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Twisted love


By Doni BPublished 3 years ago 15 min read


Love doesn’t hurt but it’s not easy. Staying in love could be a challenge let my heart tell it. Late nights sleeping next to your partner wondering is this real or another heartbreak ready to teach you a lesson. Someone stop me now if I’m wrong or am i so far in my thoughts that i battle my own insecurities. I have many reasons not to trust. My past relationships hunt me. Kev said “Are you okay?” I lied And said it’s hot that’s all. Knowing I’m just thinking about cheating like he do on me. Anything you want to talk about? He asked. No, i said after tossing over for the tenth time. Cheating on Kev felt like the best thing to do for pay back. I didn’t say a word about a text i saw in his phone. So he didn’t even know i had it out for him. I smiled a little at the sweet revenge. I know two wrongs don’t make a right but it felt good. Kev was my longest relationship and i didn’t know how to leave. I just wanted everything to work out between us. Things wasn’t always bad especially in the beginning. He use to be so sweet but i guess now i know it was to get me to this point. It’s been five years and i still don’t know where i stand with this man. All i knew was i wasn’t going to let him dog me out like he been doing. I thought bout telling him if he don’t change i was out. I just know he know that would be a lie cause I’ve even told myself that lie for a while. Kev was tall, brown skin, and could dress. Let’s not forget a ladies man and he took advantage of that every chance he had.

The next morning i scrolled social media like it was the newspaper as i drunk a cup of coffee. I saw i had a message from a female i didn’t even know. All i could think was here we go again. Kev was already on thin ice. Just like i thought she was coming to me as a woman. I just hated these messages early in the morning. Did females not eat breakfast first before ruining someone’s day. I didn’t even reply back because sadly i was getting use to these messages. Drinking coffee in the morning was always a bad idea for me but i always needed my caffeine. While waiting on Kev to get out the bathroom i scrolled the page of my revenge. He was yummy looking and looking like the perfect guy to get my mind off Kev cheating self. I looked through his pictures to see if he had a girlfriend. I did that liked it mattered & like i was single. Kev called my name so loud i thought he caught me. I was mad that he scared me. “What do you want!” i yelled from the kitchen. He always forgot a towel when he went in the shower. I was tired of his selfish and childish ass. Every little thing started pissing me off. I just really needed to get away. If i played my cards right i could go away with mr. yummy i been stalking. Well only if he knew i was interested but i haven’t got the courage to tell him yet. I just been liking all his pictures. Who I’m kidding Kev would pour his heart out and I’ll dump Mr. Yummy first date. I was starting to feel so pitiful and trapped. Kev had me hooked. Not only was his sex great but i love how fly he was every time he stepped out. I always talked a big game but i never cheated on Kev. After all his shenanigans i still remained faithful. I was hoping if i stayed faithful then he would change faster. Things only got worse as i would say as i got dumber. Well he thought i was dumbfounded. I told him about every female that messaged me but of course he fed me every excuse in the book. He had so many excuses i jus brushed it off cause i got tired of him explaining.

The truth wasn’t in that man even if i payed him.

I woke up still tired since i was up all night cause Kev never came home. Guess he found one that was actually keeping him out this time. I have to stop doing this to myself. My phone started vibrating. There his ignorant self go i was thinking but nope it was a message on my social site. This time it wasn’t no female about Kev. This time it was exactly who I’ve been waiting on “Mr. Yummy.” Finally. I wanted to scream but i jus smiled. I waited a few minutes before i opened it. I couldn’t look like i saw it right away. After twenty minutes i opened his message and He was messaging about a post i put up about not being able to sleep. If i knew that’s all it took i would of did that post days ago. I always had sleepless nights. After venting about why we were up we started talking about how people lie so much. I knew a lot about liars and Kev helped me be an expert on that. Now that i found out that Mr. Yummy name is really Marcus. i was able to stop calling him that corny name i made up. I know if he knew he would appreciate it. I laughed to myself about it.

Marcus and i started getting real acquitted. We started going on dates and talking on the phone for hours at night. I was ready to see what his sex be like but i needed to play it cool before giving up my goody box. Don’t judge me a girl had her needs. I knew if i laid up against that warm vanilla ,fly as ever, and smooth face single sexy man i would throw this goody box all on his face and any where else he would allow me to devour. I cleared my head quickly when Kev walked back in our room. Whoever this chick was he was seeing definitely did me a favor by keeping him at her crib. It just gave Marcus and i more time to get to know each other. I started getting so wrapped up in Marcus that i didn’t even nag nor called Kev when he was missing. I started feeling bad a little about the thought of me not caring but that feeling didn’t last long once Marcus was around. Marcus was so smart and about his business. He had his own construction business and he knew exactly what he wanted out of life. He had no kids but he said he did want a family one day. Well once he found his wife. The sound of that turned me on since Kev never mentioned marriage to me. Marcus was a woman’s dream guy and i couldn’t believe he was single and interested in little oh me. Going back and fourth between men started being a headache. Lying to Kev about where i was and sometimes falling asleep at Marcus house. Things were becoming a lot of work. I started trying figure out how men cheat so long.

