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301k challenge review

i'll tell you the truth

By DeanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
301k challenge review


Reinventing yourself is important, but certain things do change - like small things such as a certain platform. For example, maybe you're running Facebook ads, and they changed the layout slightly or something minor like that. That's where updates come in - they also give you the best offers to promote. These offer Rolodexes are from places like ClickBank, Warrior plus, and JVZoo. He will also teach you how to find offers, and he has his own offers that you can promote as well. One unique thing about this program is that it focuses on selling high-ticket offers, which are anything

1,000ormore,withusuallyawebinarattachedtoit.However,youdon′treallyneedawebinartosellsomethingthatexpensive.Thebenefitofsellingthesehigh−ticketprogramsisthatyoucouldearn500 to 1,000ormore,withusuallyawebinarattachedtoit.However,youdon

treallyneedawebinartosellsomethingthatexpensive.Thebenefitofsellingthesehigh−ticketprogramsisthatyoucouldearn500 to $1,000 or more per sale. So, you don't have to make as many sales to hit your high-income goals.

He'll also teach you how to set up your email autoresponder as well, and you can set up any autoresponder in 20 minutes or less. It doesn't matter which one you use, whether it's GetResponse, Aweber or ActiveCampaign. It's more about the strategy rather than the specific tool. He also provides done for you email swipes, which you can tweak and change according to your needs. You'll learn how to build a simple two-step sales funnel, which is basically a capture page where you're collecting people's emails, and then you're sending them to a bridge page. In the bridge page, you're giving some bullet points on the benefits of whatever you're promoting. This way, people can click the button and it will lead them to the webinar of the product you're promoting. That's how it works from a 30,000-foot view.

He will also teach you how to build out this sales funnel, and you can get his done for you funnel. However, it would be best if you tweaked it a bit to make it unique for you. The price of this program is $197, and it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. It is a Digi store 24 product, so if you don't make your first sale within the first 60 days, you'll get your money back.


He also covers things like tracking campaigns, tracking email opt-ins, clicks and sales, which is essential, especially if you're going to do paid advertising like solo ads. The training is very in-depth; it's 33 days, one to three classes per day, with 10 to 15 minutes each. You'll get a written summary at the bottom of each class, each video, as well as different resources. And it's very step by step, over-the-shoulder, click by click, and not theoretical at all, which is great. He covers things like copywriting, which is critical, and also how to clean your email list, get rid of people who aren't opening your emails, aren't clicking or buying, and address their pain points.

However, there are some cons to this program. One of them is that he's teaching you how to promote high-ticket offers, $1,000 or more, which are difficult to sell, and not everyone will buy them. Secondly, the pre-written emails given in this course are quite salesy and do not address providing value to your email list, something that should be considered. Instead, selling 20% of the time and providing value the other 80% of the time is better. Lastly, Solo ads are considered the lowest quality traffic on the internet, and they're not recommended to promote to make sales. Instead, generating traffic from other sources like social media and YouTube, and building trust with prospects can be a better option.

However, if you're looking to build out a profitable affiliate marketing business, click the link below, enter your best email and get free training. It details how to build out a profitable affiliate marketing business where you don't need to spend on solo ads, and can sell whatever you want.



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