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Center Stage with Jason Basaraba (JBaz)

A creators in the limelight series

By Heather HublerPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 21 min read
Top Story - May 2023
Created with CanvaPro

Welcome back! I'm here with another chat interview featuring creator, Jason Basaraba (JBaz on Vocal). If you're new to the series, please let me take a quick moment to explain the vision.

My aim with each mini-interview is to give a small glimpse into what makes up these amazing creators through a fun and informative format. I've limited the interview method to facebook messenger chat. I've also asked creators to come up with a few questions for themselves as this is to aim the spotlight on them.

My wonderfully talented guest in this seventh episode has over seventy-five works published to Vocal with more than half of them falling in the fiction category and quite a few in the poetry community as well.

After reading one or two of his short stories, it quickly becomes apparent that his passion for writing prominently shows in the journeys he takes his readers on and the depth of detail he displays in character development and plot. I'm constantly blown away by his level of creativity and the emotional impact from all of his works.

I've yet to find something of his I did not want to go back and read again.

(Jason is also a huge fan of exclamation marks!!! Just kidding, but I had to tease him a bit as you'll see I use them profusely all the way through -ha!)


I hope you appreciate getting a behind-the-scenes peek into Jason's mind as we explore how he approaches the writing process and life. Let's get started!



H: Welcome! I want to thank you for agreeing to interview with me. I'm looking forward to showcasing you, so please answer however you like and take as much time as you need. I'll be editing for misspellings before publishing. If there's anything you want removed at the end, just let me know.

J: No worries, there will be many spelling mistakes. I am not at home so not used to typing without a key board.

H: Oh! I feel for you as I'm lost without a keyboard. Also, did you come up with any other questions than the ones you mentioned yesterday?

J: No, not really. I thought I would like to wing it. Note that I also may not answer fast.

H: No worries! I've got plenty to ask you, and I have plenty of time.

Okay, so I like to start off with a kind of standard question as it sets us off on the right foot. Please walk us through what your creative process looks like. I guess that was more of a request this time instead of a question, lol.

(Feel free to answer in chunks if that makes it easier. I'll wait to comment until you're done with your line of thought.)

J: Haha. For me the idea of a story has to form in my mind first. I would say it always starts with an opening line, then I work on it from there. That's why I like prompts. It is a starting point. But I get ideas from listening to music, watching people, going for a walk, where there is only my thoughts. I do not like to work around a lot of noise.

Then I figure out a plot and the end. The creative piece for me is filling the middle and figuring out how I arrive at the end of the story I created. This is when I sit down and begin writing.(It changes, but gives me a start.) Then once that is completed, I leave it for a day or two and work the story again in my head (I am very distracted at this time and would rather not be working). Then I sit down rewrite and edit, and hope for the best. Before I finish, I have my wife read the story.

H: Those are some really great insights into how your mind works. I love that it's different for each creator although we share some similarities.

So, how do you feel when you're given the starting line? Does that mess things up or make it simpler?

And I love that your wife gets eyes on it for you :)

J: No the opening line I am realizing is just another prompt. So many people use it then it has nothing to do with the rest of their story. I want to keep it in the guidelines. I find it more of a challenge.

H: Hmm, I have not looked at it that way before, but you are so very right. It is just another prompt!

Do you tend to use a similar process for poetry?

J: Oh God....poetry. I am an imposter with poetry. I never gave it much thought until I joined Vocal. My daughter loves poetry, and I could not understand it. NOW I wish I did, it is an absolute beautiful medium.

H: I completely agree! I had zero interest in poetry until coming to the Vocal platform. I love that your daughter has seen its value right from the start. Does she read yours then?

J: She reads some of my works. She was the one who got me to sign up with Vocal. But I have a lot of sad stories, and she does not like that. The best one I wrote was one Vocal ignored, "In the Early Morning Mist."

Wow that was a rambling statement.

H: No, that was just right! You're supposed to do all the rambling.

Oh, that is so special that she's the one that gave you the push to join Vocal. And yeah, sad stories are hard to take sometimes. It stinks that something so special to you didn't get much recognition. What do you love about that piece?

J: I wrote it for Remembrance day. And on that day Vocal chose to feature an article that had nothing to do with remembering the sacrifice of those who died in the wars. That subject is special to me. We should never forget, and I felt that Vocal did.

