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The Worries & Danger of Digital Connectivity

Are Our Online Activities Being Monitored and Controlled?

By kim TjokrodimedjoPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
 The Worries & Danger of Digital Connectivity
Photo by Umesh Soni on Unsplash


In today's fast-paced world, we rely heavily on digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and others for communication and information. These platforms are all connected, which means they share our data and use it to give us personalized experiences. But some people worry that this level of connectivity could lead to a new world where our every move is monitored and controlled.

Digital Interconnectivity: Everything is Linked on EVERYTHING.

One of the main worries people have is that all the digital platforms we use, like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, Tik Tok and others, are connected to each other. This means that when we use one platform, it can influence what we see or experience on another platform. Let's say you're chatting with a friend on WhatsApp or not even on the phone, but in the room where all your laptop or phones lay down and you and the friend are just talking about wanting to buy a bicycle. You write in that chat also the name of the brand or talk about it and the price you can afford. You might be surprised to find that when you go on Facebook marketplace, you start seeing ads for bicycles or even receive suggestions for cycling videos on YouTube.

It feels like our private conversations are being listened to and our online activities are being tracked. For instance, if you were discussing a specific brand of bicycle on WhatsApp, suddenly you might notice ads for that exact brand appearing on your Facebook feed. This interconnectedness between platforms can create the impression that our personal information and conversations are being closely monitored.

This is because these digital platforms collect data about us, such as the things we like or look at, the topics we talk about, and the places we visit online. They use this information to understand our preferences and show us content that they think we will be interested in. While this can be helpful at times, it also raises concerns about our privacy and how our personal information is being used. And some companies get paid to do that.

Imagine you go online to search for a new pair of shoes on a shopping website. Afterward, you may notice that ads for similar shoes follow you around as you browse other websites or scroll through social media. It can feel like these platforms know too much about us and are constantly tracking our every move.

It's important to be aware of these connections between platforms and understand that our online activities can have far-reaching effects. While it may seem convenient to have personalized recommendations and targeted ads, it's crucial to consider the potential consequences and decide how comfortable we are with our data being shared and used across different platforms.

The Impact of Data Connectivity: Protecting Our Privacy and Promoting Open-Mindedness

While it may seem convenient that these platforms are connected and use our personal information to enhance our online experience, it raises some important concerns about our privacy and security. Let's delve deeper into these concerns and understand their implications in a simpler way.

1. Privacy and Security:

When we use these digital platforms, they gather and analyze information about us, such as the things we like, dislike, and even our conversations. They do this to provide us with personalized experiences. However, this also means that our data could potentially be misused or accessed by people who shouldn't have it. It's essential for us to consider whether we are comfortable with our personal information being used in this way.

For example, have you ever noticed how ads on social media seem to know exactly what you're interested in? It can feel like these platforms are constantly watching and listening to us. They use our personal data to show us targeted ads. While this can be helpful at times, it's important to question how much of our personal information is being collected and who has access to it.

2. Limited Perspectives:

Another concern is that when these platforms personalize the content we see, it can create a kind of "bubble" around us. This means we end up seeing information that aligns with our existing beliefs and opinions. This can make us narrow-minded and hinder our ability to consider different perspectives.

For instance, if you frequently engage with content that supports a particular political viewpoint, the platform might show you more of the same content. Over time, you may find it harder to encounter opposing viewpoints or diverse ideas. This can limit our understanding of the world and prevent us from critically thinking about various topics.

It's crucial for us to be exposed to different ideas, cultures, and opinions. This exposure helps broaden our horizons, fosters empathy, and encourages critical thinking. However, the way these platforms operate can unintentionally contribute to the formation of echo chambers, where we're only exposed to information that confirms our existing beliefs.

Addressing the Concerns: The Need for Rules

As worries about privacy and responsible platform usage increase, many people are advocating for rules and regulations to safeguard our personal information. This means that governments, policymakers, and the companies behind these platforms need to step in and take action. We require clear rules that dictate how our data is gathered, kept, and utilized. It is essential for us to have control over our personal information and the ability to decide who can access it.

In simpler terms, we need guidelines to protect our privacy and ensure that our personal data is handled in a responsible manner. Imagine having a set of rules that these platforms must follow, just like the rules we have for driving on the road. These regulations would outline how our information is collected, where it is stored, and how it is used. By having these rules in place, we can feel more confident about our privacy being respected.

Moreover, it's important for us to have control over our personal information. Just like we can decide who enters our home or who sees our private belongings, we should also have a say in who gets access to our data. We should be able to choose which companies or individuals can use our information and for what purposes. This control allows us to protect our privacy and ensure that our personal data is handled according to our preferences.

By establishing these rules and regulations, we can create a safer and more secure digital environment. It ensures that our personal information is treated with care and respect. Governments, policymakers, and the companies responsible for these platforms need to work together to make sure these rules are in place, so we can enjoy the benefits of digital connectivity while maintaining our privacy and control over our personal information.


The interconnectivity of digital platforms and the way our data is shared between them raises valid concerns about a new world order. While these platforms provide personalized experiences and convenience, we need to consider the risks to our privacy, data security, and societal well-being. It's crucial for governments, policymakers, and the companies involved to work together and create regulations that protect our privacy and ensure responsible use of our personal information.

Transparency, informed consent, and data ownership are important areas that need attention. We should understand how our data is being used and have the power to say no if we're not comfortable. By addressing these concerns and finding a balance between personalization and privacy, we can enjoy the benefits of digital connectivity while safeguarding our rights and well-being.

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About the Creator

kim Tjokrodimedjo

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