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Nobody Can Steal Your Peace Unless You Let Them

Especially Dumb Shits Hiding Behind Screens

By Jason ProvencioPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
If you have to hide behind fake profiles and a screen, you're pathetic. Get a life. Photo: Pixabay

Last night I was in the middle of my later-evening routine. I was enjoying some NBA preseason basketball, the Pelicans versus the Bulls. It was awesome to see Zion Williamson playing his first game in about a year and a half. I had Medium open and was reading and trying to answer a number of comments. I was having a good time.

Then I decided to check my Facebook, as it had been a while. I used to live on that damn website, so to go a couple of days without checking it out is saying a lot about how I feel toward social media, anymore. I still enjoy it due to a small circle of family and friends I like keeping up with. Then I noticed some new person leaving comments on a bunch of my recent posts.

I'm no stranger to negative, angry comments. I've reduced most of the ones I used to receive by blocking anyone who was posting ignorant, hateful, racist and bigoted posts. Yet a few have either stayed quiet on my page, resisting the urge to comment about my political or religious posts. Smart people. I have zero tolerance for that shit, and if I see it, you're out.

So some "guy" posted a number of comments on at least a dozen or so of my posts from the past month. We were not connected as friends, just some random person with an obviously fake, brand-new profile. It amazes me how so many people waste so much of their time creating fake profiles to comment about other people's own social media posts on THEIR page. Not the best use of one's time.

I've received a number of hateful, ignorant posts on Medium lately as well. Almost all have been different newer profiles with no posts of their own. Logic tells me that it's the same person who blasted all kinds of nonsense on my Facebook posts. Again, it's interesting that people will waste hours of time creating fake profiles and commenting about what an asshole you are.

People get so worked up by reading what's on their screen. Not this guy. I laugh. Photo:

I know who this person is. They made a couple of personal comments about things that lead me to believe that it's this same person who has done this off and on for over ten years. You read that last part correctly. TEN YEARS. You make a number of enemies like this when you've been on social media for 16 years and are outspoken about your beliefs.

So what's my crime in this equation? Evidently, this person doesn't care for liberals, at least ones like me who stand up for their beliefs. They don't like being called out for racism, bigotry, sexism, and homophobia. Well, tough fucking shit. I will always do that, any time I see fit.

They think I'm judging the entirety of the Republican party, and that's the laughable thing. I make it very clear in my writing that I have no issue with normal, rational GOP supporters. I do not think every member of the Republican party is dressing in white sheets and congregating in the woods around a big bonfire.

But to the ones who feel as though that sounds like a good time, yes I'm calling you out. For the Trumpanzees who spew hatred, racism, and bigotry, I'm absolutely calling all of you assholes out. If you feel that you should have the right to put others down for their religious beliefs that differ from yours, fuck you.

If you think being lighter-complected makes you better than a person of color, fuck you doubly. If you think women aren't smart enough to make their own reproductive rights choices and should be subjugated to men because they don't have a penis and a set of balls, go fuck yourself. This is not how the real world operates.

If you think the LGBTQ community is full of child molesters and people looking to sexualize children, get a clue and educate yourself. Ever seen a beauty pageant? A cheerleading squad? For you to think that gay people have the corner on pedophilia is disgusting and wrong. I will always speak out against anyone who judges any marginalized group of people unfairly.

Child beauty pageants need to go away. Straight people are often pedophiles, too. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

So when you speak out against any group of people's hypocrisy, ignorance, racism, and bigotry, it can make you a target. These people don't like being told that they are ignorant bastards. They don't want to hear that Donald Trump and his biggest supporters are truly horrible human beings. They've bought into all the ignorant drivel that Fox News spews on a daily basis.

Historically, I've debated these people online far too much. I've wasted countless hours answering them back, attempting to have a battle of wits with unarmed foes. I'm over it. I've mentioned my attempts to not engage with the lowest common denominators of society.

You are not required to participate in anyone's drama or bullshit, especially online. When someone takes the time to create fake profiles because they are cowards and refuse to stand behind the shitty, racist and bigoted words they want to type while harassing you, they truly become pathetic cowards.

Again, I have my part in all of this. I am very outspoken about the MAGA crowd and many of the hateful, conservative Christians. I appreciate and respect those who use their religious beliefs for good. The ones who don't judge and twist the bible around to support their shitty, hurtful agenda, I salute you.

I will never silence myself to coddle the racist bigots of the world. I also refuse to allow them to steal my peace. I'm not going to attempt to waste hours or even minutes defending my stance on politics or religion. Nor will I stop writing about either. You cannot quiet me and you will not steal even a minute of my peace.

It's quite simple to ignore and block these people. It's literally a push of a button. The people defending the worst attitudes and behaviors in our society do not want to learn. They want to shout and feel as though their racist, bigoted beliefs matter. They don't.

The famous Sweet Brown. Damn, I love this lady. Ain't nobody got time for your racism and shitty comments.

They do not want to engage in a friendly debate. They don't want us to know their true identity when they hide behind fake profiles on Facebook, Twitter, or Medium. They just want to start up drama and bullshit. Yeah, take it somewhere else. "Ain't nobody got time for that."

Not on my watch. Keep reading my blogs and leaving nasty comments. The best thing I can do is to keep blocking your new fake profiles and make you waste even more time creating new ones. I'll keep laughing at you while keeping my peace. I'm happy to play this game as long as you want to.

You cannot affect me negatively. I laugh when I read your pathetic comments and shitty views supporting Trumpism, racism, and bigotry. I will always have my peace because I am happy in life. I stand on the right side of history. I support equality. And I'm not hiding my identity while doing any of this. &:^)

advicehumanitypop culturesocial mediafriendship

About the Creator

Jason Provencio

78x Top Writer on Medium. I love blogging about family, politics, relationships, humor, and writing. Read my blog here! &:^)

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