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Center Stage - Special Edition

A creators in the limelight series

By Heather HublerPublished 12 months ago 15 min read
Top Story - June 2023
Created with CanvaPro

Hello everyone! :) It’s Gina C. and welcome to the 10th episode of Heather’s “Center Stage: Creators in the Limelight Series.” Today it is my pleasure to interview the Queen of Interviews herself - the one and only Heather Hubler. Heather has been so generous with giving other creators the chance to shine that I wanted to make sure she had a minute to be in the spotlight herself for once. She deserves all the love and support that she’s graciously given to all of us! If you’re new to this wonderful series that Heather created, please let me take a quick moment to explain her vision:

Heather’s aim with each mini-interview is to give a small glimpse into what makes up the amazing creators of Vocal through a fun and informative format. Of course, I’ll be doing just that for Heather today. Following her format, this interview will take place over Direct Messenger.

Heather is an incredibly talented poet AND story writer. I remember when I first met Heather - it was around 7 months ago and it was during the Christopher Paolini Fantasy Fiction Challenge. I had the pleasure of reading her submission - “The Sweetest Sound” - and I instantly fell in love with her prose, her lovable characters, and her captivating dialogue. In fact - in all of her work - Heather’s compelling storytelling skills instantly grab the reader’s attention, and her plots are always full of intrigue and intricately-woven detail. Though it would be truly impossible for me to pinpoint a favorite story of hers, here are some that I’ve always loved and have been awestruck by:

The Sweetest Sound

The Dance

A Story with No Beginning - Runner-Up in Return of the Night Owl Challenge

I Dreamt of Lions

When it comes to poetry, Heather’s ability to evoke powerful emotions through truth, beauty, and rawness is - in my opinion - unmatched! Her pieces are each incredibly relatable, and I am constantly spellbound by her rich, expressive, and carefully-selected language. Again, while I cannot possibly pick a favorite poem of hers, here are some that have really touched me:

We Are Queens


Colors of Silence



Heather’s pieces - whether short stories or poetry - not only demonstrate a sophisticated level of creativity, but also - many times - explore important social issues that pull on the heartstrings of her readers. For example, in her short story “The Dance,” Heather touches on the theme of ageism, and in her poem “We Are Queens,” Heather speaks to the countless challenges and expectations imposed on women.

I am always invested and thoroughly impressed with everything Heather produces, so don't hesitate to dive into her works! Her Vocal library currently consists of over 150 wonderful pieces to choose from. :)

I hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes look into Heather's mind as we explore how she approaches the writing process and life. Let's get started!

G: ---Interview Start---

H: Hehe. It's go time or shit-show could go either way with me.

G: Sounds awesome! LOL, I caught myself feeling all stiff and you just broke the ice, thank you.

I'm excited to interview you! You have done so much for so many creators, and it's your time to shine.

H: Thank you! I'm excited too but nervous. And thank you for agreeing to this undertaking.

G: Don't be nervous. You're going to be awesome. And, of course I am so happy to do this. Are you ready for the first question?

H: Yes? Hahaha

G: Hehe, awesome. So, I've had so much fun getting to know you over the last few months. I know just from our conversations that you have always been a very avid reader. Do you have any favorite authors or books that inspired you to start writing?

(off the record omg was that a bad question? lmao)

H: (It's an awesome question!!)

Hmmm, so you are correct :) I am an avid reader. I read probably 300 books a year plus what I read on Vocal now. I've always loved to read. It's been my escape from life ever since I've needed it to be.

I think the first time I realized I wanted to do something similar, like give back to readers and help them escape was in high school. I started reading Robert Ludlum's Bourne Identity.

(So that just dated myself because those books were out long before the movies.)

I was completely engrossed by the level of plot twists and intrigue. I was blown away by the level of detail involved. I love when things rely even on the smallest points.

FFS, I've already written a book on one question, lol!!

G: I literally gasped when you said "300". That is incredible! You are like a super reader. I find that so impressive. And no worries, I feel like great books never go out of style. I love your answer to this so much -- about how you were blown away by the level of detail. I know we've had conversations about this very thing before, and it naturally leads to another question I was going to ask you: what do you think makes a great story?

And no worries, your answer was perfect and I'm here to get all the intricate Heather details so we can see how your genius mind works!

H: I appreciate you think it's impressive because I know some people don't believe me, lol. And that's a slow year. I read even more before joining Vocal.

