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How I Cured My Dry Scalp and Hair Loss with Red Light Therapy

Jason Jones

By Wellness WonderPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

I have always had thick and shiny hair that I was proud of. I used to get compliments on my hair all the time, and I enjoyed styling it in different ways. But everything changed when I turned 30.

I started noticing that my scalp was dry and itchy, and I had flakes on my shoulders. I tried different shampoos and conditioners, but nothing seemed to work. I also noticed that my hair was thinning and falling out more than usual. I was horrified to see clumps of hair in the shower drain and on my pillow.

I felt embarrassed and insecure about my hair. I stopped going out with my friends and avoided social situations. I wore hats and scarves to cover my scalp and hair. I felt like I was losing a part of myself.

I went to see a dermatologist, who diagnosed me with seborrheic dermatitis, a common skin condition that causes dry scalp and hair loss. He prescribed me some medicated shampoos and creams, but they only made my scalp more irritated and my hair more brittle.

I was desperate for a solution. I searched online for natural remedies and treatments for dry scalp and hair loss. I came across an article that talked about red light therapy for hair growth. It sounded too good to be true, but I decided to give it a try.

What is Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth?

Red light therapy is a treatment that uses low-level red and near-infrared light to stimulate hair growth. The light penetrates the scalp and reaches the hair follicles, where it activates the mitochondria (the energy-producing units of the cells). This increases the production of ATP (the energy molecule of the cells), which enhances cellular metabolism and function.

Red light therapy can help:

  • Increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to the scalp and hair follicles, which improves nutrient availability and waste removal.
  • Reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are associated with hair loss and aging.
  • Stimulate the growth phase (anagen) of the hair cycle, which prolongs the lifespan of the hair follicles and prevents premature shedding.
  • Increase the production of collagen and elastin, which are the structural proteins of the skin and hair.
  • Improve the quality and thickness of the hair shaft, which makes the hair stronger and more resilient.

Red light therapy has been proven by multiple studies to be an effective treatment for various types of hair loss, such as:

  • Androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness), which is caused by genetic factors and hormonal changes that shrink the hair follicles.
  • Alopecia areata (patchy hair loss), which is caused by an autoimmune disorder that attacks the hair follicles.
  • Telogen effluvium (diffuse hair loss), which is caused by physical or emotional stress, illness, medication, or nutritional deficiencies that disrupt the normal hair cycle.

How I Used Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth

I bought a red light therapy cap online, which was a device that fit over my head and emitted red light to my scalp. It had 80 LEDs that covered the entire scalp area, with a wavelength range of 630 to 680 nanometers (nm) for red light and 800 to 880 nm for near-infrared light. It had a power output of 5 milliwatts (mW) per LED, which ensured sufficient energy delivery to the scalp. It also had a timer and an automatic shut-off feature, which prevented overexposure and overheating.

I used the red light therapy cap three times a week, for 15 minutes per session. I washed my hair with a mild shampoo and dried it gently with a towel before using the device. I put on the cap and adjusted it to fit comfortably on my head. I turned on the device and selected the desired treatment time. I relaxed and enjoyed the treatment. I felt a slight warmth on my scalp, but it was not uncomfortable or painful.

I used the red light therapy cap regularly for three months. I started seeing some improvement in my hair growth after six weeks, but it took longer to see significant results.

What Were My Results?

After three months of using red light therapy for hair growth, I was amazed by the results. My scalp was no longer dry or itchy, and I had no more flakes or inflammation. My hair was thicker and fuller, with less shedding and breakage. My hair also looked healthier and shinier, with more bounce and volume.

I felt more confident and happy about my hair. I stopped wearing hats and scarves, and started styling my hair in different ways again. I received compliments on my hair from my friends and family, who noticed the difference. I felt like I had regained a part of myself.

Red light therapy for hair growth changed my life. It was safe, effective, natural, convenient, affordable, easy to use. It restored my hair growth potential and improved my hair health and appearance. It also boosted my confidence and well-being.

If you are suffering from dry scalp and hair loss, I highly recommend you to try best red light for hair growth. It may be the solution you are looking for. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Have you ever tried red light therapy for hair growth? What was your experience? Did you see any improvement in your hair growth or quality? Share your story and comments below! I would love to hear from you!

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About the Creator

Wellness Wonder

Be simple, and keep being curious about the real essence of life.

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