I think everyone can safely agree, that he does not look near 55 years old. And as he is de-ageing, his body is only getting younger.

Dr David Sinclair

He changed his lifestyle because he wants his body to maintain a level of youthful vitality. Defying ageing and avoiding the diseases and afflictions that come with that is one thing, however, you do not want to be 150 to 200 years old and be under a constant state of suffering and not being able to enjoy that extended life because you spent the first 60 years in a gluttonous food coma; destroying your body with junk. If you look at a large portion of elderly over 80 today, a lot of them, to put it bluntly, are miserable. We live an extended life compared to 100 years ago, yet we do not actually live that life mainly because our bodies are failing. The uncomfortable truth about this is that a lot of the afflictions we experience later in life could have been avoided or easily dealt with if we had simply taken the right care of ourselves. As Dr David Sinclair has shown, it is possible to de-age with the right bodily care and extend your life and lifestyle without the need for medical intervention.

What does he do to stay young?

To my utter, carnivorous dismay, he has a vegan-based diet. I know, it is disastrous. Even Dr David Sinclair mentions how he wished eating meat could prolong life, but alas, it is not meant to be. What makes this worse, is how he eats only once a day. Science has shown multiple times that intermittent fasting increases energy, and anti-ageingAmazon-Cookies heart diseases, chronic diseases and even cancer. However, Dr David Sinclair is focused on how intermittent fasting decreases damage to the cells and helps your body with the repair of DNA, which if you have not guessed by now, is the main factor in ageing.

Your DNA is broken due to a variety of factors from external influence, sunburn, diet and cell division. The key to longevity is for your body to repair this DNA so that as it replicates, no information is lost. But what if the key compounds in your body that repair your DNA, are currently away from the cells as it deals with the damage caused by having that spoon full of sugar in your coffee or helping repair the skin from your lovely time exposed to the sun? Your DNA remains damaged, information is lost and then those cells duplicate to create more and more resulting in effects such as ageing, or anomalies such as cancer.

Eating one meal a day, cutting out all substances that can damage the body or DNA such as sugar and alcohol and removing meat from the diet all have shown to be highly effective at not only delaying ageing but also helping reverse the effects of ageing.

For the supplements that he takes, I have put a link below to an article on Fast Life Hacks as they have everything there and I do not want to just copy and paste someone else’s content. What I will say, is that I added all the supplements to my Amazon basket and a rough 2-month supply came to £136.

Fast Life Hacks provide great descriptions of how the supplements help with DNA repair and a variety of other factors that have been proven to affect ageing.

For those wishing to learn more about how to defy ageing, you can get Dr David Sinclair’s book on Audible for free. I have posted the Amazon link below.

I hope this has been an eye-opening article that you have learned from, and I wish you the best in the future. Please subscribe if you want to keep up to date with more life-altering discoveries.

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About the Creator

Daniel Millington

A professional procrastinator that likes to weave short stories ranging from thought-provoking fiction to imaginative fantasy. Delve into worlds that twist your soul and bring magical creations to life.

I also like cake.

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