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The Squeeze

— Excuuze Me —

By Jay KantorPublished 2 days ago Updated 2 days ago 4 min read
Top Story - July 2024
Author Original 'Schtick' Art © KantorKreationsKolections

– The Pricey Luxury Badge vs the Hovering Hulk –

Most of us have a problem with car doors putting dents on the sides of our cars; we'd like to take up two spaces but then we'd get key'd out of spite if we did. Currently the 'Compact' spots are occupied by Schlong-Schlinging oversized trucks that have their Tuckus' so far out they block the drive through aisles; I'm probably the only one that's noticed.

For instance ~ The Optometrist: Woman 'Squeezing' her fancy 'Badged' S.U.V. between two massive trucks parked in the narrow 'compact' spaces at his office, smashing into both simultaneously, Quote: "Ah, I'm just getting my eyes examined here, I 'Probably' won't do that again once I GeTumFixed." Common sense just doesn't seem to be common anymore.To save the planet of late drivers are choosing: The silent-sleek electric cars or the gas guzzling humongous throaty pickups; not much in between. No more woody's or station wagons. Just the Look~Alike everyday S.U.V.'s with the touch-to-open rear hatch so not to break a nail; you know the kind.

Our Stylish S.U.V. - Watercolor © Darlene M. Wescombe -

The GimmickyTechLess 1947 Chrysler Woody Rag-Top Convertible – No 'Lectric here. The scrap metal taken from post war Tanks created relic unique craftsmanship that took on a personality of their own if not a special 'tude; courtesy ashtrays throughout. Dad had a 'long-green' 4 door sedan whose grill served as a climbing playground 'Jungle-Gym,' The Toothy-Grills of the day. 'Hit by a Buick' an everyday colloquial expression. This article is meant to Observe-Point Out our Senior vs the Newbies cultural differences and parallels – if any?

For years automakers would feature their hood ornaments as a calling-card-badge, if you will. Such as GM's Pontiacs' immediately recognizable Indian head, that lit up the 'Chiefs-Nose' at the tip of the hood leading the way; predecessor to G.P.S. People bought the prestige that was showcased.

— Bold Presence ~ Size Does Matter —

Hey look at my Monster coming at your 'Pischer' cars, Peasants, that are often tooted about and looking DownUpon by the little old Granny from Pasadena. Identia slathered onto the tailgates of pickups with the Mfg. name proudly emblazoned onto the tailgate; they get you coming or going. And, of course there's the Rolls and Mercedes hood ornaments that became so popular to rip-off that once the ignition was shut down, they would instantly retract from view.

— Whites of Their Eyes —

1st thing we were taught in Drivers Ed was, at an intersection, always look @ the drivers eyes to see if they see you? Now with all of the 'Legal?' wrap-around window blackening you never know what 'Gadget or Passenger' they may be 'Fiddling' with - along with hiding smoke tokes.

But, there is an upside slant to all of this: Ever sit at a light clearly viewing (right next to you) a driver smashing a Cheeseburger into his mouth with the left hand while gulping down ketchup slathered French Fries with the right hand? I know - Yeesch!

— Not Your Grandma's Everyday Driver —

'Beasts' are the Newbies' idea of sleek compared to the stylish rides in the past. Currently GM is producing few (2) door trucks, due to 'Seat Belt' Laws, as well as block-long 'Family' SUV's; no KiddyKrunching here. Unattractive to me is the Jeep SUV: This klutzy 'Knobby Tire Thing' features huge-hinges displayed holding everything together. The 'Romancing-Draw' with these bumpy rides alludes me — Underwire-Bras-Required —

Teens now have found alternate sources of transportation due to out of reach costs – as well as other sources of transportation now available that were once unheard of such as Uber and speedy 'lectric-scooters scattered on every corner. Cars just don’t seem to hold the same appeal for kids these days in comparison to our generation. Could the silence of electric cars, as opposed to the vibration of the 'Muscle Cars' varoom be a factor; not to mention the bumper-to-bumper drag of driving in traffic.

I picture this gens' parallel parking on the DMV Test: While the 'examiner' is looking away (distracted by his cellphone) as the 'Teen' engages Mom's automatic parking feature in her Cadillac – that drove through the course on autopilot.

My Twin and I, on our 16th Birthday, were 1st in line covering each of the (2) entry doors @ the DMV: We 'needed' our drivers license, and all of the freedom it represented. It also meant that we could take a date to the drive-in theater: Never quite knew what the movie was – But, Best Kissin' Venue – Ever !

The Lithium craze certainly has its advantages such as the the $2000 'lectric exercize bicycle - But, the only schvitz time is bending over to turn on the motor - kind of defeats the purpose.

— Spin Out —

Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California

'Senior' Vocal Author - Vocal Village Community -


About the Creator

Jay Kantor

Retired: Write for "The Kids Someday"

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Comments (21)

  • Sarah Danielabout 8 hours ago

    This piece humorously captures the everyday struggles and ironies of parking lot dynamics. The vivid descriptions and playful tone make it a delightful read!