H: Ah, that was poor oversight on their part for sure. What a thoughtful way to remember those sacrifices and help others do the same. Well, we will definitely feature it in the interview!! I'm looking forward to reading it.

J: Oddly enough that poem is my second highest reads.

H: It seems it resonated with others despite not getting recognition by the platform 🥰

H: Is there anything else you'd like to share about your writing process?

J: I think I realize how important editing is. And I must mention how thankful I am that I have someone like my wife who is willing to read my work and give me honest feedback, and point out errors, or add suggestions that in truth really improve the piece. I recommend everyone find someone like that.

H: Aww, you have someone quite special there! What a wonderful source of support. It is important to find someone like that. For me, it's my best friend. She will tell me if something is meh, lol, or that it's just total crap.

And I could not agree with you more about editing and your process to let it sit for a day or two. It makes such a difference.

J: It's the best isn't it. We need to accept constructive criticism and not be offended by it. Ultimately the choice is ours to publish what we want, but it pays to listen to others.

I have a question for you.

Why is your story "The Dance " not in your top three picks? To me, it's stories like that one that made me want to be a better writer.

H: Ah, do you mean my pinned stories? I had it there for a long time, but ultimately decided to use those for the most recent things I'm trying to feature, often matching whatever challenges are going on.

And thank you so much for those kind words! Comments like that make me want to keep writing. When that did not place in the challenge, I felt quite lost for a bit.

This kind of leads into a bit of what we discussed last night. Are there other stories of yours that you feel deserve more recognition than they've received, and if so, why?

J: Yes I do, but then again we all do to an extent. But when you have other writers that are extremely talented and have won challenges reach out to you wondering how that story didn't get any recognition, it gets frustrating. My first story I ever wrote on Vocal was top story, then nothing for two years. That makes you wonder.

"The Legend of Foggy Waters," "Haven," and "Two of a Kind equals a Pear" are a few.

H: Oh wow! Your first story, that's amazing. But I know what you mean. It's hard to hear from other creators how much they appreciate your work and not see any platform recognition. Especially when there were so few ways to promote your work before commenting and notifications, etc.

I LOVED "Two of a Kind equals a Pear!"

J: Thank you, that one I had a professor reach out to me and ask if he could use it in his writing class as an example.

H: I just checked, and I did read Haven, another very well-thought out piece. I loved Hecatomb too. Really, you have an amazing amount of excellent fiction.

J: Thank you, when you read the stories we have on hand it is amazing talent.

I will say I see a change in Vocal. You notice the Vocal team and curators are reading stories now. I feel good when they do read and leave a comment. And they are reaching out to the creators for opinions and ideas.

H: Yes, it seems things are hopefully moving in the right direction. It felt like throwing things into the void there for quite some time.

J: That is true. The social media or facebook groups have been a fantastic support, especially for someone like me who did not go on any social media before.

H: I'm so glad they've been a positive support for you! Did you find the groups right away? I see you've been on Vocal since Feb. 2021, so a few months longer than me. It took me almost a year to find those groups.

J: I think because my story "Cost of Freedom" got a lot of positive feed back, I was invited to a few groups.

H: That's wonderful! It's not hard to see that you have a great deal of talent, and you're a wonderful supporter of other creators as well :)

J: I would like to say 'Thank you' to two of the hardest working people that maintain facebook support groups. Judey Kalchik and Rick Henry Christopher. Their work and effort should be recognized.

H: Great! We will definitely include this wonderful shout-out to them.

(Please click on their names to go see the wonderful works they have on Vocal.)

J: Here is one more question for you. When is a person ready to finally write their novel? I mention this because I want to and realize if I do, I may stop being involved in Vocal and the groups, and I will miss that.

H: Hmmm, so that really depends on the person, I think. I've started a novel and plan to go full in this summer. I joined Vocal to try putting myself out there and do different things. It's easier to play with POV, verb tenses and genres on a small scale like a short story and get comfortable with your own style before trying that in a longer project. I plan to keep Vocal for poetry and fun projects as those are how I get out of writing slumps and get my emotions out.

I fully believe there's a season for everything in your life, and sad as it is to say, it may be time for you to move on. There's no reason you can't stay in the groups and read others' works though. I can't wait to see what you're going to come up with!

