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Plant Based Lifestyle–One Year Later

Update after 12 months on a plant based diet.

By Cindy MoorePublished 7 years ago 5 min read

One year ago today, I embarked on a journey that has totally changed my life. After suffering in pain for 21 years after a car accident, and finding no relief through conventional medicine, I sought alternative methods. I asked the Divine for help. I was using a cane and a wheelchair seemed to be in my near future. I knew I had a trip to Italy coming up in 11-12 months. Something had to shift.

I asked to be shown how I could take back responsibility for my health and improve. I asked…and an answer was given.

I had already connected with Anthony William through his Facebook page. Called the Medical Medium, Anthony discerns medical information and the sources for illnesses and diseases through Spirit. I had adopted the practice of drinking celery juice, as he suggested. The day after I asked for Divine guidance, a post appeared in my newsfeed. Anthony’s article discussed the pain that can linger for years after a traumatic event, such as a car accident, and what the underlying causes were. Reading his words, I recognized myself and my chronic condition. Best of all, Anthony offered a way to heal.

I ordered Anthony’s first book, Medical Medium, and later his second one, Life Changing Foods. These two books have been my roadmap back to health and wellbeing. I discovered that the severe inflammation in my sciatic nerves was caused by the shingles virus. Other health issues I was having were the result of the strep and Epstein-Barr viruses, and my body’s weakened immune system brought about by years of eating a poor diet.

At last, I had hope…and a plan. It was two-fold: eliminate the viruses from my body, and support my body’s immune system so the inflammation could be reduced, allowing healing to occur.

On July 1, 2016, I began a 28-day healing cleanse. I eliminated the foods that feed viruses and inflammation: meat, dairy, eggs, gluten, sugar, corn and soy (because of GMO), and canola oil. During that first month, I only ate fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. I immediately experienced a lessening of pain and inflammation. A host of other disorders began to clear up as well. I parked my cane in the bedroom corner, where it has remained, unused. At the end of the 28 days, my simple, wholesome plant-based diet became a simple, wholesome plant-based lifestyle. I continued eating raw and cooked veggies and fruits, and included brown rice, legumes, nuts and non-GMO products such as organic tortilla chips.

These are the amazing changes that have occurred in the past year, as I continue eating a nutrient dense plant-based diet, and continue to avoid the foods on my “No” list.

• The inflammation is gone from my sciatic nerves, allowing me to walk and move and sit without pain. Inflammation is gone from my joints, spine and neck, as well, which has eased both stiffness and pain in those places.

• Headaches, seasonal allergies, skin rashes and hives are gone. My skin is clear and vibrant. I’ve learned that healthy skin, nails and hair begins inside, with a healthy liver.

• My digestive problems have cleared up. I suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, gall bladder problems, stomach pain, an overly sensitive intestinal tract and severe acid reflux. I used to keep antacids on hand always. I never take them anymore.

• My energy is high, meaning my vibrational frequency is high as well. The higher my vibrational frequency is, the less likely I am to develop serious diseases, which thrive when my body is weakened and in a low vibrational state.

• My sleep disorders are gone. I sleep without taking aids and wake up refreshed.

• I have clarity of thought and an incredibly positive attitude. I feel euphoric most of the time. I laugh more, and feel expansive at a soul level.

• I have become leaner, stronger and fitter, losing more than 60 pounds in 12 months. I am continuing to slowly lose weight. I trust my body to find its ideal level of health and wellness, and that includes weight. I want to emphasize that I maintain a plant-based lifestyle for my health. The weight loss has been an additional result and was not the reason for my going plant-based.

• I am very attuned to my body and its needs. When I crave a food, such as dark green leafy veggies, I eat them. It is my body’s way of letting me know what I need. Now that I no longer have food addictions, I can trust my cravings. Recently, my body developed an abhorrence toward certain kinds of teas. I no longer drink them. I love having this built-in guidance system.

• I am continuing to improve, health wise. I still have some muscle tightness around my knees, after years of inflammation. It used to take me up to an hour to straighten out my legs if they were bent for too long. Now it takes me about 10 seconds. I am using Young Living Essential Oils on the muscles around my knees at night, with great results. I have also just noticed a loosening of my sacroiliac joint in my low back, which has been frozen for 22 years.

A year ago, I had no idea that all of these changes would take place. I only knew I had to walk a different path, or I wouldn’t be walking at all. I am deeply grateful to Anthony William for showing me another way to heal. I don’t share my story to convince anyone that this is what she or he must do. I share my story for those who, like me, are asking questions and looking for help. Hope, and help, are available. I am proof of that.

Health and wellness begins within the body, at a cellular level. What I consume, whether it is a good diet or a poor one, is all that my body has to create with it. I am responsible for what I choose to eat and drink. And I am responsible for the consequences. I fully accept that responsibility.

My healing journey continues. A year ago, I read the quote, "Do something today that your future self will thank you for." I made a choice that day. I would be living the next days, weeks and months anyway. I chose to live them with a focus on shifting my health through a plant-based lifestyle.

I am my future self today, one year later. And I am grateful. Thank you, Cindy-in-my-past, for believing there was something better ahead and making that crucial decision. Thank you for staying with it and making choices every day that have resulted in a healthier existence.

What will my future self thank me for, one year from today? I’m excited to find out…

Chopped Vegetable Salad with Homemade Honey Mustard Dressing

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About the Creator

Cindy Moore

I enjoy nurturing a creative life, writing, sketching, gardening, and traveling. And I nurture my body as well by embracing a plant based lifestyle. The joy is in the journey...

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