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7 Best Moves for Back Pain Relief

Moves that help in Back Pain

By Karen ColePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

According to numerous studies, nearly 80% of adults will experience lower back pain at one point or another. Some people also deal with neck pain or upper back pain. The pain can often become unmanageable and make it impossible for people to perform simple tasks, such as walking or standing for long periods of time. Therefore, it is not surprising that you want to alleviate your discomfort quickly and effectively. There are some simple things that you can do and 7 best moves are mentioned below:

Take a step away from the screen

Slouching in front of your computer screen, laptop, television or video game console can have a bad impact on your back. The spinal consequences are what you want to avoid and the best way to do so is to make an effort to limit your time in front of the screen. When you do have to use it, practice good posture and always take regular breaks. Most importantly, try to swap out your screen time for some activities that require you to be physically active.

Focus on the ergonomics

If you spend your days working at your desk, hunched over your PC, you need to focus on the ergonomics. Otherwise, your back, shoulders and neck are going to suffer. Make sure your monitor is at eye level, and at least 20 inches away from you. Get a good chair that offers lower back support and comes with armrests. Make sure your neck and head remain in line with your torso and keep your shoulders relaxed. Your elbows should stay closer to your body when you are working.

Shed the extra pounds

Extra weight can stress your body. If you have excess weight in your breast or belly region, your back pain will worsen. Lose the excess weight, which means cutting calories and exercising more. Come up with a sustainable and safe fitness plan and eating regime.

Sleep smartly

Proper spine alignment is important, not just when you sit at your desk and watch TV, but also when you sleep because it can affect your back health. Sleep on your side with your knees bent, in a relaxed fetal position. Keep a small pillow under your neck to keep your back aligned.

Do some low-impact exercises

When you are suffering from pain, exercise is the last thing you think about, but regular physical activity can actually promote back health. Moderate exercise can reduce back pain. So, you should consider swimming laps, walking at a brisk pace or participating in yoga a few times a week.

Talk to your doctor

You can talk to your doctor to give you medication, such as prescription pain relievers for managing your back pain. If you are looking for other solutions, doctors can recommend a number of procedures that can help you. You can give nerve stimulation a try or even go with biofeedback in which your brain is trained to control your response to pain. There are back surgeries and spinal injections, but they might be a bit more invasive. You can also check out Vertos Medical Inc. for some non-invasive and outpatient solutions for your back pain.

Go for massages

Hands-on therapy can work wonders for anyone with back pain in the long run. Consistent weekly massages can actually prove to be very helpful in reducing your back pain, as long as they are done right. You can also get in touch with licensed specialists for spinal manipulation, which can relieve any structural problems you may have and even restore any mobility that you have lost.


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