Do you have ideas already for a novel? If you don't want to share yet, no worries.

(please let me know if you have time constraints)

J: I do. There are two stories, one finished but now editing and the second in the works, but far from complete. Totally different from what I currently write. But feel I have to do it soon. My Vocal expires next year in February, so I may stay on for practice and to stay in touch.

It appears the rest of my group that I am vacationing with are ready for a hike. I do want to shout out to my son (I talked about my wife and daughter). He is a writer in his own right and is working on publishing his book as we speak.

H: YAY for your son! It's a tough balance to decide where to put your energy. I'm so amazed you already have one written and another in the works. Is this a series? You always write such gripping stories.

Aww, yay for a hike! Would you like to continue this at another time? I'm in no rush to hurry you along in answering.

J: If that would be ok with you, I can reach out later today or tomorrow?

H: Perfect! Enjoy and let me know when you have more time :)

J: Thank you. I am really enjoying this. Have a great day.

H: Thank you! I am too.

(Intermission while Jason has fun hiking.)

J: Just got back. Your call if you want to continue, or we can finish tomorrow afternoon. I will be traveling back home.

H: What a great view! If possible, I'd ask we maybe do it tomorrow afternoon. Please just message me when you have an idea of time and enjoy the rest of your trip!

J: Perfect, because I am Canadian and hockey finals are on.

So….😉 Talk to you tomorrow.

Photo provided by Jason


J: Hey Heather. I made it back from the woods. Let me know if you want to continue, or did you read what you had and said ”Ah this is crap, he is giving me nothing."

H: LOL, not at all!! I was a having a wonderful time. I'm happy to continue whenever you're ready.

J: Ok, let me grab a tea (is it too early for a beer?), and I’ll get back to you.

H: Grab both?

J: Hmm, Chamomile and a nice pilsner?

H: Sounds like a perfect set up!

Ok, I was trying to go back through and see where we left off...I think I asked if you were writing a series as you mentioned you'd completed one novel and were starting a second.

J: Right. I had not originally thought that, but yes they both have a potential for a series.

H: So the 2nd one is independent of the first? But they both could be potential series. Do I have that right? Maybe I need a beer.

J: I will wait while you get one, it's refreshing. They are two totally different stories. All I need are readers to want to read more of my work. Then I can decide to do a series.

H: LOL, maybe I'll have some wine. But then I might fall asleep.

Thank you for clarifying. I always wonder if it's a good idea to show readers or an agent that you're working on the next one if it'll be a series, or if you should wait to see if anyone likes it.

J: I think, just my thought, that many times you start writing and realize this could go on. I am not sure I can do that. I have to fall in with the characters enough to continue and expand their story.

H: That makes a lot of sense. There are some characters that you just know you'll be pretty much happy with where you leave them, and then others where you want to push them a bit more and keep going.

J: Yeah, you got it. The character in 'Haven' I could definitely continue.

H: Oh yeah...I was ready to read more for that one.

J: I don't know about you, but I tend to write as if you're watching a movie. Maybe I should try writing a movie script. Ha

H: Sorry, trying to keep reading back through our responses and the page keeps jumping.

Oh, I agree! When I write (and read), I picture it all like a movie

J: I know.. when I find a book like that I just meld into it.

H: Yes, isn't that the best feeling in the world! It's what I want to do for readers when I write.

J: You do with a few of your stories. As I said that is why your story "The Dance " is so brilliant.

H: Thank you for that! I can see it in your writing as well. You always have so much emotional investment. It brings the story to life.

Since I've really got no idea what the last question is because fb chat is trying my patience, would you care to move on?

J: Yes.

H: Great! What's the most surprising thing you've learned about yourself through writing?

J: That I think I can actually do this. I can actually write something others will appreciate and enjoy.

H: Aww, I will gush a bit. That's such a wonderful answer. It's so hard to be vulnerable and push that publish button sometimes.

J: True.

H: And when you do and find that others identify or just appreciate and maybe even feeling!!

J: This is why writing mediums are so important. I was not close to being ready before.

H: Yes, truly.

J: I have a feeling if we were to have a glass of wine together we would digress a lot, lol.

H: I better get that glass...hahaha. People want to hear digressing...and by people, I mean me.

