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The Humorous Side of Being a Responsible Adult

Life isn't all taxes and takeout - Navigating the quirkiness of adulting, with a side of salsa and humor

By Nathan ChenPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Humorous Side of Being a Responsible Adult
Photo by Denis Agati on Unsplash

Alright, alright, alright! Sit back, grab your preferred beverage - whether it's coffee, tea, or, like me, a healthy mix of energy drinks and existential dread - and let's dive into the rollercoaster ride that is responsible adulthood. It's like being on the most exhilarating amusement park ride, except the safety bar is your health insurance, the loops are unexpected bills, and the photo taken right when you're most terrified is your face every time you check your bank balance. Yeah, fun, isn't it?

Now, remember when we all couldn't wait to grow up? Ah, the good old days when adulthood seemed like this magical realm of no bedtimes, unlimited candy, and nobody telling you what to do. Boy, were we in for a surprise. Adulthood is actually an insane circus act where you juggle work, friends, love life, and the never-ending list of chores while walking a tightrope. And let me tell you, the juggling balls aren't marshmallows - they're flaming torches.

Take for instance, doing taxes. Whoever designed the tax system, for sure, was having a laugh. They were like, "Let's make a system so convoluted that even Einstein would scratch his head!" And voila, we have our modern tax system. Now every time tax season rolls around, I develop an unhealthy relationship with my calculator and start hallucinating numbers. And the best part? When you finally think you've nailed it and sent it off, you get a letter from the tax office saying you missed a tiny but crucial detail. Cue the panicked phone calls and endless hold music. Does anyone else find that stuff weirdly hypnotic or is it just me?

By Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Now let's get to the next fun-filled chapter of adulting - bills! Do they ever stop coming? The answer is a resounding no. They are like that one party guest who sticks around way too long, overstaying their welcome until they become a permanent fixture on your couch. And the variety of them! Just when you think you've paid all your dues, there comes another friendly envelope reminding you of that magazine subscription you forgot to cancel after the free trial ended. It's like a magic trick, except at the end, the magician makes your money disappear.

How about cooking, eh? We've all had those days when we open the fridge, stare at its contents, and hope for a divine intervention to transform a pack of instant noodles, a single carrot, and expired mayonnaise into a Michelin-star-worthy dish. But here's a hack: just throw everything into a pan, sauté it, and add some cheese. Boom! You've created "Pan Surprise". The surprise is that it's edible.

By Intricate Explorer on Unsplash

Speaking of food, have you noticed how grocery shopping turns into a mystery thriller of its own? There I am, walking down the aisle, trying to find the elusive almond milk (seriously, why do they keep moving it around?), when I suddenly stumble upon an exotic fruit I've never seen before. Is it a weapon? Is it a fruit? Who knows! Challenge accepted, weird spiky fruit! Life's too short for boring old bananas.

And then, there's the wild world of dating. It's like playing a board game where the rules are constantly changing, and half the time you're not sure if you're winning or losing. Did they like my joke? Was that a flirty wink or just something in their eye? And what's the deal with ghosting? Last time I checked, I didn't sign up for a haunted house experience. Dear ghosts of my dating past, if you're reading this, I'd like to say - it's been real, it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun.

Getting your own place sounds all fancy until you realize you're the president, secretary, and janitor of your humble abode. Broken faucet? That's your problem. Dust bunnies congregating under the couch? All you, champ. Gone are the days of casually mentioning to your parents that the light bulb in your room needs changing and magically finding it replaced the next day.

Then there's the art of balancing work and a social life. The struggle is real, guys. One minute you're deep in spreadsheets, and the next you're rushing to a friend's birthday party, trying to change your shirt in the backseat of an Uber while keeping an eye on your laptop, hoping no unexpected emails pop up. Seriously, who invented the 24-hour day? They clearly didn't have a Netflix account and an insatiable curiosity about unsolved mysteries.

By Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

To cap it all, there's the mind-boggling world of health insurance. It's like trying to understand an alien language while blindfolded and hopping on one foot. Co-pay, premium, deductible - are we sure these are English words? But hey, at least we get free band-aids at the doctor's office, right? Small victories!

So there you have it - the chaotic, hilarious, and sometimes even rewarding world of being a responsible adult. But remember, even though it may feel like you're the ringmaster of a never-ending circus, it's your circus and these are your monkeys. And hey, amid the chaos, there's the pleasure of doing things your way, like eating ice cream for breakfast. Because why not? You're an adult.

Don't sweat it too much, we're all in this together, just figuring things out one flaming juggle at a time. So here's to us - navigating taxes, sizzling Pan Surprises, spooky dating experiences, and bills that multiply like rabbits. After all, amidst this mad juggling act, we can always count on a good laugh to get us through another day in this funhouse we call adulthood.


About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)about a year ago


Nathan ChenWritten by Nathan Chen

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