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Who You Calling Stubborn?

By Christy MunsonPublished 3 years ago Updated 4 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Uriel Soberanes on Unsplash

I’m not moving.

I am fierce. I am defiant. And I am stubborn. I arrive at decision-making with a fairness and an openness to hear all sides. When the decision is made, I will not budge just to appease you.

I will out wait you and outwit you. Unless you make it worth my time, I’m staying put until I decide to shift my focus.

Taking my time is not my problem; don’t make it yours. I am lightning if I have to be, and a train once I'm in motion.

I prefer to move at my own pace. To make my own way.

Don't think you can entice me. I have no interest or tolerance for bribes. The cash I have I prefer to earn. And cannot be bought or swayed.

If you want something from me, your offer better not insult. And I do not haggle. I'm more than happy to walk away.

If you give me reason to, I’ll listen. I'll do the work. But never lie to me or you'll soon see we're over.

If you want me to move, put something I want in my sights or else be prepared to wait a long, long time. I have mastered strategic patience.

I am slow to anger, but if pushed to rage, there's no place left on the continent that can save you.

You don’t want me as your enemy.

I forgive. But I never forget.


I see you. I haven't told you that, so you think I've not noticed. But you're mistaken. I see a lot. Maybe I even everything.

But hear me when I tell you, I see without judgment.

I’m an expert at peeling back masks to see hidden layers. We're all complicated creatives, so I learned to read a person through and through. When it's my business, I interrogate until there’s nothing left to ask, nothing left to prove, nothing to hide.

If it's my business, there is nothing I won't track to the ends of the earth, if it holds my interests. I'm a bulldog with a bone. But that makes me loyal, too, to everyone who earns it. If you are my friend, there’s nothing I won’t do for you. (Except murder, treason, or tax evasion.)

Please understand I do not travel well with others. It's not about you. I need my space. I've been told I can be a bit gruff in shops. I’m better off with time alone.

I am also happy staying home. I've made my retreat exactly as I want it. And if I let you in, you've earned it. You are everything to me. You are sublime and sacred, and one of the five or six people on the earth who I let in. With you, I am unvarnished. What you see is what you get. And I am so worthy of your love because I will put your first always, every time.

I love deeply. Deep as the veins that run through this earth.

The world is full of enormous pleasures and I will have my fill. Even to my own detriment. I am decadence, so come enjoy.

I will not look back on life never having lived. I will live out loud, and put my own stamp on it. You’ll want to be around when I climb the reefs or jump from planes or taste the king’s meal for him. I’m never boring.

I am sensual and passionate. I’m into textures. My hands need their release. I see the beauty in the world and am always seeking more of it. There’s very little I won’t try, at least once, even if it might kill me. Adventure’s always calling me.

I exercise my body because health is life. I live for anything that keeps me moving. I'm always chasing my own personal milestones at whatever pace I want.

Some people even get that I’m hilarious — but others find that idea kind of funny. It surely has to due to my dry wit. You either get it, or you don’t.


I am one with the earth. To my core. This planet is worthy of defending. In truth, nothing else matters more.

There are so many pleasures and treasures everywhere: Water, metal, fire, wood, soil, air. I take them as they are and reinvent them with my hands. If I’m not creating, I'm dying.

I create as naturally as I draw breath, and I share my passions generously. If you ask me to, I’ll teach you too. It would be my pleasure and my honor.


I’m happiest when working as part of a team -- a strong, well intentioned, capable team. I’m the most determined throughput person you’ll ever work with.

I’m ridiculously competitive. And even more so with myself than I am with others. What drives me is the quest to satisfy my hunger and curiosity. Intuitive and inquisitive are my just nature.

There’s no rock I won’t turn over. And if that means I’m a know-it-all, I'm fine with that. Education is the reason I am here. And sharing that hard earned insight is only human.


I’m a watchdog on the prowl to keep us safe. If you’re mine, I’d risk my life for yours. You'll never have to ask me to. It’s what I do.

You might find me standoffish, or even mistake me for lazy, because you cannot begin to see what’s going on inside. There are layers upon layers upon layers happening here. I just don't feel the need to show you because it isn't about you.

Give me reason to trust you and you'll discover for yourself, I'm no player.


Oh, and I dare you to touch my horns. I’m not the devil or anything, if that's what you're thinking.


About the Creator

Christy Munson

My words expose what I find real and worth exploring.

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    Christy MunsonWritten by Christy Munson

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