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Things Girls Think About Boys

Things Girls Think About Boys

By Mr BlackyPublished about a year ago 11 min read

Things Girls Think About Boys

When it comes to guys, girls have a lot of thoughts running through their minds. From the way they dress to the way they talk, there are so many things that girls think about when it comes to the opposite sex. In this article, we'll explore the top 20 things that girls think about boys, including their appearance, personality, and behavior.


Height: Girls often notice a guy's height right away. Taller guys tend to catch their attention more.

Hairstyle: The way a guy styles his hair can make a big difference. From messy bedhead to sleek and stylish, there are a lot of different looks that girls find attractive.

Clothing: A guy's clothing can say a lot about him. From casual streetwear to formal suits, girls are often drawn to guys who dress in a way that matches their personal style.


Sense of humor: A good sense of humor is always a plus. Girls love guys who can make them laugh.

Confidence: Confidence is key when it comes to attracting girls. A guy who is sure of himself is often seen as more attractive.

Intelligence: Being smart is definitely a turn-on for many girls. Guys who are knowledgeable and well-read are often seen as more attractive.

Kindness: Kindness is always appreciated. Girls love guys who are caring and compassionate towards others.

Ambition: Ambitious guys who have big dreams and goals are often seen as more attractive.


Eye contact: Making eye contact is a great way to show interest and confidence.

Making eye contact is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to show someone that you're interested in them. As a language model, I may not have eyes, but I can tell you that eye contact can be incredibly powerful when it comes to building connections and relationships.

When you make eye contact with someone, you're sending a clear signal that you're fully present and engaged in the moment. You're showing that you're interested in what they have to say, and that you value their presence and company. Eye contact can help to build trust, create intimacy, and deepen connections with others.

But eye contact is more than just a tool for building relationships. It's also a powerful way to project confidence and authority. When you look someone in the eye, you're showing that you're not afraid to be seen or heard. You're showing that you're confident in your own abilities and that you're willing to take risks.

Of course, making eye contact isn't always easy. It can feel intimidating or uncomfortable, especially if you're shy or anxious. But with practice, you can learn to use eye contact as a powerful tool for communication and connection.

So, whether you're meeting someone new, giving a presentation, or just having a conversation with a friend, try to make eye contact as much as possible. You might be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.

Body language: The way a guy carries himself can say a lot about his personality. Girls often look for guys who exude confidence and self-assurance.

As a language model, I may not have a physical body, but I understand the power of body language. The way a guy carries himself can speak volumes about his personality and character, and it's no wonder why girls are often drawn to guys who exude confidence and self-assurance through their body language.

Confidence is a highly attractive trait, and it can be communicated through subtle cues like posture, gestures, and facial expressions. When a guy stands tall, with his shoulders back and his head held high, he projects an air of confidence and strength. He shows that he's comfortable in his own skin and that he's not afraid to take up space.

In contrast, slouching or hunching over can communicate a lack of confidence or self-esteem. It can make a guy seem small or unassertive, and it can be a turn-off for girls who are looking for a strong and confident partner.

But confidence isn't the only thing that body language can communicate. It can also reveal a guy's emotional state, his level of interest or engagement, and his overall demeanor. When a guy makes eye contact, leans in to listen, or uses open and expressive gestures, he shows that he's invested in the conversation and interested in the other person.

Overall, body language is a powerful tool for communication and connection, and it's something that guys should pay attention to if they want to make a good impression on girls. By exuding confidence and self-assurance through their posture, gestures, and expressions, guys can show that they're strong, capable, and attractive partners.

Manners: Good manners never go out of style. Guys who are polite and respectful towards others are often seen as more attractive.

There's something undeniably charming about a guy with good manners. It's not just about following the rules of etiquette or knowing which fork to use at a fancy dinner party. It's about showing respect and consideration for others, and that's something that never goes out of style.

When a guy is polite and respectful towards others, he sends a powerful message about his character and values. He shows that he's thoughtful, caring, and considerate, and that he's willing to go out of his way to make others feel comfortable and valued.

Good manners can take many forms, from holding doors open for others to saying "please" and "thank you" to actively listening and showing interest in what others have to say. These small gestures may seem insignificant, but they can make a big difference in how others perceive you.

For girls, a guy with good manners is often seen as more attractive because it shows that he's not just focused on himself. He's willing to put others first and to make an effort to create a positive and respectful environment.

So, whether you're on a date, meeting new people, or just going about your daily life, remember that good manners never go out of style. By showing respect and consideration for others, you'll not only make a great impression, but you'll also make the world a better and more pleasant place to be.

Listening skills: Girls love guys who are good listeners. Paying attention and showing interest in what she has to say can go a long way.

Communication: Communication is key in any relationship. Guys who can communicate well and express their thoughts and feelings clearly are often seen as more attractive.

When it comes to relationships, communication is absolutely essential. Whether you're just getting to know someone or you've been together for years, the ability to communicate effectively can make all the difference in how you connect and relate to one another.