Hmmm....I want to feel something. I want to be so immersed that I can barely catch my breath for needing to finish it. I don't care what genre it is. Okay, that's a bit of a lie. I don't generally read horror. Ever. I can handle bad stuff happening, graphic things even, but they have to mean something other than to just terrify me, lol.

That's what I want to do for readers, grip them tightly and take them for an epic ride.

No idea if I can pull that off or not, but that's the goal.

And you are seriously too sweet to me.

G: Believe me, 300+ books a year is definitely impressive and admirable. And I love how you are so open to genres when reading. I understand about the horror. And YES - you definitely grip your readers with your amazing stories (and poems). I have another question to talk more about that, actually. Are you ready to move on to the next?

H: Thank you for the kind words there. And yes, I'm ready!

G: You are welcome. Ok, I wanted to talk about your work. You have SO MANY wonderful pieces. Truly! I have to say that I enjoy your fiction just as much as your poetry. Do you have a favorite piece that you've written? Feel free to comment on a story, poem, or both!

H: Oh yay! I'm glad you enjoy my work. That's the main reason I write :)

That's a tough question.

G: Seriously love it SO MUCH. I'm like...a fan 😍

Take all the time you need. I know there must be many pieces that mean something to you for so many different reasons.

H: Well, I love Spy Tip #14 which I wrote for the Runaway Train challenge. And I love that one for a number of reasons.

It was one of the first pieces I got a lot of feedback for as I'd just joined the facebook Vocal groups. It felt validating to know people enjoyed it. I also love humor and sarcasm. And the characters were just fun. I also thought it was pretty creative :)

Of course I love The Dance as well. It was a heartbreaking piece but I thought it was on an important topic.

As for poetry...I use poetry to get out my emotions. I'm a sham of a poet as I don't give a single damn about form or structure. I don't count syllables except for haikus. I just do what I want until I like it, lol.

I think I love Challenge Demons though as I had that one brewing for months before I published it.

G: Oh yes, Spy Tip #14 that is such a great story!! I was stalking your page today at lunch. I've read so many pieces of yours but still need to catch up on some of your older work. You really have a knack for creativeness! I've noticed that many times but was reminded again today by your recent poem - Unwanted. All I can say is...DAMN 😳 That was brilliant!!

(sorry if I'm moving slow... my internet is fading in and out)

H: No worries, I'm all comfy right now :)

G: Omg and yes - The Dance! That was one of the first(ish) stories that I read of yours. So important and captivating!!

H: Thank you!! At least I made a good first impression, I think, hahaha.

That's the thing I love...dropping little bread crumbs to see who will follow and get 'it'. Have you read my short story called Apples for Midnight?

G: Yes, you did! I keep coming back for more Heather, that's for sure!

And your poetry -- omg! Don't you feel guilty for ONE MINUTE about not caring about structure! (I'm biased as a fellow free-form poet but...) your poems are AMAZING. You have such a way with raw truth mixed with exquisite, vivid description. I am constantly in awe.

H: Aww, you are so good for my self-esteem.

G: You are welcome! I love the breadcrumbs so much, and you are so good at it! I have not come across Apples for Midnight...are there breadcrumbs?

H: Lol, but somehow you make it look like you have structure!! And your poetry always blows me away. You have all these meanings and metaphors.

G: Aw thank you, you are so sweet. But this is not about me. This is about you!! Tell me more about those breadcrumbs.

H: LOL, I guess I can't help being the interviewer now!

Yes, I laugh every time I come across it because my best friend was one of the few that read my work for like the first year on Vocal. And she's a high school English teacher. She was so pissed she hadn't seen the twist coming. She went back and picked it apart to see if I messed up or contradicted myself. I was super pleased...hahaha.

G: I love that so much. That's awesome that you kept her from seeing the twist - a High School English teacher! Well, I'm sold. That will definitely be the next piece of yours that I read.

Well, you ARE the master interviewer. So it's understandable, lol.

H: I will warn anyone that bothers to check it out, that the word count for the challenge entry was only 2k. I think mine was exactly 2k, so kinda short and sweet.

G: Yes, I agree. Writing details like that - the breadcrumbs with their precise placement - definitely shows that you put a considerable amount of thought and care into your stories.

H: Thank you. I also love to research, like everything.

G: Oh, I love that! Honestly I think that is so impressive that you can write that intricate of a story in so few words. Writing shorter stories is definitely something that I struggle with.

