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How to Alkalize Your Body

Want your body to be in an alkalized state? Follow these tips on how to alkalize your body, so your body doesn't fall in an acidic state, anymore!

By Jacqueline HanikehPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

We all should alkalize our bodies. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Alkalizing your body means that the pH in your body is more alkaline rather than acidic. Your body is constantly maintaining equilibrium at a pH of 7.36 — looked at as slightly alkaline.

It’s important to have alkaline in your body, because if your body is at a very acidic state, it will seek balance which will do so by withdrawing nutrients from your bones — you don’t want that. No one wants that. But, if your body is in an alkaline state, you’ll be less prone to having cellular damage and even diseases. Yes, alkalizing your body does come with great benefits!


Almost all fruits can help alkalize your body and keep it in tip-top shape. Fruits like blueberries, plums, kiwis, watermelons, melons, cranberries, and much more juicy fruits can help with alkalization since they're very acidifying.

The best way to ingest these fruits is by eating them raw rather than cooking, frying, processing, etc. Just straight up raw — the best way to eat the majority of fruits.

Consider apple cider vinegar as a way to alkalize your body, because it's very acidic.

Lemon or Lime Water

Since lemons and limes are considered fruits, they are among the more acidic fruits on this list. They can also help alkalize your body!

Pick either lemon or lime (or both), and squeeze them into a tall glass of water. This method can easily alkalize your body by drinking the juices of either fruit mixed with water.

Not to mention that drinking a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning is great for your body and it gives basic water a delicious taste!

Nuts and Seeds

Did you know that eating nuts and seeds can actually alkalize your body? It's true! Eat a handful of either cashews, chestnuts, chia, almonds, and any other of your favorite nuts each day to really alkalize your body.

Nuts and seeds are slightly acid-forming, perfect for your body.

As a tip, soak and sprout any of these nuts for a more alkalizing affect.


All vegetables are great for alkalizing your body. Yes, all of them. From broccoli to spinach, celery, and kale, you have a wide variety of healthy vegetables to choose from for alkalization.

Eating them raw or steamed is certainly the best way. Try avoiding processed vegetables – they won't affect your body in any positive way.

Also, herbal teas and great detox juices do just as great a job alkalizing your body.

Grains and Beans

Foods that fall into the grains and beans category are also excellent for alkalizing your body. Consider eating quinoa, peas, lima beans, soy, tofu, and other delectable foods that can easily be made for meals.

All grains and beans are very acidifying — which is what our body needs if we want to alkalize them.

As a tip, similar to nuts and seeds, you can soak and sprout whole grains and beans for a more affective method.

Aloe Vera Juice

Who knew aloe vera juice can help alkalize your body? Ingesting aloe vera can help balance overly acidic dietary habits.

When buying aloe vera juice, make sure you don't buy the kind that contains carrageenan — we don't want that.

You can also make your very own aloe vera juice by cutting open aloe vera leaves and scooping out the pulp. Then, blend the pulp with water and you've got yourself fresh aloe vera juice!

Baking Soda and Water

This is probably one of the best ways to alkalize your body — baking soda with water. Once drinking a glass of this, you can immediately feel the affect, because this is a strong way method of alkalization.

Just by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drinking it first thing in the morning can really affect your body positively.

Reducing Stress

Yes, believe it or not, stress can really affect your body. Not only does stress affect you mentally, but physically, as well.

When you're dealing with stress, it can really mess with your digestive system and the toxic acids don't get eliminated naturally — causing toxins to build up in your body.

Ways to reduce stress include yoga, mediating, focus on breathing, and other stress-relief activities. Reducing stress can make alkalizing your body a faster process.


Exercising can help with alkalizing your body, it's true! Through exercising, your body is naturally getting rid of all that acid waste that's been built up.

The best way to demolish any acid wastes is exercising a couple of days a week to really see the affects. Also, exercising will help you gain muscle strength and lose weight. It's like killing two birds with one stone, right?


Multivitamins can surely help with alkalizing your body.

When looking for the right multivitamin, find one that includes bio-available and alkalizing forms of calcium and magnesium.

Taking a multivitamin daily will help alkalize your body quicker than when ingesting acidifying foods, and the affects will be much stronger.


About the Creator

Jacqueline Hanikeh

Reading good literature plays a huge role in my life — and so does online shopping and wine.

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