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How to Move On From a Breakup

The Road to Recovery: Empowering Yourself to Move On From a Breakup

By Timeless Siren SecretsPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Would you enter a relationship if you knew it wouldn't last?

Many of us, if given a crystal ball, would gaze into the final days of a love affair and decide to end the relationship.

There's no point in falling in love if it's going to end in disaster.

Or is there?

Breakups are, of course, undesirable. Divorce is far more painful.

You may feel depression, anxiety, insomnia, skin flare-ups, aches and pains, drastic weight loss or gain, or illness.

According to a cardiologist, those who had just broken up had a higher incidence of heart attacks.

Breaking up can literally break your heart.

But have breakups gotten a bad rap?

Is it true that the only relationships worth having are those that last forever?

The University of Minnesota's Ty Tashiro and Patricia Frazier argue that we have ignored the possibilities of obtaining "positive life changes following relationship breakups."

In a 2003 study of heartbroken students, researchers discovered evidence that breakups boosted personal growth, particularly among women.

If it’s too soon to stomach the idea that a breakup could be a good thing, this article is not for you. Go watch this video instead.

Has this ever happened to you or someone you know?

You ended your relationship with someone you genuinely liked.

You launched a drive to become a "new you," determined to show him that he made a tremendous mistake by letting you go.

You began a fitness routine, bought new clothes, and crammed your schedule with social activities.

Even if your ex haunted you at times, you forced yourself to focus on the future and your great life ahead.

You refused to let him make you sad any more.

It's very possible that the new life you've built for yourself is superior to the old one in every aspect.

That is, the split was not a bad thing, but rather a good thing.

Breaking up with someone may improve your life.

It's easy to overlook that not all relationships have a positive impact on your life in the breakups=bad and relationships=good equation.

He might not be the best influence

Even if you love someone and value his presence in your life, he may not be the best influence.

Having a companion who spends his free time eating pizza, drinking beer, and watching television might have an influence on your health if you choose to participate in such activities.

A companion who is constantly angry or upset might add to your stress.

Your relationship may also have an impact on whether or not you follow your dreams.

If he believes your job aspirations are silly or unrealistic, or that going back to school is a waste of money, you may put your dreams on hold.

It's difficult to recognize how your partner's choice affects your life until the relationship ends and you're free again.

As frightening as being alone might be, being alone allows you to rediscover who you are.

The Bright Side

Part of the trick to getting over a breakup is rediscovering yourself.

You can eat anything you want, listen to whatever music you want, and watch whatever you want on television, even if no one else does.

You may use your leisure time anyway you like. You don't have to change for anybody.

It's no surprise that Tashiro and Frazier discovered that women grow so much following a breakup.

Relationships, no matter how lovely they seem, may be confining. Finding oneself single again may be a liberating experience.

Breakups may not be the devil that everyone portrays them to be.

Perhaps breakups are the wisest teachers.

You may even argue that it's worth entering a relationship that doesn't continue because of the self-knowledge you'll receive.

Even if you had a crystal ball, would you still say yes to those relationships that ended badly?

Can you think of any advantages you gained from the breakup that you would not have gotten any other way?

Single Again?

Breakups do not always destroy your life. Some breakups change your life forever.

So, if you've found yourself alone again, take advantage of the opportunity to learn everything you can about yourself, your tastes, and the type of relationship you want next.

By the way, falling in love with someone fresh is one of the finest methods to get over a breakup.

A relationship that makes your heart sing is the best cure for a broken heart.

To help you, I'd like to share a little secret.

It’s a secret about the way men think.

As a dating and relationship counselor, James Bauer put this one basic principle to the test with thousands of women who wanted to reclaim a man's love or make a connection with someone new.

He made a short movie to explain what he discovered and why it can help women get the relationship they crave.

Here's the link to watch the video now, which has the power to change your luck with men forever.



About the Creator

Timeless Siren Secrets

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Irresistible to Men and Cultivating Confidence in Relationships

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