  • Andrea Corwin about 11 hours ago

    Drive-in movies, oh yeah! my parents would laugh and ask "what was the movie about?" LOL, we went even when foggy outside, couldn't see the screen or out of the fogged up windows!! There are still a few around but not close and I'm too sleepy usually to drive to one, stay awake until it's dark after 10:30pm to begin the movie! I have a vehicle now that allows me to MERGE with these horrible drivers, no matter how they try to NOT let me in. Don't move over, I don't need you to, I will merge at high speed in front of you.

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout 16 hours ago

    Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • shanmuga priyaabout 16 hours ago

    Congratulations 🎉. Keep up the fantastic work.

  • Melissa Ingoldsbyabout 20 hours ago

    Your narrative style highly reminds me of Jean Shepherd‘s writing from The Christmas Story. I appreciated your email as well, I'm So glad you got a top story!!!

  • Babs Iversonabout 20 hours ago

    Love your humorous story!!! 💕❤️❤️Congratulations on Top Story too!!!

  • Gina C.a day ago

    I always enjoy your humor, Jay! I also do not like annoying macho and aggressive cars. Fun read!

  • Paul Stewarta day ago

    Congrats on Top Story, Jay!

  • Phil Flannerya day ago

    Out of the 50's and into the 60's we Aussie finally got our own automotive identity, General Motors Holden. Ford was always here and Chrysler, but there was nothing more Aussie than a Holden. Having said that, My first car was a Mini Minor. Eventually I bought a 1978 Holden panel van or as we liked to call them, "a shaggin wagon'. My girlfriend would never. I had an uncle who only drove Buicks. He owned an maroon 40's giant one, with the tell-tale holes on the fender and later a 70's Riviera, both beautiful cars. Always fun to read your stuff Jay. Stay cruisey.

  • Caroline Janea day ago

    As you know, I love my little yellow car - I don't understand car politics beyond the "it's fun" part. A Boss of mine once made me buy a sensible car: "I pay you money for a decent car, please buy one." Verbatim. I didn't really understand the point - What did it matter that it was cracking the flags hot and we were stuck in the Liverpool tunnel with no air conditioning... in my book that's just a story to write about later. You don't get good tales from sensible cars do ya?! (I did feel a little guilty when he got out looking like he'd been dipped in grease - after much ribbing I ended up buying a BMW 3 series in light blue - the most sensible and boring car I have ever owned. Waste of money.)

  • I love the way Jay observes everyday life and puts his own, rather sarcastic and definitely humorous, spin on things. I'm looking forward to reading more stories and seeing more original drawings representing his world view. -Kathy-

  • Cathy holmes2 days ago

    Great article, once again. Yeah, some of the vehicles do seem to be a block long, don't they. I do like jeeps though, but maybe more for the look than the ride.

  • Shirley Belk2 days ago

    I currently own a Jeep Renegade. My ex had traded in my Jeep Liberty for a damn Prius for me without my knowledge or permission. I was forever angry with him over that. So, when I visited my daughter in Mississippi, I traded the Prius in for the Renegade (without his knowledge or permission.) My son-in-law was the general manager of the car dealership, so I got a great deal!

  • Judey Kalchik 2 days ago

    I was able to get my permit without parallel parking. I have not idea why they skipped that with me. Blessed... I guess.

  • Rachel Deeming2 days ago

    So funny. I'd love a Jeep Wrangler but I don't know if I want to end up with two black eyes! Comical in your truly unique style. And I only ever went to the cinema to watch the movie. What's all this stuff about kissing? ;)

  • great write. wonderful nostalgia and you humor always shines through. i love your writing.

  • Wel-wrought, Jay! I love the old Woody! I went car-shopping recently. I wanted a mid-sized truck decent on gas mileage to haul stuff to the dump when need be; but there are no mid-sized trucks anymore, as you say! Just full-sized and "what the hell do I need all that for?" and at a price that makes no sense at all. Had to buy a new TV, on the other hand. Found one at Wal-mart which was twice the size and twice as cheap as the one I was replacing, which I bought ten years agao. but the price of milk is almost four times what it was then! The "economy" isn't very economic, is seems...

  • Paul Stewart2 days ago

    "Best kissin venue" lol. Loved this grumble-nostalgic piece. I find electric cars irritating...and I don't even drive lol.

  • Ah, Jayman, such memories you elicit! I remember practicing parallel parking for hours in my mom's Firebird, and then blowing out the tires speeding over Thrill Hill, only to be grounded. You still make me want a Triumph TR2 or 3, electric cars be damned. As always, I love your 'stuff'!!!

  • Ah man, now I wish I could have a burger and some fries. Lol

Jay KantorWritten by Jay Kantor

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