J: (insert squirrel picture)

By Ryan Hyde on Unsplash

H: That picture is going in the interview!

J: It's my best side.

H: LOL! I find the Vocal platform and even Medium to be so freeing in that you can share as much or as little as you'd like. Try different things!

J: I love that I tried different styles of writing.

H: Yes!

J: I would like to try and write an epic story at least once, you know follow a person's entire life.

H: Oh wow! That's pretty...for lack of a better term...epic. What attracts you to that idea?

J: I think from reading a few. Jeffery Archer's As the Crow Flies and his Clifton Chronicles are terrific (Mike Singleton is fuming right about now if he reads this).

H: So this isn't one of the ones you've started then, more like a bucket list thing?

(hahah, we'll see if he comments!!)

J: Yes, bucket list.

H: My bucket list is just writing a damn novel in the first place, lol.

I loved your answer to this even though we sidetracked. Do you have any more thoughts for this one?

J: You're right, actually, too big a bucket and we may never fill it at all for fear of not completing anything.

H: Yes, you said what I was thinking!

I'll ask the next question, but feel free to backtrack if you weren't finished. Would you say you're an introvert or an extrovert (or both)?

J: Yeah a bit of both, I do not like huge crowds but like to hang out with friends. If I am with someone, I can handle large gatherings. But I do like alone time. COVID showed me I can be alone or just with my family.

H: Yeah, I think the quarantines revealed so much of our nature, even to ourselves.

Hmm, is there a term for a mix of both? I think I'd have to agree that I'm like you in that regard a bit.

J: Perfect?

H: Yes, exactly!

J: It's settled, we have defined the term.

H: Hahaha! I was trying to see if there was a term but not finding much. Perfect it is! Ready for a fun one? I mean I know they're all fun, but well...hahahaha!

What's one of your favorite films?

J: Geez that is a good one. Because it was one of my favorite books I will go with the Lord of the Rings. If I think of another, I will let you know.

It's also special because these movies were something that I did with my son every year. We would go see them together as they came out.

H: That's so special! are you of the mind that you only like the original trilogy, or do you like the Hobbit trilogy as well?

J: Original, the Hobbit while it was good, got goofy and strayed.

(My son drew this Smaug.)

Art by Jason's son, Cole.

H: Do you watch them together from time to time still?

J: Funny you should say that...Yes, we make a plan and binge them that is looong. We said we would do it every few years.

H: I love carrying on traditions that are special. That's wonderful that you guys make it a priority :)

J: Anything with family is special, but yeah I really look forward to this. To share something you love with someone and find out they love it just as much, special.

H: Absolutely!! We have a tradition of watching the Polar Express only on Christmas Eve. We've done it for many, many years ❤️

Have you seen anything in the theater recently that was any good?

J: Yes, we saw the new Tom Hanks movie, A man Called Otto. He was great as always.

H: I tried to watch that on the plane back from my recent trip, but the conversations were too quiet and I could not get the volume to adjust. It looked like a great film!

J: Do it again. You cannot be interrupted when watching it.

H: Yeah, I need to. I think the last thing I saw in the theater was Top Gun Maverick.

J: Yeah we saw that, and I have to say I likes it, a lot.

H: Me too! I went with my best friend (who I went to high school with, so only like 10 years ago...bahahaha) and we loved it!

Now that I've got a good movie recommendation, we can move on to another question, lol. I'm going to ask this one that we lightly touched on before the interview. What do you like about Vocal, and what don't you like?

J: Vocal has given many people a chance to do what they have always dreamed of, publishing their stories, sharing their emotions. They try to include everyone. For that I applaud them.

H: So very true!!

J: What I do not like... I think they still do not have a full grasp on fiction or respect. Fiction is included, but I believe only to satisfy the ones who write it. And as much as I enjoy the Top Story, if you see your work up there, you are out of the challenge (generally speaking).

H: I've noticed that as a trend as well. I've had to fight a lot of challenge demons in that regard.

J: Everyone wants to win, and I will say that with so many entries, I think they get the winner correct 80%. Some, I wonder how they won when they disregarded the parameters of the challenge.

H: I've struggled with the same thoughts. And it's no reflection on the creators at all. But why bother to give parameters and very specific prompts and then ignore them? I mean, Vocal ignoring them.