The side piece!!

Sitting at work and i couldn’t get Marcus off my mind. I was thinking bout the longest kiss we shared the other night. He wanted to have sex but i wasn’t ready for that. Although i was horny. Plus i wanted to keep him guessing as long as i could. Only if he knew i wanted his sex just as bad. Kev and I sex wasn’t as consistent as it use to be. So a nut didn’t sound bad at all. Since Kev wasn’t home much i was able to go to Marcus house a lot. I went mainly after work. Marcus lived about 30 minutes from my job and i took that drive faithfully now. I was so hype about going over his house ever since he said he had a surprise for me. I smiled inside thinking of all the possibilities of what it could possibly be. When i pulled up in the driveway, i saw Marcus outside ready to greet me with flowers. This man was a dream come true. “Close your eyes.” He said as i got out the car. Once i got inside he said “open up.” There it was a blanket in front of the fireplace with champagne and my favorite food and snacks. I was so impressed. I jumped on him giving him kisses all over that i almost forgot about the no sex act i was giving. Marcus twirled me around and said “baby you deserve the world and I’m going to give it to you.” I smiled and told him how amazing he was. After finishing up my amazing meal and champagne i begin to realize how late it was getting. I told Marcus i had to go because of work in the morning but he knew deep down inside i was rushing home just in case Kev was home. Marcus got quiet after i said i was going home. So, i asked “something wrong babe?” He grabbed my hand and said “ i want you to leave Kevin and be with me.” I couldn’t find myself to reply to him but i knew i had to soon. Right at that moment was not the right time though. I have to go.” I said. I walked so fast to my car without looking back. I felt Marcus watching me every step of the way. As i backed out his driveway i saw him standing with a blank face. I knew i wouldn’t see Marcus for a while in till i figured things out. Marcus is everything i want but leaving Kev is like asking the ocean to leave the beach. Kev was a piece of work but he was my piece of work. He was what i knew and who knew me. He wasn’t perfect but he always loved me. What have i gotten myself into?! I didn’t know what i was going to do but i knew i had to figure it out.

What’s Next!!

Marcus and Kev was in the back yard talking while drinking beers. I sat on the couch ease dropping. It was very childish of me but i really needed to see why he was here. Every time Kev walked passed me to the kitchen i just knew he was going to knock me to the floor. I thought Marcus would of been told on me but i couldn’t sit and just wait. I damn sure wasn’t going to tell on myself. So i called my home girl Ashley she always knew what to do. My girl was an expert in this department. Due to her always cheating on her dude. Ashley answered the phone fast like she knew i was in need. “Wassup girl? ” I can’t explain right now but get over here i need your company. Ashley quickly said “One way.” I loved that girl. I never had to question her loyalty and she always came to me with no questions asked. Ashley was tall and shaped like a wine glass. She had the figure of a celebrity. Every man turned they head when she walked by. She even had my eyes wonder sometimes but i would never step those boundaries with her. Although i know Kev would love if i bring her into our room the way we did with other woman. Ash was my best friend and i wouldn’t dare watch the love my life sex her down. That could and would never happen although when I’m drunk i Fantasize about eating her cookie like a snack before bed. I hurried up in interrupted that thought before i got moist. “Angie!” Ashley yelled as i was zoned out. My bad Girl thanks for coming. No problem you my girl i will always show up. So what’s the emergency. Look outside i said ! Ashley bout fell over. What he doing here Ang! Girl, my guess as good as yours. I need you to tell me what I’m going to do and help me stay calm. I got you girl but when Kev come in here wilding out. I’m going have to pull out “Pinky.” We both laughed nervously. Pinky was Ashley Pink handgun. That girl been trigger happy since she got that gun permit. Girl you know Kev not crazy enough to do anything to me. He know I’ll shoot his ass myself. She rolled her eyes cause she know my love for Kev stand in the way of anything dealing with Kev. The guys came in and grabbed more beers. Bae, Marcus and I about to head out. Ok! I replied needing time to think of a plan while they gone. Ash was in the corner looking Marcus up & down with a smirk. When they left out Ashley said “Damn he fine girl.” I laughed and said “he is and that’s why I’m in trouble now!”Ash and I sat on the couch thinking of all ways to get me out of the bull shit i put myself in. She suggested i tell Kev to make him jealous and possibility show him I’ll leave him. I knew that would never work so there was no way i would tell on myself. Ash didn’t care for Kev because of how he treated me. All her plans were ways to hurt him. I thought Ash was going to help but her messy self was more concerned about me just continue cheating. That girl was something else and if i did anything she said i would be a hoe. I loved my girl but she was way over her head when she wanted revenge. Ash never cared bout no man feelings. She was more of a “it is what it is” person. I never ever saw her in her feelings. She moved on faster then the dude cheating. She told me “he snooze, he lose.” She stood by that. I wish i could of been that hard to figure out with my feelings but i was an open book. I cared way more then i should about a lot of things. Ash didn’t help about Marcus but she definitely help keep me calm by giving all her funny crazy ideas.

