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Does TikTok's Foaming Micellar Water Trick Actually Work?

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By ashwarya aroraPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Does TikTok's Foaming Micellar Water Trick Actually Work?


TikTok users are always looking for ways to ditch the app and make their lives better. One of the most popular tricks is using foaming micellar water—a type of makeup remover that isn't actually a water-based product. The idea is that you can use your hands to mix up some soap or shampoo into it and then rub down your face with it, leaving behind a layer of foam so thick that it looks like skin has grown over your face (and no one will be able to tell). It sounds pretty gross, right? Well, guess what? It works!

The Foaming Micellar Water Trick

Foaming micellar water is a product that removes makeup and impurities from your face, but it's also able to do more than just cleanse. It can be used as an alternative to soap on dry skin and even as a facial mask.

The foaming micellar trick is simply adding some drops of this product into your hand and then rubbing it in until you see suds form in the middle (this will happen quickly). Then you simply use the foam on your face like any other cleanser would work!

Why Is Foaming Micellar Water Important?

Foaming micellar water is a new trend and it's gaining popularity because of the following benefits:

It's easy to use. You can apply foaming micellar water directly on your face or let it dry before wiping away with a tissue.

It is gentle enough for sensitive skin types, so you don't have to worry about irritating your face with harsh cleansers or exfoliants that may cause redness or irritation in some people (like those who are prone to acne). You also don't need any special tools like brushes when using this product; just wet hands and then rub them together until they become soft enough so that their surfaces touch each other without creating bubbles between them—this will make sure all makeup remnants are removed from your face!

How to Use It on TikTok

Using a cotton pad is the most common way to apply Foaming Micellar Water.

Use a cotton swab, pad or ball to apply the product directly onto your skin.

You can also use a makeup sponge for this purpose if you have one nearby.

The next step is to rinse it off using either water or another liquid cleanser of choice (you can even use hot water!). This will help remove any remaining residue from your face and pores so that they're clean before applying moisturizer again!

Does this Foaming Micellar Water Trick Actually Work?

If you're looking for a way to remove your makeup, this is not it. The micellar water trick is just a marketing gimmick that has been around for years and doesn't work at all. In fact, it can make your skin worse by drying out the area around your eyes and making pores clog up even more than they already do.

The foaming micellar water method isn't much better; while it might feel nice on the skin at first—especially if you're using warm water—the results are still far from ideal: You'll be left with greasy residue on top of dry patches or other unwanted side effects like irritation or inflammation (which may be caused by histamine release).

No, it does not work.

No, it does not work.

Why? Because foaming micellar water is just a trick that makes you think your makeup will be more effective than it actually is. The real benefit of using this product is that you can get rid of excess oil on your face and make-up application will be easier because you don't have to deal with clogging pores with other products.

What are some reasons why this doesn't work?

In order for foaming micellar water to work properly, there should be no residue left behind after washing off the product (which means those little bubbles in your face wash won't come back). You also need very clean skin—no dirt or impurities—to maximize effectiveness of any skincare routine.* If there are still traces of makeup remaining after washing off with a gentle cleanser such as Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Cloths Plus formula


Overall, the Foaming Micellar Water Trick does not work. It's a good idea but it doesn't actually make your TikTok photos look better or help them last longer than normal. You may have heard that this trick works because it supposedly makes your photos look like they were taken with a professional camera, but that isn't true either—it just makes your photo seem more polished than it would otherwise be!

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