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Aquarius meets Gemini

By NikkiPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

I look down at my Instagram feed. I got a notification, he just went live. Who is this? I wonder. Wow! He’s so fine, OMG! That accent. I have to get his attention, but how? He just said that he is single. Green light! I send a raised hand emoji and type “ Me Too!” “Beautiful women that hustle, I like that name.” He says. He is talking about movies now. I type, “I am a movie.” He reads my comment and says “ I bet you are beautiful women that hustle.” He was promoting his Instagram live badges. “ Ok, I am only going to be on here until I reach my goal of 100 badges.” He was at 98 and then 99. I bought the last badge that he needed and I wanted to make sure that he knew that. So I posted, “ I bought your last badge!” He replies, “ thank you so much beautiful women that hustle for buying my last badge.” Then his live feed ends.

“Who was that?”, I think to myself. I had to learn more about him. I went to his page and was blown away by all the music. He inspired me to create a post of him with his song playing in the background. I put the words movie night across his chest. Then, to add the icing on the cake, I posted the #staroftheshow. Then I tag him, to show him that I have a creative mind like him. Then I told him that I was trying to start a Pandora station with his music. But it doesn’t exist yet. He likes my message. I screenshot his song Zodiac, just to confirm what I was telling him. He replies back, “ Ayee thanks for doing that.” I create a reel with his song and send it to him. A little red heart pops up. I ask if he had a chance to see it. Then he tells me, “thanks for using it.” I replied telling him, “no problem! That was my first time ever using the reel feature. I hope that I did ok.” He tells me that I did great and sends a smiley face emoji. I tell him, “ Thanks! I was able to channel my determination through your song.” I send him a screenshot of his song Hallelujah. I tell him, “I just fell in love with this song, It sounds like you were touched by God. Sending love directly to my soul. Thank you! I definitely needed that.” He responds, “Thanks, glad it touched you!”

The next day, he messages me, “ Hey, I know that this might sound strange, but would you like to go out on a date?” That question catches me by surprise. I think to myself, am I ready for this? I just ended a marriage of 12 year and I am not sure I am ready for all of this. I decide to try another shot at love, who knows he might be the one or maybe not. “Sure!”I told him but under one condition. It has to be a virtual date. “LOL!” he replies back. “What does that mean?”, he questions. “Well, since we are still in a pandemic, this will be my first and hopefully last virtual date.” “Ok, let's do it!” He says. “Let's set it up for April 24, 2021”, I tell him. I send him the zoom code: 397-6128-4262 and passcode: zodiac love. His face pops up on my computer screen. “Hey!”, he says. “Hi!” I reply. I have to keep telling myself to play it cool. I can’t help myself, “ You know what song I am thinking about right now?” “No, what?” he chuckles. “Computer love, by Zapp and Roger.” “ Dang! That’s a classic.” he says. “ I remember lip singing to that song when I was younger.” I tell him. “Oh, I wish I could see that!” he says. “Hey, can you hold on for a minute? I think my Postmate delivery is here.” I tell him. “That’s insane! My driver is here now too, what a coincidence.” “What did you order?”he asked. “I got Tender Greens, the grilled steak plate with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables.” I tell him. “No way!” he exclaims. “I ordered the same thing.” We burst into laughter, it felt like everything about this date was meant to be. “I bet you didn’t order this!” I challenged him. I pull out a bottle of Maggio Merlot wine. He laughs, “No, I didn’t know that they delivered wine.” he says. “Now I feel weird drinking by myself.” I confess. “Don’t be Love, enjoy yourself.” he tells me. “Do you know what song I’m thinking about now?” I ask him. “Red, Red Wine by Bob Marley?” he says. My eyes get wide, I blurt out “How did you know?” I am in disbelief. It feels like he can read my mind. Could he be the One? Who knows. I shrug my shoulders, smile, and toast my glass to him.


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Sharing my gifts with the world. 💻

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