H: Yes!! The year I joined, Vocal had a summer fiction series of challenges. ALL were 2k or under. It was a challenge right off the bat!

G: I love that, and it definitely shows.

H: Thank you.

G: You're welcome. That definitely sounds challenging for sure. I love that you embraced it. I really need to find another term other than "I love that..." But's it's true!

Well, did you have anything else you wanted to add, or are you ready for the next question?

H: I know, right? It's not easy coming up with another way to say that, but it is true. I am ready.

G: Ok, awesome. So the next question is one of yours. Do you have any favorite hobbies outside of writing that you would like to tell us about?

H: You're a natural interviewer BTW :)

G: Aw you are so sweet, thank you. I did feel nervous at first but now I feel more relaxed.

H: Oh good, I think you're doing great. And we haven't cussed at all.

LOL, I'm laughing now because I guess I already answered this. I love to read. It is the number one thing I've always loved to do. I'll go with my second one then, which is going to the movies.

G: Oh, haha! That's perfect. I love going to the movies. What is the last movie you saw?

Haha! So true...about the cussing....who would've thought we'd be so proper.

H: Oh yay! I wish we could go together. Maybe some day.

I don't get to go to the theater as much anymore so I think the last thing I saw was Top Gun Maverick, which I loved. I was nervous to see it as Top Gun was my favorite movie for a long time. I wanted to be a fighter pilot even before the movie came out.

G: Oh, I also love Top Gun and very much enjoyed Top Gun Maverick. And for real, it'd be so fun to meet up. That's dope about wanting to be a fighter pilot. You're way cooler than me, lol!

H: Not gonna lie that it makes me happy you love them too.

And you're a superhero for being a teacher. I did not end up being a fighter pilot, sorry for the spoiler everyone. But I have at least flown a plane solo on several occasions.

G: Whoa, that is so cool! You are impressing me left and right here today.

H: I'm dredging hard for the cool stuff trying to dig up anything worthwhile!!

G: Well, aside from being awesome, flying planes every once and awhile, reading 300+ books, and writing amazing stories and poems, do you have any projects you are currently working on? Oh! And being a mom, duh.

Sorry, I meant writing projects.

H: I knew what you meant. I speak messed up typing. I do it all the time...hahaha

G: Love that!

H: So, I do have a long-term writing project that I plan to get back to this summer. People may ask, why wait? Because it's just a slightly less busy time for me. I've had ideas for novels for quite a number of years, but never had dedicated time. I started the one I'm working on last summer and feel more confident now to keep going.

G: That is sooo exciting! Would you like to give us just a tease of an idea about what your novel is about? (If not, it's totally ok.)

H: Thank you. It finally feels exciting instead of just daunting.

Hmmm, so I need to preface this tease by saying that if you haven't figured it out yet, I just do what I want as far as rules and guidelines. This will kinda verge on sci-fi tipping over into fantasy. We'll see as I get further along. I do know how important it is for marketing and selling it to a publisher to know what my audience is and the genre, but I dislike doing anything just because. If I have to self-publish and 3 people read it, then it is what it is.

I've read a lot of scientific publications and books related to the idea of multiverses, and that will be a big element of the series.

G: Oh, that sounds SO COOL! Honestly, I love a good mixing of genres. Multiverses blow my mind and are so intriguing. I will definitely buy and read your book. I can't wait.

H: I love mixing genres too. Reading and writing them is the best.

This is one of the books I've read. It's a bit of a mind fuck, hahahaha.

G: I will have to check that out. I love a good mind fuck, lol! (oops, there goes our no cussing record....hahaha)

Speaking of minds. I did have just one more question for you, if you're up to it.

H: Sure thing, I'm having so much fun.

G: Yay! Me too. Oops tho, I should have been a good interviewer and asked you if there was anything else you wanted to say about your project first before moving on.

H: No, I'm good to move on but thank you for asking.

G: Ok awesome! So my last question comes with a shout out to your amazing poetry. I think I already said this here, but I'm so in love with your poetry style. You write with such raw truth and vivid description. What is going through your mind when you're looking to find that perfect word, or complete that key line in your poetry?

H: Oh I love that question! I have no idea how I'm going to answer it yet..hahaha.

And thank you for your lovely words.

G: Of course! And, you could also twist it by talking about your writing process, if you want. Maybe that will lead to it.

H: So it's no secret I love the thesaurus and I use it a lot. I love nuance in language and so I really do want just the right word. I am incredibly deliberate. I just keep reading it over and over looking for the word that feels right, that aha moment.

