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From Gut to Brain: How Your Microbiome Controls Your Mood

The gut-brain connection is no longer a mystery. Learn how your microbiome affects your mood and what you can do to keep your gut and brain healthy.

By Den GuevarraPublished about a year ago 4 min read
From Gut to Brain: How Your Microbiome Controls Your Mood
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

I. Introduction

As someone who has sometimes struggled with anxiety and depression, the link between mental health and the body has always interested me. When I learned about the role of the microbiome in controlling mood, I was blown away. I had no idea that the bacteria in my gut could have such a significant impact on my mental health.

When a close friend of mine started showing signs of depression, it made me even more interested in this subject. Despite trying different medications and therapies, they weren't seeing any improvements. It wasn't until they started focusing on their gut health that they started to see a noticeable improvement in their symptoms.

This experience made me realize just how important gut health is for overall well-being. I wanted to learn more about the connection between gut health and mood and share this information with others who might be struggling with similar issues. That's why I decided to write about how our gut bacteria control our mood and provide practical tips for improving gut health.

It's common to associate our mood with external factors like work, relationships, or events. But did you know that the bacteria in your gut have a significant impact on your mental health? Dr. Tracey Marks is a psychiatrist and an expert on gut health. She has done a lot of research on how gut bacteria and mood are related. In this section, we'll discuss the role of the microbiome in controlling our mood and how to optimize it for better mental health.

II. The Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is an important part of our nervous system that connects the brain to the gut. It plays a crucial role in controlling inflammation and mood. Here are some key points to note about the vagus nerve:

  • It's one of the longest nerves in our body.
  • It transmits messages between the brain and the gut.
  • Stimulating the vagus nerve can alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms.

Transform your gut health today! Say goodbye to bloating, indigestion, and discomfort and hello to a healthier you. Order now and start feeling better from the inside out!

III. The Microbiome and Depression

The microbiome is a collection of bacteria and microorganisms that live in our gut. It affects our overall health, including our mental health. Here's what you need to know about the microbiome and depression:

  • People with depression have different microbiome compositions than those without depression.
  • Bad bacteria in the gut can produce toxins that affect our mood.
  • A diverse population of bacteria is crucial for a healthy gut-brain axis.

IV. Factors Affecting Gut Health

Several factors can affect our gut health. These include our diet, medications, age, sleep, and activity level. Here are some ways each of these factors can affect our gut health:

  • Diet: A diet high in processed foods and sugar can disrupt the balance of bacteria in our gut.
  • Medications: Antibiotics can kill off both good and bad bacteria.
  • Age: As we age, our gut bacteria composition changes.
  • Sleep: Poor sleep can negatively impact our gut health.
  • Activity level: A sedentary lifestyle can also affect our gut health.

V. Boosting Your Gut Health

There are several ways to boost our gut health. Here are some practical tips:

  • Clean up your diet: Eat a diet rich in whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
  • Eat prebiotics: Foods like garlic, onions, and asparagus can help feed our good gut bacteria.
  • Take probiotics: High-quality probiotic supplements can help restore the balance of bacteria in our gut.
  • Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Exercise regularly: Exercise can promote a healthy gut microbiome.
  • Manage stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact our gut health.
  • Avoid unnecessary antibiotics: Only take antibiotics when necessary and under the guidance of a medical professional.

Transform your gut health today! Say goodbye to bloating, indigestion, and discomfort and hello to a healthier you. Order now and start feeling better from the inside out!

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, our gut health has a significant impact on our mental health. The bacteria in our gut communicate with our brain through the vagus nerve, and an imbalance can lead to depression and anxiety. We can support a healthy gut-brain axis and improve our overall health by putting our gut health first through diet, exercise, and other changes in our lives. Remember to take care of your gut, and your body and mind will thank you.


Marks, Tracey, M.D. "Gut Feelings: The Future of Psychiatry May Be Inside Your Stomach." Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, LLC, 13 Apr. 2015, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mood-and-microbes/201504/gut-feelings-the-future-psychiatry-may-be-inside-your-stomach.

Sarkar, Amar, and Jane A. Foster. "The Microbiome and Mental Health: Looking Back, Moving Forward with Lessons from Allergic Diseases." Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience, vol. 16, no. 3, 2018, pp. 235–240., doi:10.9758/cpn.2018.16.3.235.

Bested, Alison C., and Alan C. Logan. "The Brain-Gut Axis and Beyond—Part 1." Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, vol. 28, no. 2, 2014, pp. 10–14.

Foster, Jane A., and Karen-Anne McVey Neufeld. "Gut-Brain Axis: How the Microbiome Influences Anxiety and Depression." Trends in Neurosciences, vol. 36, no. 5, 2013, pp. 305–312., doi:10.1016/j.tins.2013.01.005.

Mayer, Emeran A. "Gut Feelings: The Emerging Biology of Gut-Brain Communication." Nature Reviews Neuroscience, vol. 12, no. 8, 2011, pp. 453–466., doi:10.1038/nrn3071.

wellnessmental healthhealth

About the Creator

Den Guevarra

As a writer, I challenge norms on personal development, mental health, and society. My aim is to inspire growth and authenticity.

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