Next day

I called Marcus because i realized if I wanted answers i had to ask the source. He didn’t answer. So, I drove to Marcus house immediately after work. I nearly fell in while Marcus opened the door before i could even knock. “Finally, your sexy ass back.” Marcus, please. Let me go ahead and be straight forward “ What the hell were you doing at my house.” Kev invited me to talk about some things. Stop playing around tell me. Laughing uncontrollably. What’s so funny? I asked. “You funny.” I didn’t tell him anything if that’s what your thinking. No, I want to know how you know him. I won’t tell you that but just know i won’t snitch on you. I just stared at him and i believed him. Although i knew he could be trouble i wanted to taste him one good time before i cut him off. Who was i fooling. Marcus was so sexy to me. Marcus must knew what i was thinking because he kissed me quickly before i could even stop him. Before i could even think to stop myself i was naked on the couch with his head between my legs eating me like his last supper. Once he inserted his long thick smooth pretty penis in me I was soaking wet. He put his soft mouth on every hole my body offered. He had my body twisted like a pretzel in every position. It felt so good i forgot all about being mad , Kev, and that i was not single. Every moment with Marcus was better then every moment with Kev. Now what was i going to do?! I just got myself in a sticky situation more. How could i fall for my side piece?!


I have been going crazy since Marcus showed up at my house and the fact that he been knowing Kev just not sitting right with me. I still didn’t call nor see Marcus since he was in my home. Staying home and catering to Kev have been my main priority lately. He still been missing some nights but I couldn’t see myself getting caught cheating. I know Kev be cheating on me but I love him. I started reminiscing about when Kev and I first met. It was a cold winter night & Kev was wearing a big horse on his shirt with his name on the back a custom Ralph Lauren. He had on fresh wheat Tims and a fitted. My pussy got wet just thinking about it. I loved a man that can dress and let’s not forget the gangsta attitude he had. Everything about Kev was sexy to me. So sexy that i felt no man can ever compete. If Kev just stopped cheating he would be the perfect guy. Well, only if a perfect guy exist. I think with men you should take what you can because they all come with flaws. Just have to figure out which flaw you going to deal with. All though i don’t want to deal with cheating. I couldn’t seem to get over Kevin. Kevin had me dickmatized. That’s the word my home girls and I used when we were sprung. I couldn’t imagine giving another woman the life i worked so hard to manage with him. I just believed Kev would change one day.

The truth!!

I couldn’t stop thinking about my night with Marcus. He was amazing in every way and who i deserved. All what Kev put me through. I definitely deserved a man that treated me like a queen. I believe Marcus was that guy. He would respect and love me correctly without hurting me first an expecting me to “ride.” I laid in my empty King bed thinking of my pros and cons of my two men. I smiled at the sweet revenge i was finally getting. I love Kevin but why can’t i have my cake and eat it too jus like him. I smelled Kev cooking and decided to go see why he felt boyfriend material today. I was shocked to have him home and up early. I wanted to be with Marcus but my heart wouldn’t let go of Kev. That man really have a hold on me. No matter how he treated me I let the history keep me. I got to the corner of the kitchen and stood there.

He was making all my favorites. I was trying to remember if it was some sort of holiday but it wasn’t. Kev was dancing to music and wearing nothing but his apron. His apron read “Kissed the cook” i bought it for him for grilling. I watched him smiling and admiring the love of my life. I started regretting all my thoughts and feeling bad that i cheated the day before. I told myself quickly I’ll never do that again because it really wasn’t my style, and i decided i really should try to make things work with Kev. That revenge started weighing on me. Kev caught me watching and said “Good morning beautiful.” He kissed me and told me to have a seat. I asked what’s the special occasion? He said my love for you. I smiled and said well i love your love. We laughed and kissed again. Kev placed my breakfast and a package in front of me with a bow on it. “What’s this?” Just open it he replied. I opened the package and i couldn’t believe my eyes. Kev built us a house and it was the deed to the house and land. He said i know I’ve been out lately and you probably been thinking I’m out cheating. I told you baby i was done with all that shit. So I’ve been out with Marcus my contractor building our home. Marcus was over here the other day bringing me the deed. I had it at his crib because i didn’t want your nosey self to find it. I was lost for words. Also, babe i have one more thing. I stared at Kev with tears in my eyes and i said “what else babe?” Kev got on one knee and said would you spend the rest of your life with me Angie Michelle? I couldn’t believe my ears. I waited for this moment our whole relationship and with no hesitation i said “Yes!”


About the Creator

Doni B

I love writing. It’s my true passion.

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    Doni BWritten by Doni B

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