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Train Travel from Delhi to Chennai

A Hilarious Journey

By MARIMUTHUPublished about a year ago 4 min read

It was a hot summer day in Delhi, and I was excitedly making my way to Chennai to attend a friend's wedding. Having heard stories about the long and tiring journey, I had made sure to pack plenty of books, snacks, and other forms of entertainment to help pass the time. Little did I know that this journey would be anything but ordinary.

As I boarded the train, I was greeted by a strange sight. The train was filled with people carrying huge bags, boxes, and even livestock. There were goats, chickens, and even a few cows. It was as if I had stumbled upon a mobile farm. I tried my best to ignore the chaos and settled into my seat, hoping for a peaceful journey.

But the peace was short-lived. As the train left the station, I heard loud music blaring from the next compartment. It was a group of college students who had boarded the train with their musical instruments. They were playing songs at full volume, completely oblivious to the discomfort of the other passengers. The cacophony continued for hours, and I began to wonder if I would ever get any sleep.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I felt a sudden jolt, and the train screeched to a halt. The passengers were all murmuring amongst themselves, and I could sense a feeling of unease in the air. As it turned out, one of the cows had managed to escape from its enclosure and was now blocking the tracks. The driver and the railway officials were trying their best to shoo it away, but the stubborn animal refused to budge.

As time passed, the frustration and impatience of the passengers began to grow. But the cow seemed to be enjoying the attention, and it was in no hurry to move. Finally, after an hour of waiting, the cow was coaxed away from the tracks, and the train resumed its journey. But the troubles didn't end there.

I suddenly felt a tickle on my leg, and upon closer inspection, I realized that there were ants crawling all over my seat. I tried to brush them off, but they seemed to be everywhere. It was as if the entire ant colony had decided to set up camp on my seat.

As I frantically looked for a solution, a savior arrived in the form of an old man selling snacks. He took one look at my predicament and handed me a pack of chips. "Put these on your seat, son," he said, "the ants won't come near them." And just like that, my ant problem was solved.

As the train journeyed on, I met a variety of interesting characters. There was a family of four who had brought their entire kitchen with them, complete with pots, pans, and even a gas stove. They were cooking up a storm, and the delicious aromas wafting through the air made me regret not packing any food of my own.

Then there was a group of friends who were on their way to a college reunion. They had brought a deck of cards and were playing non-stop, the sound of their laughter echoing through the carriage.

But perhaps the most interesting passenger was a magician who had boarded the train at one of the stations. He was dressed in a sparkling suit, and his hair was slicked back with gel. He went from compartment to compartment, entertaining the passengers with his tricks. He pulled coins out of ears, made cards disappear, and even produced a live dove out of thin air.

As the hours passed, the train began to feel more and more like a circus. The college students were still playing their instruments,Finally, after a long and tiring journey, they arrived at Chennai Central Railway Station. As they stepped out of the train, they were greeted by the humid air of Chennai. Raj was relieved that they had finally made it and looked forward to enjoying their vacation.

As they were walking out of the station, they were stopped by a man who introduced himself as a travel agent. He offered to take them to their hotel and arrange for their sightseeing tours. Raj was skeptical at first, but the man seemed trustworthy and his offer was reasonable. They decided to take his offer and followed him to his car.

However, as they were driving to their hotel, Raj began to feel uneasy. He realized that the travel agent was taking them on a longer route than necessary. The roads were deserted, and there were no other cars in sight. Suddenly, the car came to a screeching halt, and the travel agent turned around to face them. He had an evil grin on his face, and his eyes looked sinister.

Raj and his wife were terrified and tried to open the car doors, but they were locked. The travel agent pulled out a knife and demanded all their valuables. They handed over their wallets and jewelry, but the travel agent wasn't satisfied. He demanded more and threatened to harm them if they didn't comply.

Just when they thought all hope was lost, they heard the sound of police sirens. The travel agent panicked and fled from the scene, leaving them stranded in the middle of the road. The police arrived and took Raj and his wife to the station to file a complaint.

After the incident, Raj realized how fortunate they were to have made it out alive. He couldn't help but think about the kind-hearted stranger on the train who had saved their lives. He knew that it was more than just a coincidence and that the stranger was their guardian angel.

From that day on, Raj and his wife never took their safety for granted. They made sure to be cautious and vigilant during their travels. They also made it a point to always be kind and helpful to others, just like the stranger on the train had been to them. They knew that kindness and goodness would always prevail in the end.


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Meet Marimuthu, a skilled writer with a passion for storytelling. Follow marimuthu on Vocal Media for captivating stories and engaging insights.

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