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Your Rocket Ship of Dreams

Are you courageous enough to dare to repair and fuel it?

By Kayleigh Fraser ✨Published 23 days ago 8 min read
Your Rocket Ship of Dreams
Photo by Austrian National Library on Unsplash

Can we try to suspend disbelief long enough to entertain this likely truth about the nature of life?

That we get from it exactly what we focus upon.

Energy flows where our focus goes. And that’s irrespective of whether we are deserving of what we focus upon or not. That’s irrespective of whether we want what we are focussing upon or not.

Whatever thought or belief is receiving our attention, is charging up with energy. Think of this like fuelling up your own personal rocket ship (which we could name The Desire).

The trigger for that energy manifesting into reality (pressing the go button to send that rocket into space) is belief.

Or, more accurately - it’s a lack of disbelief.

By Uday Mittal on Unsplash

Disbelief is like a brake being applied to your rocket. A powerful brake. A brake so powerful that it can override any amount of fuel and the go button being pressed. Disbelief will keep that rocket grounded whilst also draining the fuel tank to back to empty. And it never gets tired.

If you don’t have any disbelief - that rocket will automatically power itself into space once you have put in enough fuel. That’s how it works. A brilliant practical example of this is the story of Helen Hadsell. The woman who won every competition she ever decided to enter. Pause to look up her story on YouTube.

By SpaceX on Unsplash

What you believe is powerful.

The beliefs you adopted in childhood about the world are even more powerful. The beliefs you adopted as your consciousness began forming in the womb are even more powerful.

Let’s say your mother was in fear of the world when your consciousness was forming. That is one powerful and deep level program that you received about the world being a scary place. That is not a program you can overcome quickly with a few affirmations and some positive thinking. It can take years of consistent and conscious re-programming to overcome this.

The more you know about your parent’s lives, your mother’s pregnancy and your early years, the easier you can become a witness to what core beliefs you were programmed with. You can then easily look at how those beliefs have shaped your life ever since.

Were you loved and supported? Did you find the world to be loving and supportive? Did you feel worthy of love? Of good things happening to you and for you? Or did you believe you weren’t good enough? That you weren’t worthy of love, attention or good things happening for you? Was the world kind and forgiving? Or harsh and unpredictable?

How your parents treated you was everything. They quite literally were your Gods. They gave you life and taught you how life would treat you.

We then each ventured out to the world with that belief set. To school. To university. To work. How we were treated there was a direct reflection of what we believed about the world and ourselves. The most consciously loved and nurtured children easily make friends and find joy in school, uni, work. Those who lack in confidence and hold fear in them do not.

Most of us are still operating under that belief set we gained in infancy.

Will the world meet our needs? Well that depends entirely upon our caregivers and whether they met our needs. The more fear they put us in (denying food, love, attention, putting us around unsafe emotions like anger, jealousy, shame, guilt, greed, vengeance) the more heavily we were programmed to believe our needs would not be met and the world is a place to fear.

Fast forward all of this to the cynical adult who lives in perpetual fear and calls it “being realistic”. What is realistic for him, is only realistic because he is was born into, programmed with and trapped in this perpetual victim cycle of fear.

The same fear that then shaped his entire reality (just as it did for his parents) and then provided him with more and more evidence that the world is scary and will not meet his needs. That good things don’t happen to people like him etc etc.

His reality is that and so to him, defending his cynicism makes sense. But what he is actually doing is keeping himself stuck in his childhood trauma and ignorance. If he doesn’t piece this together - he will never be able to reprogram himself and break free.

By Ye Jinghan on Unsplash

If he had been raised to believe that this world will meet his every need, be practically and emotionally supportive and nurturing - he would be flying around space in his rocket ship creating the life of his dreams. Not sitting on the ground next to it (with the millions of others of grounded ships) saying be realistic - they will never fly.

And the trouble is this;

He tried putting fuel in. He really did. He focussed his attention on positivity for a while. He tried hard to believe it was possible that he could fly in it. But that powerful, powerful brake was still being applied. Constantly. That deep, subconscious programming from infancy. The deep belief that the world will not support him. That what he wants doesn't matter. That he can’t have it. That no matter how hard he tries - it’s pointless.

And because he is ignorant of the cycle he is caught in - he gives up. And he starts to talk to others around him - telling them not to waste their time trying to make their rockets fly.

He thinks he is being kind by sharing this information. He actually is motivated to help them avoid the ‘wasted time’ and suffering that he endured trying in vain to make his fly.

People who don’t understand why their dreams didn’t manifest, will work to convince you that yours can’t either. And for many of us - those people are actually our parents!!!!!!

This world is filled with disempowered people calling their rocket ships an illusion and a waste of time. There are more of them than there are people flying in their rocket ships. Which is why those who are flying around in their rocket ships are considered special and some of us even idolise them (Celebrities).

