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13 Signs He Is Secretly Into You

Subtle Signs He Is Actually Into You

By GracePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Here are 13 signs that he is actually secretly into you.

Guys are weird sometimes and some men are scared of how much he likes you, some are scared to admit it, and some don't even realize they like you until they love you.

After the pandemic, more and more people have developed social anxiety especially around the person they are crushing on. So I am here to tell you and everyone else who may be curious if someone secretly likes them.

Alright let's jump into this these tell tale signs someone is secretly into you!

1. He look at you, smiles, than looks down or away. You will notice this especially when/if they ever walk up to your car and you both make eye contact. There face will almost light up and they will catch themselves grinning so they look down in embarrassment because they are secretly into you and does not want to give anything away.

2. He could call you pet names, but brush them off as jokingly.

3. He laughs at you like a lot. Even at stuff that is not really funny, they find funny. Even over text, you say something you didn't think was that funny but they start saying things like "You're so funny" "Laugh Emojis" "You're funny asl" you get the point, right?

4. The way they talk to you is different than how they talk to their friends and family. You will probably notice a softer tone compared to how they speak to others. Even their choice of language could change. For Example, if they are a person who curses a lot, they could try to keep that to a minimum around you.

5. They become overly chatty with you. You could notice that sometimes they just keep on talking and it could be because they are not sure what to say but they don't want their feelings to slip out so they feel the need to talk about everything else.

6. They linger when it is time for you two to depart ways. There could be some awkward silence between the both of you and then more pointless chattered just so they can be around you a little longer.

7. He will blush when he is around you. This could happen when they look up and you two meet eyes and their face will get all hot and red and that is usually when they look down.

8. Usually always available to meet you. And if they can't, they will automatically offer a different time to get together and they stick to that one.

9. He starts to mirror what you are doing. For example, if you brush your hair back, they could fidget with their hair shortly after.

10. Your presence makes them nervous. Even when you are not even doing nothing for them to be nervous, just being around you get them going. Things like tapping of the fingers or hands, biting nails, or even playing with his hair constantly.

11. His body language will tell a lot as well. Pay attention to his foot placement, as hopefully they are pointed towards you. They could be more relaxed around you and have their arms more relaxed and not so closed up.

12. You can feel it in your gut that he is into you. You get butterflies and anxious. You may notice they have been mirroring your own nervous habits this entire time.

13. Spiritual coach (if your into that) can give you a more clearer picture on this connection. A reading can tell you about their true feelings, intentions, and even possible future actions. If you would like a reading you can visit me over at Etsy.

These are clear signs that he is into you, the more you have, the more he is secretly into you. Hit all the signs? Maybe it's time for one of you to make the first move! :)


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Small town freelance blogger. Bringing you relationship and family content.

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