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24 Practical Nutrition and Exercise Advice

These simple, useful ideas can help you get stronger quickly.

By NizolePublished about a year ago 6 min read
24 Practical Nutrition and Exercise Advice
Photo by Mariana Medvedeva on Unsplash

Everyone aspires to be their healthiest, best selves. Nevertheless, it may be difficult to decide which healthy lifestyle suggestions are worthwhile to attempt given the abundance of information available.

We've included some of our favorite diet and exercise plans to make your life a little simpler while assisting you in reaching your objectives.

Keep hydrated.

It's always vital to keep hydrated so you can stay energetic and have your best workout, regardless of whether you're going to boot camp, spin class, or any other kind of fitness class. But for hydration, you shouldn't simply grab anything.

For instance, sports drinks with a high electrolyte content might include extra calories.

So, according to Jackie Newgent, RD, author of "The Big Green Cookbook," drinking water is generally okay until you exercise for more than an hour.

However, if you are engaging in prolonged high-intensity activity, feel free to choose conventional sports beverages. They may provide you with a helpful replenishment boost, particularly as they often include minerals, electrolytes, and even vitamins.

According to Newgent, there are lower-calorie sports drinks that you can get at the grocery store if you don't want the calories but still want some taste.

Find a Training Partner

Finding a companion who will excite you rather than discourage you is crucial if you want to remain motivated while exercising. To find out who meets this need, establish a list of all your pals who like working out, said Andrew Kastor, an ASICS running coach, to Health:

  • Can you arrange a regular workout with your friend?
  • Do they support—rather than criticize—your objectives?
  • Will your friend be able to keep up with you during important exercises or perhaps push you to your limits?

Make the call to start putting together workout regimens if you know someone who meets all three criteria. You may be able to discover alternative methods to exercise with people if you don't live near to someone who might be your workout partner.

For additional information about group fitness courses, personal training sessions, or exercise-focused groups, you may visit a nearby gym or leisure facility. You may also ask your loved ones or close acquaintances if they know anybody else seeking for a workout partner.

Fill Your Refrigerator with Healthful Foods

Lean proteins, fruits, and veggies are all great for your fitness quest.

Even some tasty, wholesome snack choices are available, such hummus, grapes and walnuts, and apple slices with cheese.

A few essential items may also make it much simpler for you to achieve your weight-loss objectives. You could also think about adding Newgent's top three diet-friendly goods to your shopping basket on your subsequent trip to the supermarket:

  • vinegar of balsam (it adds a pop of low-cal flavor to veggies and salads)
  • Shelled nuts (their protein and fiber keep you satiated)
  • Yogurt without added fat (a creamy, comforting source of protein)

Additionally, according to Newgent, "Greek yogurt works beautifully as a natural low-calorie basis for sauces and dips—or as a tangier substitute for sour cream."

Rest Those Tired Muscles

There's a significant probability that you'll have tight calves and painful thighs after a strenuous exercise.

Fortunately, employing cold water immersion in the form of ice baths may provide relief from post-exercise discomfort. This is immersing your lower body for 10 to 15 minutes in a cold bath (50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit; you may need to add some ice cubes to make it chilly enough). 34

Many professional athletes employ this technique to lessen pain after workouts, according to Kastor. "To assist with training recuperation, an athlete preparing for a significant race might think about obtaining one to two massages each month."

It should be noted that immersing one's body in cold water might cause an increase in respiration, pulse rate, and blood pressure. In addition, the body may lose heat more quickly in cold water than in air. 5

In other words, the body may have to work harder in cold water, which may not be ideal for certain medical problems. If someone has, for instance, one of the following conditions, they shouldn't take an ice bath:

Cryoglobulinemia (a condition where antibodies in the blood thicken in the cold) (a condition where antibodies in the blood thicken in the cold)

  • Heart problems
  • inadequate circulation
  • open sores

Raynaud's syndrome (a condition where blood vessels get narrow due to cold or stress)

Diabetes type 1 and type 2

Dysesthesia symptoms (when common stimuli, like touch, hurt or don't feel nice) may be made worse by cold temperatures.

or cause hives or urticaria.

If you're interested in attempting this kind of treatment, speak with a healthcare professional to be sure ice baths are safe for you.

Limit Your Sweet Appetite

You can lose weight by reducing your sugar intake since people who eat less sugar tend to weigh less.

Even in the small hours of the morning, Newgent said, "think 'fruit first' to fulfill your sweet appetite without pushing yourself over the calorie limit.

You may have fresh fig halves smeared with ricotta or a sliced apple with a spoonful of nut butter (such as almond or peanut).

Put on relaxed sneakers.

Shoes should feel comfortable from the very first step, according to Kastor, therefore you shouldn't purchase any that ache.

If you require sneakers, you should shop while your feet are at their largest since your feet expand during the day and then halt in the late afternoon. Additionally, check that the shoes have just enough area for your toes to move.

They ought to be comfortable right away, but according to Kastor, they'll become much more so once you've walked or run 20 to 40 miles in them.

Choose Your Favorite Songs

A fantastic approach to getting into a workout rhythm is to run while listening to music. Consider what motivates and inspires you while choosing the perfect music.

According to Kastor, "I know some excellent athletes who listen to what we'd consider relaxing music, like symphonic music, while they undertake a rigorous exercise."

The wonderful thing about listening to music while working out is that the correct music may boost your performance, emotional state, and oxygen intake.

Know When and How Often To Weigh Yourself.

It's common to feel the need to weigh oneself right away after beginning a new diet or exercise regimen. The optimum time to weigh yourself is in the morning before you eat or drink and before you start your day's activities, said Newgent.

If you're unsure of how often to weigh yourself, be sure to do so for the most accurate result at a regular interval—possibly once a week. Also, keep in mind that weight swings are common, so try not to let them discourage you too much.

Keep an eye on your portions.

Portion control may aid in weight control when you modify your diet.

Pay close attention to your present eating habits if you want to restrict your portions. For instance, you may want to think about halving your amount of beef if your steak occupies more than half of your plate.

That's because, according to Newgent, it's recommended to try to fill half of your plate with vegetables or a combination of vegetables and fresh fruit so you may obtain a balanced diet of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.

Pour slowly

Try to get a glass of water in between drinks if you know you'll be having more than one, said Newgent. You may keep hydrated and experience reduced thirst by drinking water.

But your water doesn't have to be uninteresting. Make it festive by ordering the sparkling type in a martini or highball glass with plenty of fruit, such as lime, lemon, and orange wedge.

Schedule Your Runs in Advance

It's crucial to prepare what you're going to eat the morning before a 5K or 10K (or simply a normal run) by choosing a meal that will keep you nourished and go down easily.

Even though each person is unique, Kastor said that "we [tend to] have excellent results with a high-carbohydrate breakfast like a small bowl of oatmeal with fruit or a few slices of toast with peanut butter or cream cheese."

Kastor also suggested that you consume 200 to 250 calories, mostly from carbohydrates, around 90 minutes before to beginning your warm-up run.

On race day, don't fret about missing your coffee dose. Kastor said, "Coffee is wonderful for sports performances since it increases focus and may even provide longer energy."


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    NizoleWritten by Nizole

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