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Want your Ex Back? Do THIS!

A Guide to Winning Your Ex's Heart and Rekindling Your Relationship

By Timeless Siren SecretsPublished about a year ago 7 min read

It's difficult to let go of a unique connection you've had with someone.

Particularly when you know that, if he would only open his heart once more, there is still a great deal of possibility.

Together, you two may create a wonderful life.

It makes sense that you would try to persuade him to give the relationship another chance if that's what you desire. After all, persuading him seems to be the proper course to take.

Why wouldn't you make an effort to persuade him? Why not attempt to demonstrate to him that he is making a mistake by backing away?

However, there is a situation in life where our intuition might mislead us. Because getting your ex to change never works. Thankfully, I know something that does.

Triggering emotions.

The truth is that emotional appeal will always win out over logical reasoning.

Why? because feelings are in charge. Humans are not as logical as we would like to think. That is true for all types of decision-making, but it is especially true when it comes to emotional decisions.

(By the way, if you'd need laser-targeted advise on how to get your ex to talk to you again, check out this Relationship Rewrite Method here.

Emotion. It is your greatest chance to get him back.

Let me explain...

Leah, a mother of five whose eldest child was born while she and the father were both just seventeen and still in high school sweetheart relationships.

Leah and Joel had acted quite irresponsibly by starting a family when they were still young. But they had a lovely family that they had built together. These two were a perfect match.

This lovely family was broken apart by a brief string of errors and an "almost-infidelity." First by one, and then (in reaction) by the other.

Leah sought out counseling first. Three months prior, Joel left his apartment.

After a few sessions, Joel joined counseling. He was complacent with the counselor, but with Leah, he was defiant. He was set in his ways. There was simply too much pain. But he asserted that Leah was to blame for being "crazy."

Leah, though, was reluctant to let go of their shared experience. To win their affection, she was prepared to battle.

When she addressed Joel directly during the sessions, she had fire in her eyes and demanded that he quit enjoying the bachelor lifestyle and pursue other women while her life started to resemble that of a single mother struggling to make ends meet.

And that's when things start to become tricky. It was challenging to remain impartial in a professional setting.

The counselor privately taught Leah the strategies I'm going to share with you today. Let me explain the distinction between convincing your ex and triggering the right type of emotions.

Do this!!

  • Create a private line of communication.
  • Use discreet flirting, not public flirting.
  • Be open about struggles preventing you from achieving your goals.
  • Throw rocks at his enemies.
  • Make Time your Slave.

Create a private line of communication

Your goal in this situation is simple. Eliminate any communication with him through means where his reactions to you can be seen by others. Then make sure you have at least one secret means of getting in touch with him. The most popular way to accomplish this is through text messaging.

Why not talk on Facebook or other social media sites? Because privacy frees him from the human need to maintain consistency. We don't like to come across as inconsistent.

This is known by psychologists as "the consistency bias." When we publicly commit to anything (like breaking up with someone), we feel silly if we even hint that we might be regretting our choice.

Therefore, it is your responsibility to entirely eliminate that threat by removing any public speech.

Don't discuss with him in front of the kids. Avoid interacting with him in front of either your or his buddies. Do not request that he meet you for coffee and conversation in a public area.

He won't even realize you aren't speaking to him in front of others. He'll be more willing to explore your relationship without understanding why.

Just send him a pleasant text once every four or five days. Something you knew would be hilarious, exciting or interesting to him. Nothing regarding your relationship. No convincing.

Send texts only in ways that gradually train him to anticipate the pleasant little surge of dopamine you receive when you open your favorite email newsletter or texts from a buddy who is awesome at making you laugh.

Never demand an answer of any kind. Keep the lines of communication open.

Use Private Flirting; Avoid Public Flirting.

Everyone may observe the open show of public flirting.

Broadcast flirting is available for everyone to view.

For instance, Debbie actively complimenting Daniel in front of others while laughing at all of his jokes at the company party is considered broadcast flirting. Exclusive flirting is the opposite.

Imagine it as a private club. In the club, there are only two members who each share something special.

Another justification for having a private channel of communication is this. You need a way to bring up insider information that only the two of you would know, such as an inside joke or a mention of a funny incident.

Any message like that arouses the right types of feelings. It stirs up the emotions that come with being a part of something wonderful. No convincing is required.

Be open about struggles preventing you from achieving your goals.

Once your private communication channel is operational, it's time to take things a step further.

Many intelligent individuals, like Brené Brown, who has lately popularized the idea while assisting us all in understanding its actual significance, have spoken about the value of vulnerability. However, I have something more special in mind for you.

He will instinctively become your hero if you are open and honest about the goals you value and the obstacles in your path. It makes him more likely to want to help you in any manner, no matter how minor.

Being someone's hero is romantic for males in ways that are difficult for women to comprehend. It makes an ancient instinct itch.

Throw rocks at his enemies.

Although it seems harsh, I just mean it figuratively. Everyone wants someone to watch out for them. More than we are prepared to admit, we all long for approval.

And guess what? He has the ideal opportunity to vent about anybody or anything impeding him in your private line of communication.

This is the perfect time to apply "the respect principle" to your ex.

The primary focus of the downloadable relationship course that originally made James Bauer famous as a relationship coach is the respect principle. Since taking his course, thousands of women have embraced the respect principle to bring out the best in their man.

Simply put, men mistake the feelings of love and respect for one another. Additionally, if given the option, they would want to be respected above loved.

Therefore, when the angry text comes in, seize the chance that it is. We will go to great lengths to have someone who understands our annoyance and stands by us when we are feeling vulnerable.

Give him the sense that you value him highly in comparison to other guys. Even if he's not ready, he'll still adore you for it.

Make Time your Slave.

Waiting is difficult. especially if you worry that another woman may steal his heart at any moment.

But one of the top offenders in cornering men and unintentionally setting off his fight-or-flight response is feeling under pressure to repair things quickly.

Do not allow time pressure to rule you. Make time your servant. Make it work for you.

Realizing that time is on your side can help you achieve it. He's already backed away from you. That part is finished. You now need the passage of time on your side as it progressively tears down the emotional barriers he has put up against the prospect of getting back with you.

If a man and a woman spend enough time together, something will ultimately arouse love sentiments. If you give it enough time, your own channel of communication will ultimately open the door for you to reconnect in person.

Here's what you're going to do when the chance to meet in person presents itself. Maintain extended eye contact. Talk less, allow for more silence.

Between lovers, silence wields tremendous power. It frequently elicits emotion in ways that cut through the limitations of speech and speaks louder than words.

Additionally, keeping eye contact while having love thoughts about him may widen your pupils. This slight variation is seen unconsciously by people, and it causes them to feel attracted to one another.

So make use of extended, persistent eye contact (not like a psycho... but you get the picture). Make him question your thoughts. Let him use his imagination.

While you're at it, wearing something new and different is beneficial. It helps him separate the woman from his past and the one in front of him right now. If you can, wear something he has never seen you wear before when you appear.

Your circumstance is unique, I get it. Some of this advice might not be applicable. In spite of that, I hope you will use this knowledge of the difference between convincing and evoking the right emotions in the man you love.


About the Creator

Timeless Siren Secrets

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Irresistible to Men and Cultivating Confidence in Relationships

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