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Are they vestigial? Unknown facts about Appendix and Uvula

Facts about Appendix and Uvula

By Parveen Baloch Published 20 days ago 4 min read

What is Appendix?

The operation of appendix is a common term which we hear in our society. But what the appendix is? The Appendix is a finger like projection which is present in our abdomen and is connected with the colon. The colon is a pouch like structure present between the junction of small and large intestine. The appendix is also called vermiform, because it is worm like in shape.

Basically, appendix was considered as a vestigial organ. It was believed that the appendix was functional before in our ancestors. Because, at that time humans ate raw food and plants, so for the digestion of food, appendix played an important role. But with the passage of time, when humans invent fire and started to eat cooked food. Then the appendix became useless. The appendix was first discovered by Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin believed that the appendix is not become useless, its function is changed in today's humans

Now, the researcher have found that the appendix has an important purpose in our body. The average length of appendix is 9 cm, but it can vary between 5 to 35 cm. The normal diameter of appendix is 6mm. If the diameter of appendix is more than 6 mm then that type of appendix is called inflamed appendix.

Function of appendix

The appendix has numerous important functions in our body, from all of them, some important functions are:

1. The appendix play a vital role in our digestive system, because it maintains the population of Flora. The flora means the important bacteria which are present in our stomach. Scientist have found that, the one who's appendix is removed, has more chances of having clostridium difficile diseases.

2. Appendix also play an important role in maintaining our immune system. Appendix is a safe site for most of the important bacteria.


The most common disease of appendix is appendicitis, which is commonly called pain of appendix. The appendicitis is a condition in which, inflammation occurs in appendix. As the inflammation increases, a pain generates in the abdomen. The only treatment for appendicitis is to remove the appendix from the body. Because if the appendix is not removed, the inflammation increases, and with passage of time, it bursts. In this case the body goes in shok and sometimes the death of the individual can also occur. The removal of appendix is called appendectomy. In case, if the medical facilities are not available then the intravenous antibodies are given to patient which stop the spread of inflammation for sometimes.

What is Uvula?

Uvula is a soft, flexible muscle which is hinged inside the oral cavity of humans. The scientific name of uvula is palatine uvula. The uvula is made up of connective tissues and small muscle fibers. The uvula also contains salivary glands that secret saliva.

As we know that, the oral cavity and nasal cavities are separated by a wall called the palate. The palate is divided into two parts; soft palate and hard palate. The hard palate is the front part of the palate which is bony that separate the nasal cavity from the oral cavity, and the soft palate is the back part of the palate, which lacks bone. The uvula is the end part of the soft palate which is hinged inside the mouth. Scientist have not found all the functions performed by Uvula. Before it was considered as a vestigial structure with no functions, but with the passage of time due to advance technology, scientists have found that uvula performs different important functions in our body.

Functions of uvula

Uvula performs several significant functions in our body, from all some of them are:

1. When we eat food, the uvula moves backwards, the food push the uvula and block the nasal cavity. It prevents the food from entering into the nasal cavity.

2. The salivary glands present in uvula secret a large amount of saliva that moisten the esophagus and helps in easy swallowing of the food.

3. Uvula also plays a significant role in speech. Uvula helps to produce different sounds which are used in different languages, for example, the accents of Arabic, French, Hebrew language.

4. The uvula is the structure which is responsible for snoring, when we sleep. Normally when we sleep the air directly enters and leaves the mouth and nasal cavity, but in some people the uvula grow bigger than the normal, due to which the passage of air is resisted.

5. Sometimes when we can't engulf the food easily and properly, it is an indication that the uvula is swelled. This happens due to bacteria and viruses. It informs that the body is attacked by an antigen.


About the Creator

Parveen Baloch

MPhil/Zoology, Freelance writer

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