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Let's Eat Vegan!

300 Vegan/Plant Based Recipes For Better Health

By PonokyoPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Let's Eat Vegan!
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

A vegan/plant-based diet is a diet that consists of only plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. This type of diet excludes all animal products, including meat, dairy, and eggs.

By Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

There are many benefits to following a vegan plant-based diet. One of the most significant benefits is the improvement of overall health. Studies have shown that individuals who follow a vegan diet have a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. This is likely due to the fact that a vegan diet is typically high in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Ready to get healthy with a Vegan diet? Click here!

One study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that a plant-based diet was associated with a 23% lower risk of heart disease and a 20% lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Another study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention found that a plant-based diet was associated with a 35% lower risk of breast cancer. These findings suggest that a vegan plant-based diet can be beneficial for reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Another benefit of a vegan plant-based diet is weight loss. A plant-based diet can be lower in calories and fat than a diet that includes animal products, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, a vegan diet can also improve digestion and regularity, as plant-based foods are high in fiber.

A vegan diet can also be beneficial for the environment. The production of animal products, particularly meat, has a significant impact on the environment, including greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. By choosing to eat a plant-based diet, individuals can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Ready to get healthy with a Vegan diet? Click here!

A vegan diet can also be ethical, as it eliminates the exploitation of animals for food production. It's also a compassionate choice, as it reduces the suffering of animals.

By Quin Engle on Unsplash

It's important to note that a vegan diet may not meet all the nutritional needs of an individual. Humans require lots of nutrients to function properly(including carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals). Some we make ourselves, and others we get from the food that we eat, the sun, supplements, etc.

For example, Vitamin B12 is found primarily in animal products, so it's essential to supplement or consume fortified foods if following a vegan diet. Similarly, plant-based iron sources aren’t absorbed as well as animal-based sources, so individuals following a vegan diet may need to consume more iron-rich foods or take supplements.

The good news is that even as a vegan it is possible and simple to get all of the needed nutrients. It just takes a little education about nutrition, simple meal planning, and food prep know-how.

By Deryn Macey on Unsplash

Overall, a vegan plant-based diet can offer many benefits, including improved health, weight loss, a positive impact on the environment, and ethical and compassionate choices. However, it's important to make sure that all necessary nutrients are being consumed, either through fortified foods or supplements. Consultation with a registered dietitian or physician is highly recommended to ensure a balanced and nutrient-sufficient diet. It's also important to consume a variety of plant-based foods to ensure you get all the necessary nutrients. With careful planning and a balanced approach, a vegan plant-based diet can be a healthy and sustainable choice for many people.

In conclusion, a vegan plant-based diet can offer a wide range of benefits, from improved health to a more sustainable and ethical way of living.

Ready to get healthy with a Vegan diet? Click here!

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About the Creator


I'm just a human trying to become more than what I am. A better writer, better health, a better listener, and on and on and on. I appreciate everyone that takes the time out of their lives to read what I provide.

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