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Natural Teeth

Ten Arguments for the Importance of Teeth

By Matheesha FernandoPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The teeth are a distinguishing physical trait of a person. Since our teeth are visible when we smile, many people invest a lot of time and money in enhancing them. Why are teeth such a big deal? Ten reasons follow:

Teeth enable you to consume a range of nutritious meals

Our diets would be highly restricted without teeth. The majority of the healthiest foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, need careful chewing. Some foods can be more challenging to chew even with just one missing teeth. You must rely on softer, more processed foods if you lose a few of teeth, or all of them. Dentists always recommend dental replacements like implants, bridges, or dentures because this leads to poor nutrition.

Your teeth affect your face’s shape

Your teeth lengthen your face and divide your two jawbones. Chewing strengthens the jawbone, maintaining the curve of your face. The stimulus provided by chewing is lessened when teeth are lost, which causes the jawbones to atrophy. Your face seems older and more sunken as a result.

Speech is impacted by teeth

Tooth loss or crooked teeth have consequences beyond only how we look and what we can eat. It also has an impact on speaking. A youngster is more likely to experience speech issues if their teeth are not properly positioned. Their tongue location and thus their ability to speak are impacted by crooked or irregular teeth. The development of their language may also be impacted if they lose a baby tooth too soon. One of the reasons dentists advise parents to teach their young children good oral hygiene is because of this.

How attractive you are perceived by others depends on your teeth

Researchers have looked into how our teeth and smiles impact our attractiveness. In one study, the color of a model's teeth was altered digitally, and the group was shown the changes. The group thought the model was less appealing as the model's teeth became more yellow. Yet, the group liked the woman better when she had white, natural teeth. According to research like this, scientists think that our grins have "ornamental" value. While we have white teeth, peacocks have multicolored feathers. With this information, it is understandable why teeth-whitening goods and services are so well-liked.

Your confidence is impacted by the state of your teeth

Everyone experiences some level of body image difficulty. The state of your teeth can cause a lot of anxiety. The American Dental Association found that 30% of children avoid smiling due to self-consciousness. For adults, that proportion is significantly larger. Your self-esteem can suffer significantly if you think your grin is unpleasant. Your self-assurance in social situations and at work may decline. People's confidence rises when they can afford aesthetic enhancements or have their teeth corrected.

Gum disease is caused by harmful germs on the teeth

Many types of bacteria live in our mouths. Some of it is unhealthy for us. Our gums are more susceptible to illness when bacteria accumulate on the teeth. Inflammation results from the immune system's activation. The early stage of gum disease is gingivitis. Gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, also referred to as gum disease, if the person doesn't modify their oral hygiene regimen. The tissue contracts an infection.

Gum disease is linked to diabetes and heart health

Periodontitis causes significant gum inflammation, which has an impact on the rest of the body. Gum disease makes it more difficult for diabetics to absorb their insulin medicine. This causes blood sugar levels to rise, which in turn causes mouth infections to get worse. There is apparently a connection between oral health and heart disease, however doctors are unsure of the specifics. Research do indicate that those with gum disease are more likely to experience cardiac issues.

Maternal dental health has an impact

Several hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy raise the risk of gingivitis. If this condition is not treated, it affects both the pregnant woman and the unborn child. Premature births and gingivitis are related, according to research. This is due to the possibility of dangerous microorganisms entering the uterus through the bloodstream.

Teeth and brain health are connected

There is a connection between oral and brain health, though researchers are still figuring out the specifics of the connection. The link between gum disease and Alzheimer's is one field of research. It's possible that specific oral germs pass via the bloodstream and reach the brain. Also, there is a connection between poor oral health and mental health conditions like depression. This may be the case since maintaining dental hygiene regimens might be difficult for individuals with mental health issues.

A masterpiece of evolution are teeth

The existing state of teeth did not suddenly appear. They are the end product of an evolution that lasted hundreds of millions of years. Experts believe that teeth arose from specialized fish scales based on fossil and genetic data. When teeth were healthy, they could survive a lifetime of gnawing without breaking as they grew stronger over time.

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Matheesha Fernando

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  • Johnson Isabellaabout a year ago

    very interesting bro 😊👍

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    Interesting article. Well done.

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