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How Extreme Weight Loss Methods Works and Keep it Off

Find here how you can lose weight 10 kg in 60 days

By suseetrendsPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
weight loss methods

Losing weight is not as demanding or as difficult as you think, you just have to be clear about premises and fulfill them for just 60 days . If you follow these guidelines you can lose weight up to 10 kg in 60 days.

If you are able to reach and fulfill this first goal, you will have achieved it! Seeing that you can do it will encourage you to prolong the effort and continue to lose weight to lose more weight.

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Forget fad diets and miracle products, the only real way to lose weight requires only one thing: burning more calories than you consume. And it is very simple. We teach you and give you the tricks, so that you can achieve it easily and without making great sacrifices.

The goal is simple, if we want to lose weight we must burn 500 more calories a day than we consume. To do this we must introduce some small changes in our routine: eat better and move a little more and thus, almost without realizing it, we will have lost that couple of kilos that we have left over.

burn more calories suseetrends

Here are top Extreme weight loss methods you should follow when trying to lose 10 kg in 60 days .

1) Believe in Yourself - Set Goals

The first and most important thing is getting in the right frame of mind. This may sound strange since you already know you want to lose 10 kg in 60 days. so what do I mean?

I'm saying that you need a clear picture of where you want to be, and focus on it. You need to feel like you've already managed to lose 10 kg in 60 days. Think about it...How does it really feel.

believe in yourself

Do you have the confidence that you were lacking to ask out that hot guy or girl you've had your eye on for like forever?

Only by imagination in your mind will you be able to set goals for your success and believe that you can and will lose 10 kg in 60 days. The goals will be the checkpoints on your journey, the self-belief will be the fuel that keeps you going.

2) Find a Good Trainer and Surround Yourself with Good like-minded People

This is an essential and often overlooked part of trying to lose 10 kg in 60 days. A lot of people don't realize that who they surround themselves with plays a huge part in their self-belief, attitude, and overall motivation and determination. It has been said that a person is the average of the 5 or 10 people they hang around with the most, and this regards health, wealth, ambition, aspiration, relationships, family etc. This is not a hard and fast rule, but I feel there is some truth to it.

Trying to lose a lot of weight quickly will be demanding and therefore you want to surround yourself with positive people who are rooting for you, and not people who are waiting for you to fail, so they can say "I told you so!"

how extreme weight loss methods works

Now, I'm not suggesting that you quit up and avoid your family and friends; rather, you should seek out people who share your aims and are sympathetic to your predicament. Finding others who have been where you are now and achieved your goals can offer you the motivation you need to reach your own.

Why do you think Weight Watchers groups have such a high success rate?

It's because they bring all of these folks together and encourage them to help one another.

3) Eat a Healthy Diet

Obviously, diet and nutrition is fundamentally important when trying to lose 10 kg in 60 days. Taking on too many calories will mean you always put on weight, period. Therefore, you will need to create a caloric deficit, by taking on fewer calories than you burn, forcing your body to burn up the fat deposits and use it as energy.

eat healthy

Finding the right diet is important, and many people go about it the wrong way. Starving yourself is a big no-no. You may lose a few pounds in the first few days, but it won't last, as your body will transition into starvation mode and slow down your metabolism to burn less fat, making it even harder to lose 10 kg in 60 days.

4) Eat Smaller Plates Many Times in a Day

So what can you do? Eat more! Yes, by eating smaller meals more regularly you will maintain your metabolism at a higher rate, and this, combined with exercise, will help you lose the pounds faster.

use small plate to eat

Green vegetables like broccoli, green beans, asparagus and lettuce are great healthy foods that can actually help you to burn fat, and it's almost impossible to overeat on them.

Eating more of them in the later part of the day along with a good lean protein like chicken breast is one of the best methods of getting lean as quickly as possible, and losing 10 kg in 60 days.

