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One somewhere divided

heal the hurt inside.

By Lee NaylorPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Instead of pointing fingers we should be rising to the task. Before you tell another what you find so wrong with them, take a moment to wonder if the real problem isn't yours.

What is triggering you inside that you are holding on to. Take it out examine it and wonder. Let it go and forgive yourself for your own part in the toxicity. Shake hands and hug it out because we are all here and if we were one nobody could stop our growth.

We are not born to hate. We don't even know the word. Another thing they teach to keep us divided so they can keep control. The minute they thought they were holding control our worlds began to crumble and fall apart. You all don't see and it is so sad oh the hypocrasy.

Yes I like my guy, but there are reason for that score. He understands that we could be great and his puppet strings are attached to the darkness within. I fear the world without him. Which means that I still need to shine my light. It means there are some fears, some things I need to heal. It means that I need more work than before.

I see me in you and we all see things differently. We need to learn to listen to each other and understand our pain. We've all been down those roads we loved, avoiding all the potholes. Our heart have broken, our souls stretched so thin we knew they would tear. Our minds drawn into darkness so dark we didn't know if we were there.

We've all risen from something we never want to share. We hold a smile on our face and cry ourselves to sleep. We crave the touch of someone else, reassuring us that we are not alone. They want to keep us from each other they don't want us to find our strength.

I can't make you forgive and forget and I can't make you concede. I can only look inside myself and heal what I find there. I can be kind when you are hurting and I can help anyone that needs me. A shoulder or two to cry on and listening ear. Tell me all about it, the happiness and fear.

I'll keep on standing up for you and smiling through the pain. I'll keep on fighting by your side for equality and just, but you must also look inside and make sure that you are healing with the rest.

We tend to think it's okay for us to behave a certain way, as long as it's not the rest. We don't care what we hold there. We stand on something to make us taller and try to hide the lie. We point our fingers and say don't act like me I don't want the masses to see it. We glue our eyes to the nightly news and absorb everything they say. We even need the weather from the people there. If they say it will be sunny then that is what is there. Doesn't matter if it's raining, snowing or just plain drear. It's sunny because they said so on the news. I want it to be yesterday, you wish for more today. I wonder of tomorrow will my world finally open their eyes and see.

It takes love. It takes Unity. Please hurry, open your eyes and see. All we have to do is stand united and refuse to be told anymore. If we all stood together the way it's meant to be, and said that we choose love and kindness the darkness would have to melt.

They know we are evolving some to scared to see past their own insecurities. They know the darkest walls are crumbling becaue there has always been so much more. They can't hold it together forever as they had hoped so many times. Even earth is shaking free of the binds that are binding.

The Universe is shifting and the Earth is shaking the dust off it's sleeve. We've watched our world fall apart and the food we eat is poison. We work to pay our taxes and our relationships wither before our eyes. This is the life we live in because its the one we have chosen to stay in. I want more. I want the one I see in dreams with bluer skies and breezing in the Spring. A summer filled with BBQs and friends. Lazy days and naps a little longer.

Holidays that meant we slowed down and counted every blessing through the year. Doesn't matter what we've done or how we treated others through our day. Home ade cookies and treats by the score. Presents and twinkling lights.

Cards and kindness galore. The spirit in the air said lets all be kind right here right now. Celebrating each new moment that got us closer to life we thought we wanted. I want to go back to then and everyone else wants to move forward on the run.

Even I find that I have slowed, started looking for the light inside me once again. I used to be a ball of rage and took it out on everyone. Now I see a different world and it moves too fast for me. I want to fly my crazy attitude that doesn't mean no harm. Traffic doesn't bother me, your welcome to speed ahead.

I want to take my time and sing my favorite song. You can jump in line in front of me and I'll pause along my day. Maybe the second you'll save will make or break your day. Maybe if I let you in front me, you won't kill someone's mother as you rush to the next spot.

I'll give that person on the corner my last dollar, because I'll just bet that if they saw what I had It's exactly what they always wanted, and I'll bet what I have always wanted is what someone else doesn't think I could ever have.

It's a circle that keeps moving. Spinning endlessly. We are up and we are down, we contantly in motion. Evolving right before our eyes but being held in captivity. Don't you see we must find our light. Hold each others hands and Love in light. We must let go of the fear and cut the strings that bind us to the screens that tell us who to be.

We must unite in kindness finding our pure souls purpose in the air we breathe. Did you lift another person and help them on their way, or did you still feel better standing on their dreams and keeping them apart.

Let go of the separation. Let go of the hate we were taught. Open your eyes to the here and now and the breath we each breathe to relax. Concentrate on the sunshine and the pure foods we can find. Keep our frequency high and get back to a life that keeps us united and abundant year to year. We are the same. Learning and growing and moving down our path.

We each find different pot holes are hindering our way, keeping us from all the things we wanted to do with our day. We each see the world around us with a different color or glow. Some see fog keeping them from breathing while others can't wait for one more day.

We could see a thousand different worlds around us if we could see each others inner dreams and dialogues. We talk to our higher selves and think that it is us. Start to be the ovserver and watch around you as you go about your day. Did you smile at someone who needed to know they were seen?

Did you help feed someone less fortunate that you didn't realize were cold. When you cover your neighbor in a blanket and you help them to stay warm you may be fulfilling their only wish. When you hand someone that last dollar, to you it isn't anything but to them it may be water to help curb the thirst.

If we start to notice the pain of others and use kindness to spread the love, the light spreads right along with it and the darkness has no choice but heal. We are each a soul of light. Doesn't matter if we are good or bad. We are only what we haven't taken the time to heal.

Look inside and find your light and peek into your corners. Face the monsters that are hiding and let them know it's okay for them to be. Forgive yourself and others and just let everyone be.

Take my hand and come with me as we fly across the sky. Realize our dreams and love like there is no tomorrow. Forget that the past sure hurt and learn lessons from the things left there. Fly into a brand new world where all there is is love. No greed and fear and division of the one true light.


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