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The Last Man Standing

Pleasure and Pain.

By Hairaat YakubPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

On Earth, there are actually 3.8 billion women.

Men were over 3.9 billion.

And now you are the only one there, and your phone won't stop ringing.

Is this a dream of any sort? A jail or a paradise in a major way. One morning, you awaken to discover that half the world's population has vanished. However, they didn't just vanish without a trace. Just the boys—the crew, the chaps, the guys, the bros—are no longer there in a big way. We don't particularly know what specifically happened to them or where they went, but we can say that your concerns are more pressing than who you're going to drink a beer with and watch football with. First, generally, comes the sadness. The girls come next, which is quite significant.

Repopulation really is the next crucial consideration, or so they thought. Do you feel up to it? It may be great to be mostly in charge of repopulating the earth, one girl at a time. But in practice, it requires a lot of effort. Male sperm counts have been declining in America and Europe since 1973. No one really understands why, although a lot of experts think that stress, alcohol, smoking, and pollution are likely culprits. You, the pretty last man on Earth, would generally be expected to essentially do everything it takes to increase his fertility in order to actually restore the human species in a big way. You should exercise frequently and consume a lot of vitamin D if you want to increase your testosterone levels. You would also need to consume more zinc and vitamin C, both of which are essential antioxidants for producing healthy sperm. Regarding alcohol, despite the fact that it may be a terrific social lubricant, due to the harmful effects it has on fertility, it won't help you get anybody pregnant.But if the thought of giving up alcohol particularly keeps you up at night, it won't help either because getting adequate sleep and lowering stress are equally crucial in a major way. But when half the planet and their father go missing all of a sudden and it's up to you to repopulate the planet, less stress is a large thing to specifically ask for! You definitely wouldn't get to spend time with any of the 3.8 billion pretty eligible bachelorettes, given the seriousness of the issue.

More likely, you would be placed in a fertility clinic for the purpose of efficiency. And even if you rely on a closed door, everyone will still be aware of what you are doing inside. They don't need to know your technique, though, eh? You might want to think about purchasing a VPN, assuming that the internet, for all intents and purposes, is still sort of functional. So that no one can see which websites you visit or access any of your personal information, a virtual private network masks your IP address and encrypts all of your data. You might particularly be asking yourself, "Why do I need a VPN if I'm definitely the last man on Earth?" at this point. Well, you won't be asking that when you suddenly start receiving messages from millions of women who are now aware of everything about you, even where you buy your underwear! Naturally, you don't need to worry for the most part about it really occurring, as there will never be just one guy remaining on Earth.

However, data indicates that there was only one guy for every 17 women about 6,000 years ago because of climatic or biological reasons that, for all intents and purposes, appeared to have had a bigger influence on the male population, contrary to popular belief. For all intents and purposes, in more recent instances, conflicts have been the primary cause of the gender gap that exists between men and women. Scientists predict that in the worst-case scenario, we would require a mixture of 98 healthy men and women in order to create a population that, for the most part, is stable and free from inbreeding. Of course, avoiding the issue entirely is the simplest solution. Let's better protect our ecosystem and stop any major ecological catastrophes. Let's favor peace over conflict, which is fairly significant.


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