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Lose Weight Quickly

keep in mind these things

By suseetrendsPublished 2 years ago 9 min read
lose weight quickly

When it comes to losing weight, it is always a touchy subject. I've never been so happy. Would you like to be slim with a flat stomach and toned arms?

But it's not that simple for them.

This issue is exacerbated for working men and women. Going to the gym and doing a workout after leaving the office is a form of laziness, and stress also plays a role in your gaining weight.

junk food

This is in addition to junk food and your unhealthy lifestyle. Consider for a moment that you have been transported into Earl's karmic-driven world. This way of life will lead to a slew of issues in the future. There's definitely something to do.

Then start searching, fast, fast, for how to lose weight quickly. This is exactly why I created this article. How Do You Lose Weight Quickly, Simply, and Without Exercising?

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I provide you with an easy way out of this?

How to Lose Weight Quickly. There's definitely something to do. Then begin your search, These great tips help you to lose weight quickly.


The first and most important thing is getting in the right frame of mind. This may sound strange since you already know you want to lose weight quickly.

set goal

so what do I mean?

I'm saying that you need a clear picture of where you want to be, and focus on it. You need to feel like you've already managed to lose weight quickly. Think about it...How does it really feel.

Are your work colleagues inspired and envious of your new body and transformation?

Do you have the confidence that you were lacking to ask out that hot guy or girl you've had your eye on for like forever?

Only by imagination in your mind will you be able to set goals for your success and believe that you can and will lose weight quickly. The goals will be the checkpoints on your journey, the self-belief will be the fuel that keeps you going.


It seems that comfort gains followers and that we all sign up for the minimum effort. Well, being sedentary predisposes to more intake, more snacking and more stress.

a) Skip the Sweets

Industrial pastries are absolutely prohibited . Of course, instead you have a lot of options that are just as delicious and above all, healthier. Change your whims for other foods rich in fiber and antioxidants such as coconut, dark chocolate, nuts or fresh and seasonal fruit.

eat more protein

b) Eat more Protein

Protein intake has a high capacity to control appetite since it affects several hormones that intervene in the sensation of hunger, increasing satiety and helping us to consume fewer calories. Some examples of high-protein foods are poultry, meat, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils, quinoa, and almonds, among others.

c) Increase Fiber Intake

Eating foods rich in fiber also ensures that we feel full for longer , reducing food intake and the temptation to snack on other less healthy things. Try adding fiber-rich plant-based foods to your diet, such as oatmeal, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges.


Simple exercises done at home. It takes very little time to get started. However, depending on the diet actions you follow, your workout can be useful for beginner starters. Unless you maintain a healthy diet, you can begin exercising in your regular routine.

simple workout routine

If you want to start living a healthy lifestyle by completing easy workouts in the smallest amount of time, make these five basic, time-consuming exercises your daily routine if you don't know where to begin. You will see a significant improvement in yourself in just four weeks.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that everything must be done extremely cautiously and correctly to avoid any hazard. If you find any of these tasks to be pointless or challenging, seek professional help.

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best home workout no mistake

Cardio Exercises for a minimum of 30 minutes a day You must move to burn some more calories. If you are not used to doing sports, it will be enough for you to move and walk for an hour a day at a brisk pace, it

Build muscle The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. That is why we propose the following very simple plan. Three times a week do 3 sets of 10 repetitions of each of the following movements without taking any rest between them.


Push-ups are one of the oldest and most important exercises. They work as a full body exercise and increase strength in your forearms, chest, shoulders, back, abs and legs. It also puts pressure on the core and strengthens your body.

push ups

Push-ups are fantastic because, like planks, you don’t need any fancy exercise equipment to do them. This can be done inside, outside, or wherever you want. Place your hands directly on the floor under your shoulders to do push-ups.

Make sure your core is tight and your entire body is upright. Maintain a flat and erect back as you drop your body to the floor. Maintain a firm core, take a deep inhale, and push yourself back. While performing the moment, make sure your entire body is in a straight line.


This is an exercise that will help you strengthen your core, legs, hips, and back. Squats are an excellent way to strengthen your lower body. They also help to build muscle, strengthen joints, and enhance balance.


Stand with your chest raised and your feet shoulder-width apart to squat. As though you were sitting in an imaginary chair, bend your knees and push your buttocks back. Maintain a small bend in your back while keeping your head high.

Reduce your weight until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Maintain your weight on your heels while pushing through your heels. You can only squat with your body at first, then gradually add weight as you become acclimated to it.


