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Rihanna Inviting Johnny Depp to the Savage+Fenty Show is Actually a Good Thing

But naturally, media won't admit it.

By GabiPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read

When Johnny Depp took the stand back in April, he expressed how he "lost nothing short of everything" when he was falsely accused of domestic abuse. Every day and every time he tries to move on with his life, like clockwork, the internet doesn't fail to prove him right.

Since it was announced and confirmed that Johnny Depp would make an appearance in Rihanna's SavageXFenty special, the internet (mostly Twitter) has been throwing a tantrum. Now, one would imagine that people would be happy over the fact that a survivor of domestic violence is supporting another high profile figure who also suffered domestic abuse at the hands of his wife but alas, here we are.

No, because in true social media fashion, some have instead decided that they were somehow entitled to question a woman who survived violence herself and her intentions while others, have outright stated that she "should've been abused more". Sure, because nothing says feminism like yelling at a woman for not thinking the same way as you.

Now here's the thing, she's not the only woman who has had to endure this type of bullying. There's been Lindsay Lohan, Ashley Benson, and even his own daughter Lily Rose who was bullied into taking down a photo on Instagram where she stated her support. There was even Britney Spears who simply posted a quote from Depp to her Instagram only to then have people yell at her to delete it. The same people who were rallying for her to gain control of her social media were now actively teaming up like bullies in a playground to control what a grown woman wanted to post to her account, and screaming how her dad should've abused her more. Quel feminism.

See, all I'm hearing from these individuals is, "these women need to be taught a lesson". Yelling and threatening to beat others into compliance because they can't handle other women thinking for themselves and having a different opinion. They're actually saying that these women should've been abused and emotionally tortured more than they were because what they endured was nothing and they needed to be shown just how "bad it could be." THIS is misogyny and this is the "feminist" movement mass media is uplifting. If that doesn't make you feel sick to your stomach, you're part of the problem. Now, holding an abusive woman accountable for her actions? THAT'S equality.

Let's also not forget that while on the stand, Amber Heard used a quote from Rihanna talking about her own abuse. Now one can imagine, Rihanna was very likely, not thrilled.

It's not only random accounts either, no because we also have low moral-based "journalists" sounding off on the topic and saying things like this:

I'm no expert but I would say that when those allegations are proven to be false, then no, it shouldn't ruin men's lives. What I'm gathering here is that this individual from Rolling Stone believes that facts and evidence don't matter and what should only be taken into account is the word of a woman, and one who has a criminal record for abusing an ex partner, no less. It doesn't matter that a man proved through an actual mountain of evidence that he was a victim because he's a man and she's a woman and there's no way that's possible.

Or an actual Stanford professor spewing disgusting stuff like this:

Of course, like clockwork, these same people like to bring up the UK trial but the thing is, they're actually confused by what that trial was even about.

That was a libel case against The Sun, a UK rag that is known to write blatant lies and who have dedicated actual pages to rating women's breasts. That trial had a judge who was heavily connected to the rag, ignored all of Johnny's evidence, believed that amber donated her 7 million dollar divorce settlement to charity (she admitted in Virginia that she didn't. She also proved to not understand the definition of pledged and donated). Judge Nicol suspiciously retired right after that specific trial. Oh and, this one's my favourite, he actually wrote that there was no way she could've thrown a can of Redbull because "she doesn't drink Redbull" and because she was *checks notes* "wearing pyjamas."

via deppdive pg.80 point.377

That trial was in no way fair and it was stated as much by Judge Azcarate.

via deppdive pg.5

It didn't prove anything other than the fact that tabloids can write whatever they want without repercussions which is dangerous territory.

So while people on Twitter and so-called journalists want to sit behind their screens and act as though they're entitled to mock, bully and say the most vile things about Rihanna all in an attempt to tear down a successful black woman for the sake of a self-admitted abusive white woman, maybe what they should be doing is taking a moment to really consider why she would invite Johnny Depp on to her show. Maybe consider that it's because Rihanna recognised who the real abuser was in that relationship and is now wanting to uplift the actual victim who had 6 years of his life ruined by false allegations. Maybe, just maybe, it's time for them to take a dose of humility and admit they were wrong.

If you want to read more on this, you can check out my other articles below:

Johnny Depp's Loss, Is A Loss For Justice

People Need to Start Taking Johnny Depp's Allegations Against Amber Heard Seriously

Part 2: People Need To Start Taking Johnny Depp's Allegations Against Amber Heard Seriously

Part 3: People Need to Start Taking Johnny Depp's Allegations Against Amber Heard Seriously

Part 4: People Need To Start Taking Johnny Depp's Allegations Against Amber Heard Seriously

Part 5:People Need To Start Taking Johnny Depp's Allegations Against Amber Heard Seriously

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Always tired.

@gabelisabetta on Instagram

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