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Teachings on Sexual Energy, Semen-Retention

Celibacy, Brahmacharya

By Be Inspired - Be MotivatedPublished 7 months ago 9 min read

The concept of sexual energy and semen retention has been discussed in various cultural and spiritual traditions for centuries. It is important to note that beliefs and practices related to sexual energy and semen retention vary widely across cultures and belief systems. Here are some teachings and perspectives on this topic from different sources:


Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy, places great importance on the cultivation and conservation of sexual energy, often referred to as "jing." Jing is believed to be a vital life force, and excessive ejaculation is thought to deplete it.

Practices such as the "Microcosmic Orbit" and "Big Draw" involve circulating sexual energy throughout the body rather than releasing it through ejaculation.

Key concepts and principles of Taoism include:

The Tao (or Dao): The central concept in Taoism is the Tao, which can be translated as "the Way" or "the Path." The Tao is the fundamental, unifying principle that is the source and essence of everything in the universe. It is both transcendent and immanent, and it is often described as ineffable and beyond human comprehension.

Wu Wei: Wu Wei is the concept of "non-action" or "effortless action." It suggests that one should align with the natural flow of the Tao rather than trying to force or control outcomes. It's about letting things unfold naturally and effortlessly.

Yin and Yang: Taoism incorporates the concept of Yin and Yang, representing the dualistic and complementary aspects of the universe. Yin is associated with qualities such as darkness, passivity, and receptivity, while Yang is associated with qualities like light, activity, and assertiveness. The balance and interaction between Yin and Yang are fundamental to understanding the Tao.

Naturalism: Taoism emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature. It encourages simplicity, humility, and a close connection to the natural world. Nature is seen as a model for understanding the Tao and for living a balanced life.

Inner Alchemy: Some branches of Taoism developed practices related to inner alchemy, which involves the transformation of one's inner energy, or "qi" (chi), to attain spiritual enlightenment and immortality. These practices often include meditation, breath control, and visualization techniques.

Immortality and Longevity: Taoism has a tradition of seeking physical immortality or longevity through various practices, including the consumption of elixirs and herbs believed to prolong life.

Religious Taoism: In addition to philosophical Taoism, there is a religious form of Taoism that incorporates rituals, deities, temples, and priesthoods. Religious Taoism involves the worship of various deities, including the Jade Emperor and the Three Pure Ones, and it addresses the practical aspects of life, such as health and protection.

Taoism has had a profound influence on Chinese culture, including art, literature, medicine, and martial arts. It has also influenced the development of other East Asian traditions. Taoism's teachings on balance, simplicity, and living in harmony with the natural world continue to resonate with people seeking spiritual insight and personal growth.


Tantra, a spiritual practice originating in India, sees sexual energy as a powerful force that can be harnessed for spiritual growth and enlightenment. It emphasizes the integration of sexual energy into one's spiritual path.

Some Tantra practitioners engage in sexual rituals with their partners as a means to connect on a deeper level and to channel sexual energy for healing and spiritual purposes.

Here are some key aspects of Tantra:

Holistic Approach: Tantra is often described as a holistic approach to spirituality and life. It recognizes that all aspects of life, including the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, are interconnected. It seeks to integrate these aspects rather than compartmentalize them.

Sacred Texts: Tantra has a rich body of sacred texts, including the Tantras and Agamas. These texts provide guidance on various aspects of life, spiritual practice, rituals, and the relationship between the individual and the divine.

Kundalini Energy: A central concept in Tantric practice is the awakening of Kundalini energy, which is believed to be a dormant, coiled energy residing at the base of the spine. Through specific practices, meditation, and yoga, practitioners aim to awaken and channel this energy to achieve higher states of consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Shakti and Shiva: In Tantric Hinduism, there is a focus on the divine feminine, often referred to as Shakti, who represents creative, transformative energy. Shiva, the divine masculine, is seen as the consciousness that interacts with Shakti. The union of Shakti and Shiva represents the union of the individual soul (Atman) with the universal consciousness (Brahman).

Rituals and Mantras: Tantra incorporates a variety of rituals, including meditation, mantra chanting, visualizations, and sacred geometry. These rituals are often used to connect with the divine, purify the mind and body, and raise one's spiritual awareness.

Yantras and Mandalas: Yantras and mandalas are intricate geometric designs used in Tantric rituals and meditation. They are believed to represent the divine, and practitioners use them as visual aids to focus their concentration and connect with the divine energy.

Sexual Tantra: While often sensationalized in popular culture, some forms of Tantra do include sexual practices. These practices are not solely about physical pleasure but are intended to achieve spiritual union and transcendence. It's important to note that sexual Tantra is a small and specialized aspect of the broader tradition and is not practiced by all Tantric practitioners.