J: Exactly. You feel cheated. I feel they are trying too hard to follow University guidelines of what a proper piece of literature is supposed to be. Some of the best selling authors Do Not follow those rules. It is creative, not a forced standard. Having said that, I do believe everything should be edited though as properly as you can. Spelling, etc.

H: Yes, please tell me what you actually want without the games.

J: Yeah, is it so hard? We should check. I think Cathy Homes is the only person I know who won a Top Story and a challenge (2nd), and it was well deserved.

H: I think Em Starr did as well.

J: Thanks, you are correct. I am sure there are a few. And Em is terrific as well.

Oops, spelled Homes incorrect. Did it again, it is auto correcting.

H: Don't worry, I'll fix it so she won't know...hahaha. Unless I leave this part in cos she'll get a kick out of it. They spelled her name wrong in her challenge win via email I believe...called her Kathie, I think?

J: I cannot fault that was Auto Correct! I never use exclamation marks...that is how frustrating it is 🤣

H: Hehe, you should not have pointed that out. My immediate thought was to end every one of your sentences with an exclamation mark in final edits. I won't, but it was funny to think.

J: Wow you have a lot of editing to do. Lol that is funny...😝 NOT!!!

H: Haha! I agree that Vocal definitely has positives and negatives, but I can't seem to kick the Vocal habit. I don't know what that says about me?

J: Me neither. I think I like the community, and as I said a great place to practice.

I just realized the time.

H: Do you need to go? I have one last question unless you need to go sooner.

J: Go for it, I was thinking it's getting late for you.

H: Oh, I'm good.

J: Ask away.

H: What does success look like to you?

J: Hmmm, please give me a moment.

H: Of course.

J: Balance. Doing what you wish to do and being happy doing it. Monetary gains are a bonus (we all would like to not worry about finances). Sharing your success with others. Doing all this without trying to hurt anyone along the way. I should say without intentionally hurting...

H: I love the way you said this. I don't know what my own candid response would be, but yours resonates with me. What a wonderful way to look at success.

J: Thank you, family and friends are very important to me, as is with most people I believe.

H: Yes, I believe so :)

Are you up for 2 more questions, one fun and one final?

Sorry that sounded ominous...hahaha

J: It was ominous. Sure I can do two. My wife just popped her head in my office.

H: I won't hold you up much longer. I'm sure it's getting dinnertime there.

So your answer to this next one could make you or break you. What's your favorite pizza topping?

J: Oh you devil you....I will have to first off say I like Artisan pizza, not the regular Domino's, etc.

In case you didn't notice I am stalling.

H: Oh you're taking me down with you...I don't like Domino's either...

J: Any wood fire pizza. I am not a mushroom fan, but there is this one pizza I like called the carnivoran, spicy calabrese sausage, carnalized* onion, arugula, light on the meat. Best answer I can give you.

(*Note: this spelling error was too funny to change. What kind of onions?)

H: I'm sitting here laughing because this answer is taking longer than the introspective ones!!!

Well now I'm hungry so this question back-fired, lol. That sounds delicious!!

J: You threatened me...I was never a huge pizza fan until Artisan.

H: HAHAHA! I did start it!

J: I think I am actually sweating because of this question.

H: At least you didn't bring up the controversial pineapple and ham....

J: What am I, an idiot? Everyone knows you run when approached with that question.

H: Everyone was leaning into their screens to see your response for that one...You've managed to dodge the bullet. Excellent work.

J: I am a wile one. Next question PLEASE.

H: Yes, you did get out of that nicely :)

Artisan pizza photo provided by Jason (with those naughty onions, lol)

H: Ok, now that I've put you through the paces with that question for the interview. What does success look like to you?

J: You're trying to trick me. You asked this one already.

H: LOL! I thought I copied and pasted the right one. My eyes are starting to go...this is the end for me...remember me fondly.

J: Success is not having to answer a question about ham and pineapple pizza.

H: Best answer ever!!!! What would you like readers to most know about you as a creator?

J: I am passionate with my writing. I do this for the love of it and hope for success should I choose to try and go that route. It is a way for me to deal with life and expand on my imagination. And that I truly am thankful to each and every person that reads my work. I really mean that.

