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Signs He's Probably Just NOT Interested Anymore

Stop ignoring the signs and live your best life!

By GracePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

10 Signs Your Partner Is No Longer Interested

We have all been there, hanging on to a hopeless relationship that we know there is no saving anymore. We have literally tried everything we can do to make things work and well, they just won't. It's okay, but at some point we have to really face that fact and move on so that we can find happiness within ourselves again. It is time to stop living in fear of what life will be like alone. That is the great adventure of this world; full of unknowns, but so many sunrises.

So today we are going to get straight to the signs that he is just not interested in continuing things with you. Remember that is okay, we don't grow when we are comfortable so pull up your boot straps and let's see these signs once and for all.

Here are the 10 Signs:

1. Reduced communication- Not because of work but purely choosing not to respond, even when you haven't seen each other in days.

2. Lack Of Intimacy- The spark that was once there is out and no matter how much you both try new things, nothing seems to be working. It is almost as if you both are out of sync.

3. Shorter Responses- This plays hand in hand with the reduced communication, but when he does reply, you will notice his responses are straight and too the point or so vague you just ignore it (or at least your should)

4. Always has something to do- and it's not you. No pun intended. Work days will become longer, new hobbies will start showing up that just so happen will not involve you in anyway, not telling you who he is going with, etc.

5. You can sense that he is being sneaky. It is your gut telling you to pay attention to the signs.

6. He keeps his phone on silent, in his pocket, and face down when it is out in the open, even when night. Like who puts an iPhone screen face down anyway?! Are they not scared their screen is going to crack? LOL! For real though...think about that.

7. He starts getting angry at you for asking questions and being nosy, when in fact, he is just looking for a way to start an argument for an excuse to leave.

8. He no longer really appears to care about what you have to say. This could show up as you bringing something up and they make it about them. And then they have the audacity to kind of just run with an entire new conversation about themselves and their day. (Don't confuse this with narcissism.) Also, if they used to ask how your day was and no longer does, that is a sign they don't really care about what you have to say.

9. Going to bed early or super late- This could be going to bed out of any ordinary time consistently, for no medical reason. This is a clear sign that they may just be trying to be on opposite times of you but still keep that overlap there so it's not 100% obvious.

10. Continually cancelling plans or date nights for something else. Or they could even cancel and not even tell you why. Those 2 go hand in hand most times in situations like these.

Now please do not let these signs get to you if you know you are in a stable committed relationship. Every couple will go through dry spells & ups and downs, but it is important when to know when to walk away even after seeking help for the issues.


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Small town freelance blogger. Bringing you relationship and family content.

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