Tantric Lineages: There are various Tantric lineages within both Hinduism and Buddhism, each with its own practices and beliefs. Some well-known Tantric traditions include Kashmir Shaivism, Shri Vidya Tantra, and Tibetan Buddhist Tantra.

Tantra is a diverse and multifaceted tradition, and its practices and teachings can vary widely depending on the specific lineage or school. It has had a significant influence on various aspects of Indian culture, including art, literature, and religious practices. In the modern world, Tantra has gained popularity as a means of personal and spiritual growth, often emphasizing the integration of sexuality and spirituality, though it is important to approach its teachings with a thorough understanding and under the guidance of knowledgeable practitioners or teachers.


In Ayurvedic tradition, sexual energy is considered one of the essential energies in the body, along with prana (life force) and ojas (vital essence).

Ayurveda suggests that semen retention can help promote physical and mental well-being by preserving vital energy.

Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that has its roots in ancient India. The word "Ayurveda" is derived from the Sanskrit words "ayur" (meaning life) and "veda" (meaning knowledge or science), which together mean "the science of life." Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems and is considered by many to be the sister science of yoga.

Key principles and concepts of Ayurveda include:

Holistic Approach: Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to health and wellness, considering the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected. It emphasizes the importance of balance in all aspects of life to maintain health and prevent illness.

Doshas: Central to Ayurvedic theory are the doshas, which are three fundamental energies or principles that govern the body's physiological and psychological functions. The doshas are Vata (associated with air and ether), Pitta (associated with fire and water), and Kapha (associated with earth and water). Each individual has a unique combination of these doshas, known as their Prakriti, which influences their physical and mental characteristics.

Prakriti and Vikriti: Prakriti refers to an individual's inherent constitution or dosha makeup, which is determined at birth. Vikriti, on the other hand, refers to the current state of imbalance or disease that an individual may experience. Ayurvedic practitioners work to restore balance (Prakriti) when an individual's doshas are in a state of Vikriti.

Diet and Nutrition: Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on diet and nutrition as a means to maintain health and balance the doshas. Foods are categorized based on their tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent) and their impact on the doshas. Dietary recommendations are tailored to an individual's constitution and current health condition.

Herbal Medicine: Ayurveda employs a wide range of herbs and botanicals for healing purposes. Herbal remedies are often prescribed to address specific imbalances and health issues. Traditional Ayurvedic texts contain detailed descriptions of the properties and uses of various herbs.

Yoga and Meditation: Yoga and meditation are integral components of Ayurvedic practice. They are used to promote physical and mental well-being and to align the body and mind with the natural rhythms of the universe.

Detoxification and Cleansing: Ayurveda recommends periodic detoxification and cleansing processes, known as Panchakarma, to remove toxins and impurities from the body. This can involve therapies such as massage, herbal steam baths, and purgation.

Lifestyle Recommendations: Ayurveda provides guidelines for daily routines, exercise, and sleep to support overall health and balance. It also advises on mental and emotional well-being and the importance of maintaining a positive mindset.

Ayurveda has a long history and continues to be practiced in India and other parts of the world. It offers a unique perspective on health and healing, emphasizing the importance of personalized care and individualized treatment plans. While Ayurveda has contributed to the development of modern medicine, it is important to note that its practices and remedies may not always align with contemporary scientific approaches. Individuals interested in Ayurveda should seek guidance from qualified practitioners who understand the complexities of this ancient system.

Modern Western Perspectives:

In contemporary self-help and personal development circles, semen retention is sometimes discussed as a means to increase focus, energy, and motivation.

Some proponents claim that abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods can lead to increased confidence, better relationships, and personal growth.

Religious Teachings:

Some religious traditions, such as certain branches of Buddhism and Christianity, promote celibacy or abstinence as a means to attain higher spiritual states. In these cases, abstaining from sexual activity, including ejaculation, is often part of the religious vows.

Scientific Perspective:

Scientifically, there is limited empirical evidence to support many of the claims made about semen retention. While short-term abstinence may lead to a temporary increase in testosterone levels, the long-term effects on physical and mental health are not well understood.

It's important to approach these teachings and practices with a critical and discerning mindset. What works for one person may not work for another, and what is safe and healthy varies from individual to individual. Semen retention should never be practiced to the detriment of one's physical or emotional well-being, and consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable if you have concerns about your sexual health or well-being.

Ultimately, the teachings on sexual energy and semen retention should be understood in their cultural, spiritual, or personal contexts, and individuals should make informed choices based on their own beliefs and experiences.


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Be Inspired - Be Motivated

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