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How to Cure Common Sicknesses Naturally

Tips for Helping with Five Common Health Issues

By KevinPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Being sick is never fun and visiting the doctor is not always enjoyable. There are long lines, waiting rooms, and a lot of poking and prodding. The only thing worse than being sick, is going to the doctor and having them tell you that there is nothing they can give you to make it better. The best advice that is given is to take it easy and get lots of rest and sleep.

Luckily there are several things you can do to take control of your health and decrease the number of doctor’s visits in your family.

Here are five areas where you can be proactive with you and your family’s health:

The Common Cold

This is something that everyone is bound to get at some point in their life. In fact, you may have it more than once throughout your life. This is a sickness that is viral, so no amount of antibiotics or doctor’s test will help alleviate your symptoms. This really is something that will only go away with time and proper rest.

To keep yourself from getting the common cold, you can take Vitamin C pills, daily multivitamin pills, make sure you wash your hands frequently, and get plenty of rest. If you feel that you are starting to get sick, there are different medicines that you can take to help you beat the cold before it begins.

Stomach Pains

If you do not want to take a pill every time your stomach hurts, because you ate one too many tacos or your kids ate too much food even though you warned them multiple times, you are in luck. You can try an acid reflux remedy, such as apple cider vinegar, and other natural treatments that leave your stomach feeling happy and relaxed


If you always find yourself, or one of your kids, with a runny nose or sneezing every time they go outside, you will want to think about buying allergy medicine. Over the counter medicine does wonders for typical seasonal allergies and gives you or your child the relief they are looking for.

For food allergies, it is a matter of taking items out of your diet and seeing if your symptoms get any better. This can take some time, but is definitely worth it if you are able to figure out what is making you sick.

Skin Problems

If you have a rash or breakout with acne there are things you can do before running to the dermatologist or doctor. See if there is anything that you are allergic to, if you get a rash anytime you eat a certain food or are around a certain animal, it is probable that you are allergic to it.

Acne can be caused by a lot of things. You may need to change your pillow cover more often. Your acne could be caused by stress, and reducing stressors from your life with also make your acne disappear. Changing your face wash routine and face wash products could also help.

Scratches, Bumps and Bruises

These types of wounds happen on the skin, but are not something that can be fixed with a good face wash routine. If the wound is serious you will want to go to the doctor to get stitches. But if this is just your everyday, kids playing in the backyard time of scratches, you can help them heal properly without visiting the doctor.

You will first want to identify where and what was damaged. If it is a scrape and bleeding, you will want to clean the area with warm water and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. After the bleeding has stopped, you will need to sterilize the area so it does not get infected. This can be done by cleaning it with your favorite wash and then apply a triple antibiotic ointment cream. Cover with the appropriate size bandage.

While modern medicine is a huge help, it is nice to know that you do not have to run to the doctor anytime anything small happens. It can feel empowering to help your family heal, all while taking care of them naturally. Start helping your family live healthy today with natural healing.


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