G: I love the thesaurus!! I love the nuances you use, and I can tell that every word is so carefully chosen.

H: I will look up the origins of phrases, root meanings, words that match or describe anything scientific in the piece, lol. Science nerd and word nerd, unite!! (I have a B.S. in BCMB.)

G: Oh, origins of words! I love that. And I am such a fan of your scientific terms.

H: Thank you :)

G: Of course! It's so nice when that a-ha moment comes.

H:'s such a rush. And I know you are very purposeful too with your words.

G: Yes! We definitely have that in common. And the re-reading of our work...I do that until my head just about spins off.

Well, its been fun talking to you! You are so talented and I feel honored that I got to interview the Queen of Interviews herself!!Is there anything else you would like your readers to know?

H: I had the best time. You did great, and I appreciate that you offered to do this :)

Hmm, I would like readers to know that you can do what you want (within reason, lol, don't get arrested). But don't be afraid to try different things, and make up new things. I've never been a follower. Peer pressure always pissed me off. I may arrive at the same conclusion, but I've thought long and hard on it. Do your research and above all have fun.

That sounded like some cheesy high school year book blurb...hahahaha.

G: Such great advice! I'm going to use the term again but...I love it. Haha, definitely not cheesy. I love the part about not being a follower and not being afraid to do your own thing. And especially the part about having fun.

H: Yes, the fun part is the best. And if life is crapping on you, watch TikTok, bahaha.

G: And of course, it was a pleasure to interview you. You've done so much for the community.

LOVE that! Good old TikTok is always there for a laugh. Ok well, thank you again.

That will complete our interview.

H: YAY!!


By Marcela Laskoski on Unsplash

Secret after party...

H: Now you need to go eat dinner :)

G: I hope that was ok.

H: I really loved your questions.

G: Aw yay, I'm so glad.

H: People will probably think I'm crazy!!

G: No way! It's good to be silly. I was too.

H: I asked Jason his favorite pizza topping and had him's so funny and right at the end :)

G: Haha! That's hilarious. I was reading Dana's interview today but haven't finished yet.

H: I'm kinda unapologetic though. You're endearing :)

G: Aww, thank you - you are GREAT! Honestly, no need to apologize for anything, own it.


I hope you enjoyed this brief look into Heather's writing life and genius. I highly encourage everyone to check out her work and subscribe!

Chat interview conducted via facebook messenger on May 2, 2023.


** (Heather speaking!) I'd like to give a huge shout-out to the fabulous, Gina C. for taking on this daunting task (hehe). She is such a wonderful friend and supporter. I could not have asked for a better person to do my interview. Please check out all of her show-stopping poetry and short fiction as well as her very own interview, the first one in the series!!


And get caught up with the most recent one in the series with the amazing, Veronica Coldiron!!


About the Creator

Heather Hubler



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Comments (31)

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  • Kristen Balyeat11 months ago

    I LOVED THIS INTERVIEW! Great job, Gina! Heather, I'm SO happy that Gina did this interview. It was such a delight to read more about you and learn some super cool facts, like, you are a pilot-sh! woah! Freaking badass! Love your idea for your novel and that you are a rule breaker. I'm exactly the same. I do not allow anyone to tell me how or what to do with my creativity. It comes to me, so I honor it. Love that about you and absolutely adore your work. There is so much I need to catch up on! Excited to see what you do in the future! Bravo, ladies!

  • What an absolutely adorable romp of an interview. I have to admit the whole time I was chuckling inside as you two giddy teenage grown women were so excited about not cussing that you missed the cuss in the very first line of the interview, by none other than Heather herself...LOL. And I quote "Hehe. It's go time or shit-show time..." Moving beyond the potty-mouth foulness (you know I love you both), I really loved the statement of finding a writing project exciting rather than daunting. That is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Congrats on Top Story!

  • Thavien Yliaster11 months ago

    Welllllllllllllll great... I've always felt ashamed for not being able to read as much as quickly, and You are another shining example of somebody with that immense skill. Ugh, I don't know if it's my own personal limitations or if I just need more practice. Lowkey though, You make me jealous with the amount of emotion that You can draw from the audience. The depth that You have in Your stories is astounding. It's like a refreshing drink of water from a well, and the more emotional impact You have the deeper the well goes. When I read "The Dance" I was too shocked that it didn't win. I was like, "That can't be right. It's write, but that can't be right." I feel that when I write it's extremely analytical, I get lost in the details, not seeing the forest for the trees. You, however, paint the ocean for the waves, and everything settles within the basin as its suppose to. Oddly enough I'm sitting by an oil painting of an orca as I type this. Sorry for not commenting on this earlier. Read it on my plane flight.