Oh,😀 and that I will never forget the little people who gave me success.

(Sarcasm is always tricky on text, lol.)

H: Well, I was just assuming I was one of the little people, so it felt like affirmation...haha.

You had me getting a little misty eyed with those answers. Thank you so much for trusting me to do this interview. I'm a big fan of your work and wish you all the success.

J: Heather, the pleasure was mine. This was fun, and chatting with you made me appreciate the work you put into each interview. Thank you so much.

H: Aww, thank you for that!! And you are very welcome!

J: Have a great night. Hope to chat soon.


I hope you enjoyed this brief look into Jason's writing life. I highly encourage everyone to check out his work and subscribe. I'm sharing a few of his short stories that left me wanting more:

and this one!

Chat interview conducted via facebook messenger in two parts on April 30 and May 1, 2023.


About the Creator

Heather Hubler



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Comments (44)

  • Kristen Balyeat11 months ago

    Fantastic interview, Heather!! Don’t know how I missed this one! Jason- I loved your answer to the success question! So beautiful! Your writing process is so interesting–picking the beginning AND end and then working out the details. I’ll have to try that sometime. Heather, always love your questions and your interviewer voice! You are a great conversationalist! Also– we do Polar Express every Christmas Eve too. It’s a super fun tradition!! Great work you two!! 💞💫

  • Dana Crandellabout a year ago

    Outstanding job, both of you! (Can't believe I'm just seeing this.)

  • Ricardo de Moura Pereiraabout a year ago

    good article

  • hayaadnanabout a year ago

    beautifully written.💖💖💖

  • Rick Henry Christopher about a year ago

    Thank you for another interview well done Heather. We can always expect quality from you. Jason, what can I say you are quite the character and you have good taste in pizza. Also thank you very much for the shout out. That was very nice of you. I also want to give Judey a shout out for her supportive work of the Vocal community.

  • Another excellent interview, Heather. JBaz is one of my favs.

  • Serhat Köseabout a year ago


  • Gal Muxabout a year ago

    It's like two old friends chatting. You could just feel the vibe in the words. Maybe a podcast Heather? You are a natural at this! And I love JBaz's honesty in answering the questions. Another great interview!

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    Another amazing interview! I'm always so in awe of how natural you make this. It was so great to learn more about Jason, his process, and his pizza of choice 😅 Such a fun read. I also really loved the pictures! Great job to you both!! 🤗❤️ Congrats on Top Story!!

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    This is fantastic, I think my favourite. Jason is an incredibly talented writer, and I love the humour. Stay away from those onions.

  • Emily Garciaabout a year ago


  • Brenton Fabout a year ago

    You are getting these down pat - well done on another brilliant piece!

  • Yayyyy congratulations on your Top Story!

  • Paul Stewartabout a year ago

    Another fab interview! Well done, Heather and Jason on TS! was great getting to know him better!

  • Ibrahim ashraf about a year ago

    ❤️wow amazing please i also write articles please read it once

  • J. R. Loweabout a year ago

    Great interview! Thanks for sharing this with us

  • Lamar Wigginsabout a year ago

    Another fun read for the series. I'm pretty sure I've read all of them, I'll have to check... Jbaz is an amazing creator. His most recent top story- The Sadistic Mr. Fox will be one of my all-time most memorable reads on Vocal. Congrats to both of you. 💖

  • Stephanie J. Bradberryabout a year ago

    Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Caroline Cravenabout a year ago

    Great interview - both of you. I’m always interested to listen to how people write and where they get their inspiration from.

  • Caroline Janeabout a year ago

    Excellent interview! Congratulations on the deserving top story. ❤

  • Faridah A ismailabout a year ago


  • Spesialis Terdekatabout a year ago

    Excellent story!

  • Ariba Abbasabout a year ago

    Wonderful work! please read my articles too

  • John Evaabout a year ago

    This is a really cool idea, I'm glad it made it to a top story - can definitely appreciate the hard work going into this, cheers!

  • Loryne Andaweyabout a year ago

    Oh my goodness, what an awesome interview! I also binge watch the LOTR Trikogy Extended DVD version every other year. It is such a tradition 😃🤗. Great job with this interview Heather and congratulations to both you and Jason on this Top Story 🤗

Heather HublerWritten by Heather Hubler

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