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Is He Shy OR Not Interested?

Let's Find Out..

By GracePublished about a year ago 3 min read

We have all been there. We are sitting there with a guy and he is acting weird. He is covering his face, acting distant, etc. You may have thought he just was not interested in you, but let's acknolwedge the fact that men get shy too.

Why are some men shy?

Well a lot of men were grown up that expressing your feelings was a sign of weakness and was frowned upon. Over time this has made men be very inward with any feelings of emotions. They could also have a traumatizing past, or they may just be an introvert naturally.

If a man is shy, he may not give off the proper signs that he is interested. So unless you just ask, you may never know. But, you may be wondering WHEN you should ask.

Let's go over some things that shy guys do when they are actually interested vs not. If you find that you resonate with over half of the 10 signs he is interested, he probably is and you should bring it up! Light-heartedly of course, you might scare him off ;)

10 Signs he is just shy, but is actually really digging you.

  1. He is looking your way, especially when you are not looking. If you find yourself looking over and find them looking, congrats, you caught them red handed.
  2. If he is acting nervous around you. This could be fidgeting, messing with his hair, mirroring your body language, etc this is good sign that his feelings for you makes him uncomfortable.
  3. He is considerate of your time and feelings. He is not going to do things that he knows would hurt you.
  4. He will remember little details about you and what you talk to him about. This is something you may notice over time. He may bring something up from last week you totally forgot about. He cared and likes you enough to remember that.
  5. He will ask questions, even if they may be awkward questions at first (LOL). This shows he is actually interested in getting to know more.
  6. He is full of smiles when he sees you and he just can't help it. When he is grinning, he will probably look away too because he doesn't want you to see how happy you make him.
  7. He may stutter or start tripping up on his words and actions because his brain is just so overwhelmed with how amazing you are!
  8. He volunteers to help you with things, even when you don't ask. He may even repeatedly try to help you just because he is interested in you.
  9. If he is not very talkative in person, but over text message opens up, he is defintley interested in you. He just needs to gain more confidence in himself.
  10. He may not flat out ask to meet your friends or family, but he definitley doesn't turn it down when you bring up going on a double date or out with a group of friends. Even if he is not a people person, he may atleast go just to see you for awhile.

5 Signs he is just not that interested in you.

  1. He is all chatty with everyone else, but it is like pulling teeth to get them to have a legitmate conversation with you.
  2. He doesn't even attempt conversation with you in person or text messages. This person is usually sitting at the table across from you silent, looking around at everything and everyone but you.
  3. He makes effort with making plans with others, but not you. It feels like you have to beg them to make plans with you.
  4. He is on his phone all the time around you, but is silent when you two are not together.
  5. He never looks your way, even when you are looking at him.


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