5) Follow a Good Exercise Plan

Without exercise, even the best diet plan in the world will struggle to help you lose 10 kg in 60 days. You need to exercise in order to get the full benefit of the caloric deficit we mentioned earlier. It will create the furnace where you burn off those unwanted pounds.

Regular exercise also aids the mind, confidence and overall health. By tightening up, toning and growing your muscle, you also help your body to burn fat faster.

good exercise plan

Cardio exercises for a minimum of 30 minutes a day You must move to burn some more calories. If you are not used to doing sports, it will be enough for you to move and walk for an hour a day at a brisk pace, it will help you burn around 350 calories an hour. If, on the other hand, you are used to doing aerobic exercises , regardless of the chosen exercise modality ( spinning, running or swimming), switch to interval training.

With half an hour a day, it will be enough. 8 minute warm-up, 15 minute interval exercise where you alternate 1 minute of hard exercise with 1 slower, and 7 minute cool down.

Did you know that muscle can actually help you burn fat?

So the more muscle you have the more fat you can burn, because your metabolism will work faster with more muscle.

Find a good training and exercise plan, with a good variety of cardiovascular work for your overall fitness, endurance and toning exercises like push ups and sit-ups, and some light weight training.

Build muscle The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. That is why we propose the following very simple plan.

A. PUSH UPS: Push-ups are one of the most ancient and important exercises. They are a full-body workout that strengthens your forearms, chest, shoulders, back, abs, and legs. It also strengthens your body by putting pressure on your core.

push ups

Push-ups are a mixed exercise that works multiple muscles at once. Push-ups are great because, like planks, you don't need any fancy exercise equipment to do them. You can do this inside, outside, or wherever you want. Place your hands directly on the floor under your shoulders to perform push-ups.

Tighten your core muscles and keep your entire body upright. Maintain a flat and upright back while lowering your body to the floor. Maintain a tight core, breathe in, and push yourself back. While performing the moment, make sure your entire body is in a straight line.

B. PLANK: Plank is a major exercise that strengthens your abdominal area and shoulders. This is one of the most important exercises you can do because it strengthens your core.


This will reduce your back pain. A strong core will improve your overall performance, as well as help with the overall daily chores you do every day. Doing this exercise of your every day will strengthen your whole body and also protect your body. Plank also helps to strengthen and develop your abs.

To plank, place your body on the floor doing push ups. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and place your weight on your forearms. Make sure your elbows are directly below your shoulders. Also make sure your body is in a straight line. Bring pressure on the core (try to tighten your abdomen towards your spine). For those who are just starting out, try 30 seconds, then slowly increase the time as you go.

6) Walk 10,000 Steps a Day

It is good that we interpret this guideline as a flexible recommendation, not as a rigid imposition of mandatory compliance. Any advice requires individualization, especially if it is about health care.

Without going into detail, the WHO has made recommendations in the past that differ significantly from the current one. For example, you previously stated that 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week is sufficient. Walking for 20 to 30 minutes every day, or 30 to 45 minutes 5 days a week, would be the very minimum. In this situation, the goal set for us would be significantly less aggressive than the one previously indicated.

If you are under 30 years old and your general physical condition is satisfactory, it seems obvious that more demanding objectives in terms of the minimum distance and even the type of exercise are in your best interest , at least in the short and medium term.

On the contrary, if you have already turned 60 and suffer from some mild chronic pathology, the advice of ten thousand a day can be useful, especially if you start from sedentary habits. In this case, it will not hurt to reach twelve or fourteen thousand steps a day, giving you a margin of time to be able to cover this route with some comfort.

If your starting point is inactivity as usual, 8,000 or 9,000 walking steps each day can also be a great goal.


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weight loss

About the Creator


I’m a personal trainer, nutritionist, meal planner, cook and a writer. I'm here to motivate and inspire you through this blog. You have me and my diary – SUSEETRENDS WEIGHTLOSS - BELIEVE IN YOU!

Click to Catchme: suseetrendsweightloss.com

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