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10 Hilarious Internet Challenges That Broke the Internet

Inspiring Laughter, Creativity, and Global Participation

By MseyrPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
10 Hilarious Internet Challenges That Broke the Internet
Photo by Leon Seibert on Unsplash


In the vast realm of the internet, we've witnessed some truly remarkable and downright hilarious trends that have captured the world's attention. Internet challenges have become a cultural phenomenon, uniting people from different corners of the globe through laughter and creativity. These challenges, which spread like wildfire across social media platforms, have brought moments of joy and entertainment to millions. Join us as we explore 10 hilarious internet challenges that not only broke the internet but also inspired countless individuals to take part in the fun.

The Ice Bucket Challenge: A Chill for a Cause

Back in 2014, the Ice Bucket Challenge took social media by storm, inspiring millions to drench themselves in icy water. This challenge aimed to raise awareness and funds for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) research. Celebrities, politicians, and ordinary people alike embraced the challenge, making it a viral sensation and raising millions of dollars for the cause.

The Mannequin Challenge: Striking Frozen Poses

In 2016, the Mannequin Challenge swept across the internet, challenging participants to freeze like mannequins while being recorded. People from all walks of life, including athletes, celebrities, and even the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, embraced the challenge. The result was a plethora of creative and often hilarious frozen tableaus that mesmerized viewers.

The Try Not to Laugh Challenge: Contagious Laughter

Laughter truly knows no boundaries, and the Try Not to Laugh Challenge capitalized on this notion. It involved watching a compilation of funny videos while attempting to stifle laughter. Participants recorded their reactions and shared them online, igniting contagious laughter across the internet.

The Harlem Shake: Spontaneous Dance Explosion

The Harlem Shake, a short-lived yet unforgettable internet trend, involved a sudden burst of dance moves set to the infectious beat of Baauer's "Harlem Shake." Groups of people, sometimes in ridiculous costumes, would go from motionless to wildly dancing within seconds. The Harlem Shake united communities and organizations, encouraging people to showcase their eccentric dance skills.

The In My Feelings Challenge: Dance Moves Gone Viral

Drake's hit song "In My Feelings" birthed a dance challenge that took over social media in 2018. Participants jumped out of moving vehicles and broke into synchronized dance routines alongside the slowly moving car. Though controversial due to safety concerns, this challenge undeniably showcased the power of music and dance to unite people across borders.

The Bottle Flip Challenge: The Art of Precision

A simple act of flipping a water bottle became a global sensation with the Bottle Flip Challenge. People of all ages tested their skills, attempting to flip a partially filled bottle and have it land upright. What started as a casual pastime quickly transformed into a mesmerizing display of precision and patience.

The Invisible Box Challenge: Illusion of Gravity-Defying Feats

The Invisible Box Challenge left viewers perplexed as participants seemingly stepped on an invisible box, creating the illusion of defying gravity. This challenge demanded impeccable balance and coordination, inspiring countless individuals to attempt the mind-boggling trick and showcase their own inventive variations.

The Baby Shark Challenge: Infectious Tunes for All Ages

The catchy children's song "Baby Shark" took the internet by storm, captivating young and old alike. Families and friends came together to create lively dance routines, embracing the delightful absurdity of the song. The Baby Shark Challenge became a global phenomenon, reminding us of the joy that can be found in the simplest of melodies.

The Running Man Challenge: Nostalgic Dance Revival

Drawing inspiration from a '90s hip-hop song, the Running Man Challenge brought retro dance moves back into the spotlight. Participants filmed themselves doing the iconic running man dance in unexpected places, adding an element of surprise to the challenge. This vibrant trend encouraged people to showcase their dancing skills while paying homage to the past.

The #InvisiblePrank Challenge: Trickery at Its Finest

In the #InvisiblePrank Challenge, participants pretended to prank their friends or family members while pretending to hold an object, leading the victims into hilarious confusion. This challenge sparked moments of laughter and surprise as unsuspecting individuals fell victim to invisible antics, highlighting the power of creativity and good-natured fun.


Internet challenges have become a testament to the boundless creativity and connectedness that the digital age brings. These 10 hilarious challenges not only broke the internet but also inspired millions to embrace laughter, creativity, and community participation. From fundraising for important causes to showcasing dance moves or simply spreading infectious joy, these challenges have left an indelible mark on our online culture. Let us celebrate the spirit of togetherness and laughter that these challenges have fostered, reminding us that amidst the challenges of life, humor can be a powerful unifier. So, the next time an internet challenge takes the world by storm, don't hesitate to jump in, participate, and be a part of the laughter that echoes through the digital landscape.

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