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How I Lost Weight and Fell in Love with Running

By Teresa Collins

By CareSpotPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

I have always struggled with my weight and self-esteem. I was a chubby kid who became an overweight adult. I hated exercise and loved junk food. I tried every diet and fad out there, but nothing worked for me. I was unhappy, unhealthy, and hopeless.

Then, one day, everything changed. I decided to give running a try.

I had heard that running was a great way to lose weight and improve your health. But I was also scared and intimidated by it. I thought running was only for fit and athletic people, not for someone like me who could barely walk a mile without panting.

But I was desperate for a change. So I downloaded a couch to 5k app on my phone and followed the instructions. The app told me to run for a few minutes, then walk for a few minutes, and repeat until I completed the workout. It sounded easy enough, so I gave it a shot.

The first run was hard. I felt like my lungs were on fire and my legs were made of lead. I wanted to quit after the first minute, but I pushed myself to keep going. I told myself that it would get easier with time and practice.

And it did.

As the weeks went by, I noticed that running became more enjoyable and less painful. I could run longer and faster without stopping or gasping for air. I felt stronger, lighter, and more energetic. I also noticed that my clothes were getting looser and my scale was showing lower numbers. Running was helping me lose weight!

But running did more than just help me shed pounds. It also helped me gain confidence, happiness, and love.

Running gave me confidence in myself and my abilities. It showed me that I could do anything I set my mind to, as long as I worked hard and persevered. It made me proud of myself and my achievements.

Running gave me happiness in my life and my body. It released endorphins in my brain that made me feel good and positive. It also improved my appearance and health, which made me feel more attractive and comfortable in my own skin.

Running gave me love for the sport and the community. It introduced me to a new passion and hobby that I enjoyed and looked forward to every day. It also connected me to other runners who shared my goals and interests. They supported me, encouraged me, and inspired me.

Running changed my life for the better.

Now, I run at least three times a week, sometimes more if I feel like it. I have completed several 5k races, a 10k race, and even a half marathon. I have lost over 50 pounds and kept them off. I have transformed from a couch potato to a runner.

And I love it.

If you are looking for a way to lose weight and enjoy running, here are some tips that worked for me:

Start slow and easy. Don’t try to run too fast or too far at the beginning. Follow a beginner-friendly program like couch to 5k that gradually builds up your endurance and speed.

Be consistent and patient. Don’t skip your runs or expect immediate results. Running takes time and effort to see progress and benefits. Stick to your schedule and trust the process.

Eat well and drink water. Don’t use running as an excuse to eat whatever you want or neglect your hydration. Running requires fuel and fluids to perform well and recover properly. Eat nutritious foods that provide you with energy, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration.

Treat yourself occasionally. Don’t deprive yourself of the foods you love or feel guilty about indulging once in a while. Running burns calories, but it also increases your appetite and metabolism. You can afford to have a slice of pizza or a piece of cake every now and then as a reward for your hard work.

Try red light therapy. Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level wavelengths of red light to stimulate cellular processes in the body1. Red light therapy has been shown to have various benefits for health and wellness1, such as reducing inflammation, improving blood circulation, enhancing skin health, boosting collagen production, accelerating wound healing, relieving pain, improving sleep quality1. But how can red light therapy help you lose weight?

According to several studies2, red light therapy can help you lose weight by:

Increasing your metabolism2. Red light therapy can stimulate the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cells. ATP can increase the activity of the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells, which can boost your metabolic rate and burn more calories2.

Reducing your appetite2. Red light therapy can affect the levels of leptin and ghrelin, two hormones that regulate your hunger and satiety signals. Red light therapy can increase leptin, which makes you feel full, and decrease ghrelin, which makes you feel hungry2.

Shrinking your fat cells2. Red light therapy can penetrate the skin and reach the fat cells underneath. Red light therapy can create tiny pores in the fat cells, which allow the fatty acids and glycerol to leak out. This can reduce the size and volume of the fat cells, resulting in a slimmer appearance2.

Red light therapy is easy, safe, and convenient to use at home. You can use a red light therapy device like a belt or a panel to target specific areas of your body, such as your belly, thighs, arms, or back. You can also use red light therapy before or after your runs to enhance your performance and recovery.

Red light therapy is not a magic bullet for weight loss. You still need to run eat repeat for weight loss. But red light therapy can be a helpful tool to support your weight loss journey and make it more enjoyable and effective.

Running and eating well are two of the best things you can do for your weight loss and overall health. But running and eating well don’t have to be boring or hard. You can run eat repeat for weight loss and fun by following some simple tips and tricks.

You can also try red light therapy to enhance your weight loss results and enjoy other benefits for your health and wellness. Red light therapy is a safe and easy way to boost your metabolism, reduce your appetite, and shrink your fat cells.

If you want to run eat repeat for weight loss and fun, start today and see the difference for yourself. You will be amazed by how much better you look and feel.

Do you have any questions or comments about running, eating well, or red light therapy? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

fitnessweight lossdietbodybeauty

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