But if we actually took the time to study them. To really, truly study all accomplished people - we find the exact same blueprint for each and every success story. And it quite literally comes down to this -

1. They knew what they wanted.

2. They asked for it.

3. They refused to apply disbelief to it - regardless of how illogical, impractical or unlikely it seemed to themselves or to others.

4. They took action which strengthened their belief in the desired outcome.

That’s literally it.

That’s the formula. Whether you study Olympic athletes, successful actors, writers, business people, sports people. Whoever. That’s the thread that links every single one of them.

By Steven Lelham on Unsplash

As there are a thousand ways to translate this message - I want to also say it in this way for any Christians who are reading this - the Bible teaches exactly this in one simple sentence. Ask and you shall receive.

The absolute simplicity and truth of that sentence blows my mind. It doesn’t say - ask and be deserving enough, be thin enough, be pretty enough, be smart enough, be worthy enough. No. It teaches ask and expect to receive.

The difficulty in being able to do that, however, is monumental for those of us born into worlds of poverty, ignorance and fear.

It is a long and lonely journey to overcome disbelief. And you will only waste energy and slow yourself down by trying to convince others to walk with you on that path. Energy you could be putting into your rocket ship!

We have been heavily programmed to abandon our rocket ship of dreams for our entire lives. Many of us were even programmed to be afraid to even dare ask for what we truly want. Or even what we sort of want. Some of us had our rocket smashed into a thousand pieces by our parents, teachers or so called care givers.

Some of us are starting from a really crappy place.

Ridicule is highest at the lowest parts of society. The lower you are in the realm of fear - the more mocked you will be for believing you can ever escape. You need to put your space suit of protection on as soon as possible and play some high vibe music to drown that ridicule out. If you ever want to escape that world, as a matter of survival you must tune out of what those people say.

The beauty of doing this is that they will eventually leave you alone. When they realise that their fear and ridicule can’t infect you, they will quickly move onto someone else. It helps to think of them as vermin, parasites or predators. They only put energy into bringing you down if they can feed from you. If they can’t? Those energy stealing vampires quickly exit your life.

Let them.

You may have great compassion for them, but you have to recognise that if they are not helping you to repair or to fuel your ship or are actively empowering your disbelief - they are harming you. You can only help such people from space, through your story of how you escaped. By inspiring them. You can’t help them in any other way and you will die alongside them trying to.

Don’t learn this the hard way.

By Iván Díaz on Unsplash

Another truth you will find on this journey is this - competition only actually exists in the realm of fear.

The Earth is overcrowded with unfuelled and abandoned rockets. With miserable and desperate people competing for scraps. But in space? There is no competition. There is just you and your greatness spending time with others in their greatness. There is abundance.

Isn’t that worthy of all the effort it will take to get there?

You didn’t (necessarily) choose where you were born. You didn’t choose to be starting with a broken ship or a fuel point that is a thousand miles away.

If you give up before even trying because it seems too hard - you will never get to space. If you then have children - you have just passed that relay baton onto them. That burdensome starting point that you couldn’t handle? Just became your gift to your children.

But you absolutely can be the one to break free of the chains you were born into. You can give your kids an amazing launch platform. You can do the work. Sure, it sucks, but you can do it. You can reach space.

And once you get there? It takes very little energy to stay there.

All it takes is the magic of appreciation to remain in the world of pure creation.

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About the Creator

Kayleigh Fraser ✨

philosopher, alchemist, writer & poet with a spirit of fire & passion for all things health & love related 💫

“When life gives you lemons,

Know you are asking for them.

If you want oranges, focus on oranges”


INSTAGRAM - kayzfraser

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran23 days ago

    Please don't think of this as me going against you but this is merely me sharing my experience. I'm now one of those cynical adults or the ones that are "being realistic". So when I was 4 years old, my grandma asked me to pray to God everyday for a baby brother. She told me to believe that God would grant my wish and pray hard daily. As naive as I was, I did what she told me to. Day after day, I believed I would get a baby brother soon because I was praying for it. Only in my teenage years did I find out that my parents were not together since I was 2. They were living in the same house but sleeping in separate rooms. I was too young to know that at that time. Then my dad left when I was 5 and he came back when I was 9 but yea, they were still sleeping in separate rooms. But I didn't know that people need to have sex to have a baby. So like a fool, I was still praying daily for a baby brother until I was 15, until I learned about reproduction in Science at school. That's when I realised that I've been believing in something so strongly for 11 years and daily praying for it but it didn't happen because no matter how much we believe in something, if the circumstances are not in favour, it's not gonna happen. I'll never get a baby brother. And that's when I realised that I need to be realistic and study the circumstances before believing in something.

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