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Should I prioritize weight training or cardio first while trying to lose fat?

There is no one solution that works for everyone when it comes to fat loss.

By NizolePublished about a year ago 5 min read
Should I prioritize weight training or cardio first while trying to lose fat?
Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

What Should I Concentrate on First When Trying to Lose Fat: Cardio or Weight Training?

There is no one solution that works for everyone when it comes to fat loss. The optimal strategy for you may vary depending on your unique objectives and degree of fitness. However, if you're just getting started, you may be unsure about whether to prioritize cardio or weight training initially.

Weight training and exercise are both crucial for fat reduction. Weight training may help you gain muscle and burn more fat, while cardio can help you burn more calories. But if you're just getting started, you may want to prioritize cardio first. Increased calorie expenditure may result in greater fat reduction with cardio. Additionally, it's a lower-impact sport, so if you're just beginning to exercise, it can be gentler on your body.

You may begin include weight training after your aerobic stamina has improved. You may burn more fat by doing weight training to help you gain muscle. Additionally, it's a fantastic method to develop your physical fitness and strength.

So, while attempting to reduce weight, which should you concentrate on first? It actually depends on your own objectives and degree of fitness. Starting off, you may want to prioritize exercise initially. You may begin including weight training after your endurance has improved.

Cardio and weight training for fat loss: advantages and disadvantages

Cardio and weight training are the two primary exercise categories that individuals often concentrate on when it comes to fat reduction. It might be challenging to decide which is best for you since each has unique advantages and disadvantages. In order to assist you in making the best choice for your own fat reduction objectives, we'll examine the benefits and drawbacks of both cardio and weight training in this post.


Any workout that increases your heart rate and maintains it there for a long time is considered cardiovascular. Running, biking, swimming, or even just a quick stroll might be considered part of this. Because it burns a lot of calories and can be done for extended periods of time, cardio is sometimes considered the finest sort of exercise for fat reduction.

Cardio has certain disadvantages, however. As cardio may be extremely monotonous and dull, it can be challenging to maintain motivation for extended lengths of time. Second, you risk burning muscle if you don't perform it correctly, which is the opposite of what you want while attempting to shed fat.

Strength Training

On the other hand, weight training is a sort of exercise that employs resistance to increase muscular mass. You may do this using machines, free weights, or even just your own body weight. Even while weight training doesn't burn as many calories as exercise does, it offers certain specific benefits for fat reduction.

First, lifting weights aids in the development of muscle, which raises metabolism. This implies that even while you're at rest, you'll be burning more calories. Second, lifting weights may help you get the "lean and mean" appearance that many people want by toning your physique. Last but not least, weight training is far more effective than cardio, allowing you to get a fantastic workout in less time.

Which is more effective for losing fat, cardio or weight training? The fact is that both

What the Experts Have to Say About Cardio vs. Weight Training

The majority of individuals think that engaging in frequent cardiovascular activity is the key to fat loss. But many experts disagree, claiming that this is a poor strategy. What then is the reality? Let's look at what the experts have to say about weight training vs. cardio for fat reduction.

There is no one "best" approach to reduce weight, which is the first thing to realize. The strategy that works the best for you is the best strategy. However, there are certain overarching ideas that might direct your choice.

One idea is that in order to reduce weight, you must generate a calorie deficit. This implies that you must expend more calories than you take in. This may be accomplished either by food or activity, or both.

Another tenet is that your body might respond differently to various forms of exercise. Although cardiovascular activity is excellent for heart health, it may not be the most effective kind of exercise for fat burning. However, weightlifting may help you increase your muscle mass, which increases your resting metabolic rate.

What does the science indicate about the effectiveness of weight training vs cardio for fat loss?

A analysis of the literature revealed that weight training and cardio are equally efficient for reducing body fat. The research, however, points to a mix of the two as the most effective strategy.

According to a different research, persons who performed both cardio and weight training shed more fat than those who just did cardio. Additionally, the combo group lost more muscle than the cardio group, according to this research. This is crucial because muscle helps you burn more calories when at rest since it has a higher metabolic activity than fat.

According to a third research, persons who combined cardio and weight training shed more fat than those who just engaged in cardio (3). Additionally, the combo group lost more muscle than the cardio group, according to this research.

The ideal strategy for fat reduction, therefore, seems to be a mix of aerobic and weight training. This is most likely because both forms of exercise aid in calorie burning and muscular growth.

The ideal strategy for fat loss is to concentrate on both cardio and weight training.

The Verdict: What Is the Most Effective Way to Lose Fat?

There is ongoing discussion on whether method of fat loss is more effective: cardio or weight lifting. There is also no apparent agreement. While some individuals champion cardio, others extol the virtues of weight training. What is the final verdict then? What is the greatest method for fat loss?

It depends, as is often the case, is the response. It depends on your objectives, timetable, interests, and physical characteristics. But in general, the greatest strategy to reduce fat is to combine cardio with weight training.

Exercise that causes your heart rate to increase and your breathing to become more labored is referred to as cardio or aerobic exercise. It consists of exercises including riding, swimming, and jogging. Cardio is excellent for reducing body fat and enhancing general fitness.

On the other side, weight training is fantastic for increasing your strength and muscle mass. Even while you're at rest, you burn more calories as you gain muscle. Strong muscles also aid in better posture and joint protection.

What should you concentrate on first, then? Cardio exercise is a wonderful place to start if you're attempting to reduce weight. It's a terrific technique to increase heart rate and burn calories. It's also not too difficult to accomplish. You don't need any special equipment, and you can perform it anywhere.

Weight training is a great alternative if your goal is to gain muscle and tone up. It is impossible to gain muscle without weightlifting. Additionally, it has been shown that lifting weights may increase calorie burn and boost metabolism.

Of course, combining cardio and weight training is the most effective strategy to reduce fat. You'll get the advantages of both in that manner. You'll increase your overall fitness and burn more calories while gaining more muscle.

However, if you're pressed for time, you may choose to prioritize one over the other. Cardio is a superior exercise choice if you are limited on time. You don't have to spend time warming up, and you can perform it in shorter spurts.


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