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" To Smell Better "

Follow these steps

By TuānPublished about a year ago 3 min read
" Perfume is the art that makes memory Speak "

Here I have mentioned some points on “ How to make a perfume to reach its full potential ”

Never Apply fragrance to your clothing : When you apply fragrance on your dress, the fabric absorbs and cause marks to form on your clothing. I don’t know how many of us have noticed but I myself has noticed it many times. Fragrances are not to wear on your clothing but on your skin(body). When you apply it on your skin the heat of your body helps the fragrance to reach its full potential.

so, buying a costly fragrance and applying it on your dress doesn’t make sense. Because its just wasting your money that you don’t experience or feel the real potential of the fragrance.

"Therefore, always apply it on your skin."

Avoid rubbing after applying your fragrance : I have seen many, they apply their fragrance on the wrist they are used to rub their wrists. Don’t ever do that because rubbing causes the fragrance to evaporate faster. Rubbing your skin after applying fragrance can actually cause the scent to break down and become less effective. When you apply fragrance to your skin, the heat from your body helps to activate the scent, so rubbing it can actually cause the fragrance molecules to break down faster. Instead of rubbing, you should allow the fragrance to dry naturally on your skin. This will help the scent last longer and stay more true to the way it was intended to smell.

Generally, perfumes have 3 notes Top Notes, Heart Notes and Base Notes, these 3 notes are called as “ Fragrance Pyramid ”. This classification is based on the evaporation of the fragrance. So, when you rub these 3 notes won’t work properly, you can’t feel the true potential of the fragrance it will disappear soon.

Apply the fragrance to pulse points: Applying fragrance to pulse points is a good way to help the scent last longer on your body. Pulse points are areas of your body where blood vessels are close to the surface of your skin and where heat is emitted. These areas include your wrists, neck, behind your ears, and inner elbows. Applying fragrance to these areas can help the scent last longer because the heat from your pulse will help to diffuse the scent throughout the day. You can also apply fragrance to other areas of your body, such as your chest or behind your knees, to help the scent last even longer. Just be sure to avoid over-applying, as too much fragrance can be overwhelming to those around you.

Just have a fragrance: Most of us used to use some gas-based perfumes so called body sprays do not last long. The fragrance you buy should worth your money so always try to buy an effective cologne fragrance that is going to make you unique in your gang.

Remember, a strong and pleasant scent is a strongest emotion this strongest emotion helps you to induce good memories, positive thought process in those around you. When you wear a good fragrant it creates a positive impact about you on the person who smells it. They will remember you well.You can even attract someone you like with a fragrance, One way to find a fragrance that works for you is to experiment with different types and see which ones you like best. Some people prefer floral scents, while others prefer woody or spicy fragrances. You could also consider your own personal preferences and choose a fragrance that reflects your personality or style. Additionally, you may want to consider the occasion or setting in which you will be wearing the fragrance, as certain fragrances may be more suitable for formal events or casual occasions.

So, invest on a good fragrance you won’t regret it.

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A free Soul flying around to find the Motive of Life

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