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true relationship.

By Balaji KPublished about a year ago 9 min read
photo by true friendships

The love of friendship, also known as platonic love, is a type of love that is characterized by affection, warmth, and deep connection between two individuals who share a bond of mutual respect, trust, and understanding. Unlike romantic love, which is typically associated with passion and sexual attraction, the love of friendship is non-sexual in nature and based on emotional intimacy, loyalty, and companionship.

Friendship love is often considered one of the most important types of love because it provides us with a sense of belonging, support, and comfort. Friends can be there for each other in times of need, celebrate each other's successes, and provide a safe space to share thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Friendship love can take many forms, from childhood friendships to lifelong companionships. It can also be found in a variety of settings, including school, work, hobbies, and social clubs. Regardless of the context, the love of friendship is a powerful force that can enrich our lives and help us grow as individuals.

Affection :

Affection is a positive emotion or feeling of fondness, tenderness, and care towards someone or something. It is a way of expressing love, warmth, and kindness through physical and emotional gestures. Affection can be expressed in different ways such as hugging, kissing, holding hands, or simply through words of affirmation and compliments.

Affection is a basic human need, and it plays an important role in building and maintaining healthy relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. It helps us to feel loved, valued, and appreciated, and it also strengthens the emotional bond between people.

Affection can also have many health benefits. Studies have shown that physical touch and affection can reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system. In romantic relationships, affectionate behavior can increase feelings of intimacy and sexual satisfaction.

Overall, affection is an important aspect of human connection and can bring joy, comfort, and happiness into our lives.

warmth :

Warmth refers to a feeling of kindness, friendliness, and emotional closeness towards others. It is often conveyed through nonverbal cues such as a smile, a hug, or a gentle touch, as well as through verbal expressions of empathy, understanding, and support.

Warmth is an important component of human relationships, particularly in social interactions. When people feel warmth towards each other, they are more likely to be open, honest, and vulnerable, which can lead to deeper connections and stronger bonds. Warmth also creates a positive emotional atmosphere, which can contribute to a sense of well-being and happiness.

Warmth can be expressed in many ways, such as through acts of kindness, positive body language, and a willingness to listen and offer support. It is particularly important in close relationships, such as friendships, romantic partnerships, and family relationships, where it can foster intimacy and trust.

Overall, warmth is a powerful emotion that can help to build and maintain healthy relationships, foster positive interactions with others, and contribute to a sense of emotional well-being.

deep connection between two individuals:

A deep connection between two individuals refers to a strong emotional bond that exists between them. It is a feeling of closeness and understanding that goes beyond surface-level interactions and superficial connections.

Deep connections can be formed in many different types of relationships, including romantic relationships, friendships, and familial relationships. They are characterized by mutual trust, respect, and empathy, as well as a willingness to share personal thoughts and feelings with each other.

In a deep connection, people feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, and they are able to communicate openly and honestly with each other. They are also able to support each other through challenging times, and celebrate each other's successes and accomplishments.

Deep connections can take time and effort to develop, but they are important for emotional well-being and can lead to greater satisfaction in relationships. When two individuals have a deep connection, they are able to form a strong foundation of trust and understanding, which can help to sustain the relationship over time.

bond of mutual respect :

A bond of mutual respect refers to a relationship where both individuals hold each other in high regard and treat each other with dignity and consideration. Mutual respect is a fundamental element of healthy relationships, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and professional relationships.

When two people have a bond of mutual respect, they value each other's opinions, feelings, and boundaries. They communicate openly and honestly with each other, and they are willing to listen to each other's perspectives, even if they disagree. They also avoid belittling or disrespecting each other, and they strive to treat each other with kindness and empathy.

A bond of mutual respect is important because it fosters a sense of trust and emotional safety in relationships. When people feel respected, they are more likely to feel comfortable being vulnerable and sharing their thoughts and feelings with each other. They are also more likely to form deeper connections and enjoy more satisfying relationships.

Overall, a bond of mutual respect is a crucial component of healthy relationships, and it is important for both individuals to prioritize and actively work to maintain it.


Trust is a fundamental component of healthy relationships and refers to the belief that another person is reliable, honest, and has our best interests in mind. When we trust someone, we have confidence in their abilities and intentions, and we feel secure in the relationship.

Trust can be built over time through consistent actions that demonstrate honesty, reliability, and accountability. For example, when someone consistently keeps their promises, follows through on commitments, and communicates openly and honestly, it can help to build trust in a relationship.