  • So glad that the two of you did this. You are two of my favorite creators on this site. I love that..., No, that's Gina's phrase. I need to find something different. Now where's my thesaurus? It was wonderful getting to read your back & forth banter & to learn a little bit more about your thought process, Heather. I enjoyed this thoroughly. And now to dive back into those 56 stories I'm currently behind after last week's family reunion. (I know, it's not 300, but it still feels like a lot, lol.)

  • Leslie Writes11 months ago

    Glad you decided to do this switcheroo, so we could get to know you better. Love your style! and Gina did a great job with the questions 🙂

  • The Dani Writer11 months ago

    Great job! Sorry it took me a while to get to this but does not make it any less special. Woohoo!

  • JBaz11 months ago

    Gina, you did what I wish I could have. Heather is a star and all around great person for helping others. This was awesome Congratulations

  • C. H. Richard11 months ago

    What a wonderful interview! I would have a hard time choosing one of Heather's stories or poems. She is such a gifted writer. I do love the Dance though ❤️. Well Done Gina and Heather ❤️

  • Congratulations on your Top Story✨💖🎉🎯

  • Gina C.11 months ago

    Yay! It was so much fun and my absolute pleasure to do this with/for you, my dear friend! 🤗❤️❤️ I love how you included the "secret after party" 🤗❤️❤️

  • Gal Mux11 months ago

    300 books a year!!!! Flown a plane solo!!! Queen 👑 I particularly loved the hilarious story you wrote about the incident with your kids. It was wonderful to get to know you some more 🙂

  • Speaking of meeting Heather, I don't know how long ago was that for me but the first piece that I ever read of yours was Spy Tip #14. I still remember Mari and Heath. That story stuck with me and I'll never forgive Vocal for not making you win for this story! "I don't generally read horror. Ever. I can handle bad stuff happening, graphic things even, but they have to mean something other than to just terrify me, lol." The least a writer can do is try to understand their readers. So I would like to know, what do you mean by it has to mean something other than to just terrify you? Oooo, a sci-fi fantasy about multiverses? That's soooooo awesomeeee! That do what you want but don't get arrested was for me, right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm soooo happy you went with the ideas of many, mine included, to interview yourself! You and Gina make a great team! I enjoyed myself reading this!

  • Lamar Wiggins11 months ago

    Back to say congrats!!! 🥳

  • Jay Kantor11 months ago

    Dear Ms. Gina ~ You Give Great Mic - Spotlighting the Humble-Lovely Heather with such Grace ~ Jay Kantor

  • Dana Stewart11 months ago

    Awesome interview, good job ladies. Gina, you did great turning the tables!! Wow, Heather reads 300 books a year. That’s impressive! I enjoyed this, felt like I was eavesdropping on two friends, so natural. Can’t wait for Heather to publish that novel! Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Judey Kalchik 11 months ago

    Set this one aside to read over tea before a big conference call. Gina- you truly are a great interviewer. I almost forgot that this was done via Messenger; it sounded so natural. Heather- your control of vocabulary keeps me on my toes- thank you!

  • Melissa Ingoldsby11 months ago

    Awesome interview as always!! You give a personal and down to earth touch that is easy to smile and feel warmly for!!

  • Congratulations on your Top Story

  • Antoinette L Brey11 months ago

    great interview,

  • Both My favorite Creators❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😉💯❗❗

  • Tiffany Gordon 11 months ago

    Awesome interview! Such fun! great job!

  • Babs Iverson11 months ago


  • Veronica Coldiron12 months ago

    Actually, this was friggin awesome! I was reading this thinking to myself, " Ok, that's what I thought!", then there were a few "Oh wow!" moments! I have a question... What inspires you most to write? I get that you read a lot and I'm sure that's some of it, but is there a kind of music that helps, or environment... come on. I have to understand the genius! 😉 Also... GREAT interview, Gina! I'm waiting for the next entry on the spy tip!

  • Cathy holmes12 months ago

    Yay! This is fantastic. I've been looking forward to this one, and needless to say, am not disappointed. Great job to both of you. Bring on the TS 👏👏

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