The weight loss journal, also called a food record, is a good resource if we want to improve or modify our diet , since it allows us to become aware of what we consume and its amounts, as well as helping us to link food intake to emotions, the physical posture we adopt when eating, the company and others.

weight loss journal

As the first step in a diet is to recognize what we really consume, we give you an example of a food diary to record what is consumed and, in addition, we add other components that make up the act of eating, in order to identify all the factors that influence our daily food.

As we can see, we must begin by placing a number or name on the days and describing each meal, what we have eaten, its quantity and details, for example, 2 slices of wholemeal bread, if possible, add commercial brands.

Then we can assess our level of hunger at the time of eating, for which we must place a number from 0 to 3 where 0 means not at all hungry and is too hungry.

In addition, it is important to indicate who we eat with, as well as our mood and physical position while we eat food. It is also essential to place the activity associated with consumption, for example, if we are watching TV while eating, listening to music, driving, walking or working.

Finally, it is always important to record the physical activity that we do daily and here, we can place a space for it.

Carrying out this weight loss journal will help us become aware of what we eat and know when our intake is out of control and for what reasons, in order to anticipate this happening again and avoid said disorder in the diet.


Drink plenty of high-quality water. Yes, water is necessary, but we make an effort to drink extra water from time to time. However, it's possible that we didn't realize how important water is to our biological function. It's critical to remember that, in this case, time is everything.

drink plenty of water

The best plan is to drink one to two glasses of water 30 minutes before each meal. Your metabolic processes will kick off immediately, and your stomach will be partially full, allowing you to eat smaller portions. Following this water practice will lower your strong desire and appetite to consume anything on a regular basis.


Many are unaware of the negative effect of alcohol on weight loss and that is why in this post we are going to bring you closer to how alcohol acts on our body and body weight.

First of all, 1 gram of alcohol contains more than 7 K.cal , so the body must make an effort to process it in our body when we drink it. Naturally, the more alcohol you drink, the more calories you consume, which negatively affects body weight due to its high sugar content.

alcohol effect in weight loss

In this way, the loss process is delayed since the functionality of the liver decreases and the ability to burn fat is also reduced by more than 70% .

Thus, not only is the ability to burn fat lost, but the body burns alcohol as energy and the rest of the fat consumed from food will be deposited in unwanted areas of the body.

In addition, when we exceed alcohol intake, it begins to affect our brain functions and the neurotransmitters responsible for sleep, which makes it very difficult to fall asleep and therefore at the same time interferes with weight loss.

Also, the body loses the ability to absorb important nutrients such as: proteins, vitamins, minerals and not only that, but it also leads to extreme dehydration that can last for more than 3 days.

The more alcohol is consumed, the longer the body takes to process it and the amount of glucose that reaches the brain is limited, producing fatigue and tiredness to carry out movements.

Let us remember that in weight loss processes, 70% is food and 30% physical activity or exercise.

Drinking alcohol sporadically won't ruin everything, but you should know that alcohol slows down the weight loss process. Mainly, we recommend avoiding creamy drinks and cocktails with soft drinks or juices, since they contain alcoholic beverages that contain the most k.cal.


The risks of losing weight too fast:

The body's order of preference for energy is: incoming calories (what we eat at any given time), stored fat, and muscle. When you lose weight too quickly, vital organs like your brain, heart, kidneys, and liver draw energy from the most available source at the time.

final word in lose weight quickly

When our body can no longer maintain the muscles, the vital organs are the first to metabolize the muscles, so that they can continue to function. If you get to a point where you have too little fat or muscle, the body will metabolize our organs, which are also made of lean tissue, to keep the brain functioning. This can lead to heart attack, stroke, and liver and kidney failure.

An obese person can lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time on a low-calorie diet, but only if under medical supervision. For the general population, it is not recommended that women consume less than 1,200 calories per day, while men need at least 1,500 calories per day.


1.Can you lose weight only with a diet, without exercising ?

2. What are the most effective ways to burn belly fat?

3.How can I lose belly fat just by exercise without diet control?

4.Is it possible to lose a lot of weight without exercising?

5. Why is belly fat considered the most dangerous form of fat?

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weight loss

About the Creator


I’m a personal trainer, nutritionist, meal planner, cook and a writer. I'm here to motivate and inspire you through this blog. You have me and my diary – SUSEETRENDS WEIGHTLOSS - BELIEVE IN YOU!

Click to Catchme: suseetrendsweightloss.com

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