In contrast, when trust is broken, it can be challenging to rebuild. Betrayals, such as lying, cheating, or breaking promises, can erode trust and cause significant emotional pain. It takes time, effort, and consistent action to rebuild trust after it has been broken.

Trust is important in all types of relationships, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and professional relationships. It allows people to feel secure and confident in their relationships, and it fosters a sense of emotional safety and intimacy.

Overall, trust is an essential component of healthy relationships, and it requires ongoing effort and commitment to maintain. It is important to prioritize trust in our relationships and to communicate openly and honestly to build and maintain it over time.


Understanding refers to the ability to comprehend and empathize with another person's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It involves actively listening to and acknowledging the perspectives and emotions of others, even if we do not agree with them.

In relationships, understanding is important because it helps to foster emotional connection, empathy, and compassion. When we take the time to understand another person's experiences and emotions, we are more likely to build deeper connections and more meaningful relationships.

Understanding can be demonstrated in many ways, such as through active listening, asking questions, and showing empathy and support. It requires us to be open-minded, non-judgmental, and willing to see things from someone else's point of view.

In contrast, a lack of understanding can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and distance in relationships. When we fail to understand someone else's perspectives, it can lead to frustration, anger, and hurt feelings.

Overall, understanding is an important component of healthy relationships, and it requires ongoing effort and commitment to maintain. It is important to actively listen, be open-minded, and show empathy and support in our relationships to foster deeper connections and a greater sense of emotional intimacy.

based on emotional intimacy:

Emotional intimacy refers to the close, personal connection that exists between individuals in a relationship. It involves sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences with each other in a way that fosters mutual trust, respect, and understanding.

When a relationship is based on emotional intimacy, individuals feel comfortable being vulnerable and expressing their innermost thoughts and emotions with each other. They are able to communicate openly and honestly, and they feel heard and understood. Emotional intimacy can be found in all types of relationships, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and familial relationships.

Emotional intimacy is important because it fosters a deeper connection between individuals, which can lead to greater satisfaction in relationships. When individuals feel emotionally intimate with each other, they are more likely to experience feelings of love, happiness, and contentment. Emotional intimacy also helps to build resilience in relationships, as individuals are better able to navigate challenges and conflicts when they feel emotionally supported by each other.

In contrast, a lack of emotional intimacy can lead to feelings of loneliness, disconnection, and dissatisfaction in relationships. It is important to prioritize emotional intimacy in relationships and to actively work to maintain it through open communication, empathy, and vulnerability.

Overall, emotional intimacy is a crucial component of healthy relationships, and it requires ongoing effort and commitment to maintain. When individuals prioritize emotional intimacy in their relationships, they are more likely to experience deeper connections, greater satisfaction, and a greater sense of emotional well-being.

loyalty :

​Loyalty refers to a sense of commitment, faithfulness, or devotion to a person, organization, idea, or cause. It is the act of being steadfast in one's support, dedication, and allegiance to someone or something. Loyalty can be displayed in many ways, such as through consistent behavior, reliable performance, and unwavering support.

In personal relationships, loyalty can be demonstrated by being faithful to one's partner, standing by them during difficult times, and supporting their goals and dreams. In the context of business, loyalty can manifest through customer loyalty programs, employee retention programs, and long-term partnerships between companies.

Loyalty can also be a double-edged sword, as blind loyalty can lead to supporting someone or something even when it goes against one's own values or beliefs. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance between loyalty and critical thinking, so that one can stay true to their values and beliefs while still being supportive and committed to others


Companionship refers to the state of being with someone who provides social support, emotional comfort, and a sense of belonging. It is the feeling of having a close relationship with someone who is supportive, understanding, and enjoyable to be around. Companionship can be found in various forms, such as friendships, romantic relationships, family relationships, and even relationships with pets.

Human beings are social creatures and we thrive on having meaningful connections with others. Companionship plays a vital role in our emotional well-being, as it provides a sense of security, reduces feelings of loneliness, and can even improve our physical health.

Companionship can be built through shared experiences, common interests, and mutual respect. It requires trust, honesty, and open communication. A good companion is someone who is there for you during both the good times and the bad, who can provide a listening ear, and who can offer support and encouragement when needed.

Overall, companionship is an essential aspect of human life, and having strong connections with others can greatly enhance our quality of life.

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About the Creator

Balaji K

I have a unique perspective and life experience that can provide valuable insights and information to others. By sharing my thoughts, ideas, and expertise, I can inspire and educate people from all walks of life.

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  • shravankumar Cabout a year ago

    Nice article on different types of human bonding. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Swetha Kumarabout a year ago

    Good content...✨

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