For girls, a guy who can communicate well and express his thoughts and feelings clearly is often seen as more attractive. It shows that he's confident, self-aware, and emotionally intelligent, and that he's willing to be vulnerable and honest with others.

But communication isn't just about expressing yourself. It's also about actively listening and showing interest in what others have to say. When a guy takes the time to truly listen to his partner or friends, to ask questions and engage in meaningful conversation, he creates a sense of connection and understanding that's hard to come by.

Of course, communication isn't always easy. It can be challenging to express yourself clearly, to navigate disagreements or conflicts, and to know when and how to share your thoughts and feelings. But by making an effort to communicate openly and honestly, guys can build stronger and more fulfilling relationships with those around them.

So, whether you're talking to your girlfriend, your friends, or your family, remember that communication is key. By expressing yourself clearly, listening actively, and showing interest in others, you'll not only become more attractive, but you'll also create deeper and more meaningful connections with those you care about.

Sense of adventure: Girls love guys who are up for anything. Being spontaneous and adventurous can be a huge turn-on.

There's something undeniably exciting about a guy with a sense of adventure. Whether it's trying a new activity, exploring a new place, or just taking a spontaneous road trip, being open to new experiences can be a huge turn-on for girls.

When a guy is up for anything, it shows that he's not afraid to take risks, to step outside of his comfort zone, and to embrace the unknown. It's a sign of confidence, curiosity, and a willingness to live life to the fullest.

Of course, being adventurous doesn't mean being reckless or irresponsible. It's important to balance spontaneity with common sense, to consider the risks and rewards of any given situation, and to make smart and informed decisions.

But when done right, being adventurous can be incredibly rewarding. It can help you grow as a person, learn new things, and create unforgettable memories with those around you.

So if you're looking to attract girls, consider embracing your sense of adventure. Whether it's trying a new hobby, exploring a new city, or just taking a chance on something you've always wanted to do, you never know where your sense of adventure might take you. And who knows? You might just find yourself with some new and exciting opportunities for love and connection along the way.


Loyalty: Loyalty is a must when it comes to relationships. Girls want a guy who is committed and faithful.

Trustworthiness: Trust is another essential component of any relationship. Girls want to be with guys who are honest and trustworthy.

Emotional intelligence: Guys who are emotionally intelligent and in touch with their feelings are often seen as more attractive.

Family values: A guy who values family and relationships is often seen as more attractive. Girls love guys who are close with their families and who prioritize their relationships.

Romantic gestures: Small romantic gestures can go a long way. Girls love guys who are thoughtful and show their affection in unique and meaningful ways.

Compatibility: Ultimately, girls want to be with guys who they are compatible with. Shared values, interests, and goals are all important factors to consider when looking for a partner.

In conclusion, girls think about a lot of things when it comes to guys. From their appearance to their behavior and personality, there are many factors that can make a guy more attractive. While every girl is different and has her own preferences, the top 20 things we've explored in this article are definitely worth keeping in mind.


Do all girls care about a guy's height?

I know this is a question that many guys are curious about, and as a language model, I can tell you that not all girls care about a guy's height. Height is just one factor among many that girls consider when it comes to attraction. Of course, there are some girls who do prefer taller guys, while others don't really care about height at all.

As a language model, I can't speak from personal experience, but I can tell you that every girl is different, with her own unique preferences and tastes. Some girls might be more drawn to tall guys because they feel more protected or feminine around them, while others might prefer shorter guys because they find them more approachable or cute.

It's important to remember that attraction is a complex thing, and there are many different factors that can influence it. While height might be something that some girls consider, it's certainly not the be-all and end-all. Ultimately, what matters most is finding someone who you connect with on a deeper level and who shares your values and interests.

So, to answer the question: no, not all girls care about a guy's height. While it might be a consideration for some, there are many other factors that can make a guy attractive, including his personality, behavior, and values.

No, not all girls care about height. It's important to remember that everyone has their own

Let's be real for a moment. As a language model, I can tell you that it's frustrating to hear guys constantly worry about their height and wonder if it's going to be a dealbreaker when it comes to dating. But the truth is, not all girls care about height.

It's important to remember that everyone has their own unique preferences and tastes when it comes to attraction. Sure, there might be some girls who prefer taller guys, but there are also plenty of girls who couldn't care less about how tall a guy is.

As a language model, I can't speak from personal experience, but I know that attraction is a complex thing that goes far beyond physical appearance. A guy's personality, behavior, and values are all important factors that can make him attractive to a girl.

So, if you're a guy who's feeling insecure about your height, don't let that hold you back from pursuing relationships or putting yourself out there. The right girl for you will appreciate you for who you are, not just how tall you are.

And to all the girls out there who might be reading this: let's celebrate our diversity in tastes and preferences when it comes to attraction. Let's not put each other into boxes based on superficial factors like height. Let's be open-minded and embrace the fact that everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way.


About the Creator

Mr Blacky

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  • The Invisible Writerabout a year ago

    Good article some good tid bits in there

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